Posts in Asia
Pakistan Christian Recording Ministries Update June 2024

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead” (1 Peter 1:3).

 In Pakistan, the Christian minority has faced increasing persecution recently. In May, The Outreach Foundation posted a prayer appeal rising from the violence against the Christian community in Sargodha. Yet the church in Pakistan continues to give voice to the hope that lives through Jesus Christ.

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PAK7 in Pakistan Update June 2024

Pakistan is among The Outreach Foundation's most challenging regions. It is a space of tremendous persecution against Christians, along with general economic and political instability. This leaves the Christian community isolated and fending for itself, where its voice often goes unheard. Who can help lift the witness of Jesus while persisting as a living vessel of the Lord in this difficult context? Enter PAK7.

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John McCall (PCUSA) Update May 2024

I am always amazed in Taiwan to hear the stories of new Christians. Only four to five percent of the population in Taiwan is Christian, so becoming a Christian here is no easy thing.

Most Taiwanese consider themselves Buddhists or Taoists, also worshipping traditional folk gods. These gods are people who did something heroic and then were deified. Traveling throughout Taiwan, you will see many temples full of different images of these folk gods. The most famous god here is Matsu, who was a young girl in southern China. One day, her father and brother were fishing in the sea when they encountered a strong typhoon. Matsu, knowing of their trouble in her dream, held onto them to save them. But her mother called her name and she unintentionally let go of her father, only having saved her brother. She became the goddess of fisherfolk and is now revered throughout Taiwan. She is often called the Holy Mother of Heaven.

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PAK Mission Society - February 2024 Update

Rev. Dr. Tom Boone, Associate Director for Mission with The Outreach Foundation, sits down for an interview with Meerab Din, Women’s Empowerment Officer for PAK Mission Society, talking about the work she is doing with women in Pakistan. Meerab speaks about the way in which God is moving through her work with PAK Mission Society, in this wonderful update from our partner in Pakistan. If you would like to see the extended version of the interview with Meerab, please click here.

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Sharing the Gospel in Pakistan through Social Media: A PAK 7 Story

Forbes (June 2022 and July, 2021) cited recent studies on the increasing state of anger in human society globally, noting that people tend to click on links that contain even violent expressions of anger. We emphasize that point above the others because “clicking” on links is one of the primary social media metrics that indicate interest. It’s like that fish that nibbles on the bait and ultimately, we hope, will take it hook, line, and sinker.

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Pakistan Christian Recording Ministries — January 2024 Update

The Outreach Foundation is pleased to announce that on December 14 our partner Pakistan Christian Recording Ministries welcomed a new director, Reverend Akash Emmanuel! Outreach Executive Director Mark Mueller sent a congratulatory letter to Akash and the PCRM board. This is a significant transition as the next generation of Christian men and women begin to step into leadership roles in ministries throughout Pakistan. Rev. Emmanuel, a Presbyterian pastor from Faisalabad, will build on PCRM’s legacy of witness among the majority Muslim population in rural areas of Pakistan. Akash has been with PCRM as an assistant director for several years and has earned the trust of his board and the staff.

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PEB Celebrates 25 Years of Denationalization of Schools!

December 2, 2023
9:00 AM PST/12:00 PM EST

Join Friends of the Presbyterian Education Board (PEB) for a "Zoom Party" in honor of 25 years since the denationalization of PEB schools in Pakistan. Connect with PEB's Executive Director Veda Gill and other staff members of PEB as they share stories and pictures of the past and dreams for the future. Please join us and meet other PEB supporters from all over the U.S.

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John McCall — November 2023 Update

For the past month, I have been on the road traveling to churches and conferences all over Taiwan. Thankfully, the transportation here is amazingly convenient.

Taiwan is a small island about the size of Delaware and Maryland combined, but running all the way down the center of the island are tall, rugged mountains. The west coast is mostly a huge megalopolis running from the capital Taipei to another large city in the south called Kaoshiung. In the 1960s, the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan started churches in areas that did not have churches, so now there is a church in almost every city neighborhood, town, and village.

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Presbyterian Education Board (PEB) — October 2023 Update

From November 10-18, The Outreach Foundation will be attending the 25th anniversary of “denationalization.” This marks the anniversary of when the government returned schools to the Presbyterian Education Board after decades aptly described as “the dark ages.” The work of PEB is a sacred work shining the light of God’s Word and bearing the hope of Jesus Christ into the lives of children and their families.

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China Partnership — Amity Printing Company

The Outreach Foundation has had a long-standing relationship with Amity Printing Company in China. Located on the outskirts of Nanjing, China, Amity Printing Company is a joint venture between the Amity Foundation and the United Bible Societies. The company was established in 1988 and prints Bibles for the world. Bibles have been sent to more than 140 countries and regions.  

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Pray for Partners in Pakistan

On Wednesday, August 17 a violent mob of around 7,000 people attacked 22 churches in a number of Christian homes in areas outside Faisalabad. This is an area in which our partners in Pakistan operate. Please hold our brothers and sisters in Pakistan in your prayers as they grieve over this attack, seek courage to face this challenging time, and as Muslim and Christian leaders work together to ease tensions.

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Lasting Friendship: Outreach Team Visits the Church in China

Hospitality and mutual exchanges of stories of God at work in China and the United States marked The Outreach Foundation’s first post-pandemic visit to the church in China. As we conclude our memorable time among friends who wish us God’s blessings and desire a deeper relationship with the church in America, we received the following official report from the National China Christian Council (CCC) office which hosted our visit. We look forward to sharing stories of our rich time in China with you soon!

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China Mission Update — Chinese in Diaspora: A Conversation with Chris

Praise the Lord! The Outreach Foundation has received permission to return to mainland China from July 22 - August 1! If the past few years have taught us anything, it is not to take anything for granted and as Paul wrote, “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (1 Thessalonians 5:16–18). Therefore, we are grateful and humbled that the Lord has opened the door for us to visit our friends in China and seek understanding on how we might serve the Kingdom of God along with them.

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Introducing our newest partner in Pakistan, PAK7!

PAK7 has national leadership with solid international oversight and wants to see God glorified and enjoyed in Pakistan, among Christians and the majority population. They do so through indigenous, strategic, and innovative methods involving children and adults testifying through professional television programming, music, and social media.

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John McCall — May 2023 Update

As I travel around Taiwan, and this year around the United States, I have been observing young people. We live in such an uncertain time with so many problems facing the world that I have been interested in how young people are coping.

We know the sobering statistic of the high rate of anxiety among young people. Global warming, the increasing disparity between those who have and those who have not, geopolitical tensions, and an uncertain economy all feed into this anxiety. The use of social media, instead of helping young people feel more connected, often leads to isolation and self-shaming.

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John McCall — March 2023 Update

Alang, of the Bunun tribe of Taiwan’s indigenous people, grew up in a village in the shadow of Mount Jade, the tallest mountain in Northeast Asia. He was the youngest in a large family and when he was in elementary school, his parents drank a lot. He often relied on older siblings for care. Then there was a spiritual revival in their village Presbyterian church, and his parents stopped drinking cold turkey. His father became an elder in that church, and Alang saw a dramatic change in his family.

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