Holistic Evangelism in Tete Province, Mozambique - March 2024

Read the update below from Trustee Berry Long on the current work of the Independent Presbyterian Church of Mozambique:

“We are grateful for The Outreach Foundation’s partnership with our Holistic Evangelism Project and the support of Sebber Banda and Rev. Carlos Faquione. Sebber and Carlos are doing a wonderful job of leading our project, and I thank the Lord for the talents and dedication of these amazing servant leaders.

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Nile Theological College (Bob & Kristi Rice) - March 2024

Read this wonderful update written by our friends Bob and Kristi Rice. They write…

Dear friends,

Last week our network of facilitators for the Healing Hearts, Transforming Nations (HHTN) workshop gathered to share how we saw God at work through the workshops in 2023 and to pray together for God’s work of healing and reconciliation in South Sudan. As I (Kristi) looked around the room of people who have been trained within the last couple of years I was humbled and grateful for the gift of working together in pursuit of helping people to know and experience the true life that Jesus came to give us. Several people shared about the deep divisions and mistrust that they encountered between clans or communities, or even within families. But in each workshop, they saw evidence of the Holy Spirit bringing freedom and healing from those wounds and divisions and enabling people to forgive as they looked deeply at the love and forgiveness of God

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Evangelical Theological Seminary in Cairo - March 2024

Dr. Samuel Rozfy visited with numerous partners during his most recent trip to the United States, January 26-February 6. He began his visit with a stop in Hendersonville, Tennessee, visiting the Community Church of Hendersonville. Community Church is a new ministry partner, currently funding a MAT scholarship. Don and Ann Crittenden joined him as he attended the ECO National Gathering in Greenville, South Carolina. His host for the event was the Eastminister Church in Marrietta, Georgia.

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Presbyterian Church of Rwanda - March 2024 Update

Stu Ross, Africa Mission Specialist for The Outreach Foundation, and his wife Annie were recently hosted by Rev. Dr. Pascal Bataringaya, President of the Presbyterian Church of Rwanda (EPR). During Stu’s visit, they were able to see three churches in the region. Gakenke Parish Church was the first they visited. This church has been closed for two years because it cannot meet the government standards for electricity and working toilets. Rev. Pascal noted that getting this church opened was a main priority. Money will be donated, and the church should be finished in the next several months.

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Musalaha in Israel and Palestine - March 2024

Hiba Allati, Project Manager with Musalaha, updates us on what they are currently going through in the Middle East. Read excerpts from her story below:

Israeli Military raids were a part of the reality I grew up in as a little girl in the West Bank during the Second Intifada. Today, these life-interrupting events continue to traumatize families and seem to be getting worse.

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Safehouse Ministries - March 2024

The Outreach Foundation has been fueling Christ’s mission among the Persian-speaking community that lives in diaspora and Iran. We have developed several trusted partners and each year we are able to visit them in Europe and Turkey where they are providing incredible life-transforming ministry among Muslims and first-generation Muslim Background Believers. The following stories highlight the work of Safehouse, based in The Netherlands, under the direction of Dariush. 

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The Philemon Project Grow Center - February 2024

The Philemon Project GROW Centers in Beirut, Lebanon are expanding with the “Grow2” buildout of a new center. By God’s grace, the buildout is progressing very well. Their contractor has a great team in place, and they are working diligently to get everything ready for a hopeful summer 2024 opening. Robert Hamd, Executive Director of the Philemon Project, shares a video tour of the new site which he visited in January. You can view the tour by clicking here.

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PAK Mission Society - February 2024 Update

Rev. Dr. Tom Boone, Associate Director for Mission with The Outreach Foundation, sits down for an interview with Meerab Din, Women’s Empowerment Officer for PAK Mission Society, talking about the work she is doing with women in Pakistan. Meerab speaks about the way in which God is moving through her work with PAK Mission Society, in this wonderful update from our partner in Pakistan. If you would like to see the extended version of the interview with Meerab, please click here.

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Sharing the Gospel in Pakistan through Social Media: A PAK 7 Story

Forbes (June 2022 and July, 2021) cited recent studies on the increasing state of anger in human society globally, noting that people tend to click on links that contain even violent expressions of anger. We emphasize that point above the others because “clicking” on links is one of the primary social media metrics that indicate interest. It’s like that fish that nibbles on the bait and ultimately, we hope, will take it hook, line, and sinker.

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Together for the Family — January 2024 Update

Together for the Family cares for Syrian refugees through ministries including baby care for new mothers, medical and dental clinics, and educational classes for children. Executive Director Izdihar Kassis recently shared this news:

• In response to the 6.4 magnitude earthquake in February 2023, we set up three schools and classrooms in the affected areas to provide educational and psychological support to 61 students. This program will continue through 2024.

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Pakistan Christian Recording Ministries — January 2024 Update

The Outreach Foundation is pleased to announce that on December 14 our partner Pakistan Christian Recording Ministries welcomed a new director, Reverend Akash Emmanuel! Outreach Executive Director Mark Mueller sent a congratulatory letter to Akash and the PCRM board. This is a significant transition as the next generation of Christian men and women begin to step into leadership roles in ministries throughout Pakistan. Rev. Emmanuel, a Presbyterian pastor from Faisalabad, will build on PCRM’s legacy of witness among the majority Muslim population in rural areas of Pakistan. Akash has been with PCRM as an assistant director for several years and has earned the trust of his board and the staff.

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Ukraine Appeal: Small Churches on the Frontline of Relief

A typical day in Eastern Ukraine lately is marked by the sounds of artillery shelling, drones, and even ballistic missiles striking their targets. By the hundreds, civilians and military alike are wounded or killed each week. Adding to this the weather is not as forgiving as last year. Winter has just started to settle in and already temperatures are reaching low 20s. Snow and frozen ground are building where shelter is scarce in war-torn cities. Combined this has created a context of decreasing morale and an increasing sense of isolation. This is precisely where the Ukrainian Evangelical Church is showing up.

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CCAP Zambia — Training Pastors at Chasefu Theological College

The Church of Central Africa Presbyterian (CCAP), Synod of Zambia was constituted in 1984 with four ordained ministers, six congregations, and two presbyteries. The church continues to preach the Gospel and provide education, clean drinking water, agricultural services, children's ministry, and many other services. Well-trained ministers are needed to keep these ministries going. Ministers were previously trained in Malawi but in 2007, the church started its own school, Chasefu Theological College, with 16 students.

With support from The Outreach Foundation, Chasefu provides training in diploma and certificate programs. More than 70 ministers have been educated and are currently serving in the CCAP Synod of Zambia, Harare-Zimbabwe, and Livingstonia-Malawi.

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The Presbyterian Church in Rwanda (EPR) — Construction of the Temple in Nyarutovu Parish

The Christians of Nyarutovu Parish are looking forward to having a new sanctuary for prayer and worship! According to them, God is responding to their prayers by financial support given through The Outreach Foundation. Church members continue to help with construction by hauling stones, sand, wood, etc. Paint, electricity, water, and installing doors, windows, and toilets are among the tasks needed to complete the church/temple.

Nyarutovu Parish is a good place for evangelization. This temple will help conduct this noble mission of God, evangelize many people for Jesus Christ, and tell many people about the kingdom of God.

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Bethlehem Bible College — We Wait in Hope

In our waiting and grief over our tremendous losses, sometimes we cannot help but cry out with the psalmist, “Relent, Lord! How long will it be? Have compassion on your servants. Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days” (Psalm 90:13-14). Our hearts long for the joy and gladness of Christmas and the celebration of our Lord and King. We do live daily in a deep reverence for the wonder that is the Christ Child, that He was given to us here, even in our hometown!

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Christmas Message from the Middle East Council of Churches and Department of Service to Palestinian Refugees

Their unwavering spirit fuels our determination to stand by them in their time of need.

Excerpts of a letter received from the Middle East Council of Churches and the Department of Service to Palestinian Refugees:

Our hearts ache to convey this message during what should be a season of joy and togetherness. Amid strife and sorrow, we reach out to you, dear partners supporters, and friends, with heavy hearts. This Christmas, our usual celebrations are shadowed by turmoil and the tragedy of Gaza.

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Israel/Lebanon/Palestine Emergency Relief Appeal — December 2023 Update

The Outreach Foundation has received a tremendous amount of support for the Israel/Lebanon/Palestine Emergency Relief Appeal. Here is the latest news received from two partners there — Nader Abou Amsha, Director of the Middle East Council of Churches Department of Service to Palestinian Refugees (DSPR), and the Rev. Joseph Kassab, long-time partner in Lebanon and moderator of the Synod of Syria and Lebanon: 

Middle East Council of Churches    
Unfortunately, we have lost another colleague to the war. She was killed along with her husband and child in an airstrike on their home. In a separate attack, we lost our Center in Al-Daraj — the entire building including the clinic, physiotherapy unit, pharmacy, and dentist clinic — just flattened to the ground.

We continue our work in Gaza. Here is a summary of that work, often conducted under fire:

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