Posts tagged Pakistan Christian Recording Ministries
Pakistan Christian Recording Ministries Update June 2024

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead” (1 Peter 1:3).

 In Pakistan, the Christian minority has faced increasing persecution recently. In May, The Outreach Foundation posted a prayer appeal rising from the violence against the Christian community in Sargodha. Yet the church in Pakistan continues to give voice to the hope that lives through Jesus Christ.

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Pakistan Christian Recording Ministries — January 2024 Update

The Outreach Foundation is pleased to announce that on December 14 our partner Pakistan Christian Recording Ministries welcomed a new director, Reverend Akash Emmanuel! Outreach Executive Director Mark Mueller sent a congratulatory letter to Akash and the PCRM board. This is a significant transition as the next generation of Christian men and women begin to step into leadership roles in ministries throughout Pakistan. Rev. Emmanuel, a Presbyterian pastor from Faisalabad, will build on PCRM’s legacy of witness among the majority Muslim population in rural areas of Pakistan. Akash has been with PCRM as an assistant director for several years and has earned the trust of his board and the staff.

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Pakistan Bible Correspondence School and Pakistan Christian Recording Ministries – October 2022 Update

Pakistan Bible Correspondence School
Ministry Essentials Training Program
In October, the Pakistan Bible Correspondence School launched the Ministry Essentials Training Program (METP). This program developed out of The Outreach Foundation’s visit in March 2022 as we learned about the leadership development needs of rural pastors.

Pakistan Christian Recording Ministries
Listeners’ Conference in Northern Pakistan
The Pakistan Christian Recording Ministries provides regular teachings about the Bible, God, and living as godly people caring for society, family, and creation. The audience numbers into the thousands across all of Pakistan.

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Pakistan Partnership

The Outreach Foundation’s Vision for Engagement in Pakistan

God is at work in many ways through various expressions of the church in Pakistan. Our intention is to provide congregations and donors with a clear understanding of the scope into which we sense the Holy Spirit calling The Outreach Foundation. This vision statement is born from over thirty years of engagement in Pakistan and especially our visit in Spring 2022. We seek to bring Christ-infused, transformative hope to Pakistanis. In so doing we will support a broad movement that strengthens Christ’s church, builds Christian faith, and changes attitudes between faith communities in Pakistan

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Presbyterian Education Board and Pakistan Christian Recording Ministries Update

The church in Pakistan holds a precious place in the heart of The Outreach Foundation. Out of all the countries where we show up, our Christian friends experience the greatest amount of persecution in Pakistan. Yet, they remain resilient and courageous and the witness of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior sings loudly. We are privileged to stand with them!

The Outreach Foundation is pleased to bring word from two of our dear friends in Pakistan, the Presbyterian Education Board, and Pakistan Christian Recording Ministries.

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Pakistan Christian Recording Ministries (PCRM) - March 2021 Update

PCRM is an interdenominational ministry reaching out to the people of Pakistan and neighboring countries with the message of the Gospel through Bible-centered audio and video programs via radio and social media. God gave the vision of the ministry to Rev. John W. Wilder in 1978. In 1982, a recording studio was built with the technical assistance of For East Broadcasting Association, UK which includes a recording room, music production hall, library, offices, and additional small studios.

In a 97% Muslim country with an estimated literacy rate of only 25%, radio, DVDs, and social media are the only ways many of Pakistan's 220 million can hear the message and learn about things they never heard before.

We are on the air every day with two thirty-minute programs on shortwave radio, local FM stations, and social media. Our programs incorporate general interest features/talks and four fifteen-minute Bible teaching programs i.e. Bible reading and discussion. Christian songs are aired on social media every week.

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Pakistan Christian Recording Ministries - May 2020 Update

Greetings in the most powerful and almighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ!

Even though we are facing a pandemic situation, COVID-19 is much more than a health crisis. This virus is stressing every one of the countries in the world, with the potential to create shocking social, economic and political crises that can leave deep wounds in the world. But in every situation I believe that God’s Word is amazingly relevant and is the source of hope, encouragement, and truth. We can turn to it in the midst of this pandemic and any hardship we will ever face.

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Pakistan Update - November 2018

In September I was privileged to travel to Pakistan with Rev. Richard Paddon, a retired pastor and member of my presbytery. Our host was the Rev. Dr. Majid Abel, Moderator of the Presbyterian Church of Pakistan and pastor of the Naukala Church whose guest quarters we occupied.

I remember, years ago, watching with amazement a 16mm film that told the story of how Dr. Norval Christy, a Presbyterian medical missionary at the historic Taxila Christian Hospital, pioneered a new surgical procedure for removing cataracts. Imagine being a missionary, or a pastor, or simply a follower of Jesus in a country of 212 million people where 2% are Christian.

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Pakistan Update - July 2017

In May Rob Weingartner, Executive Director, and Harris Cummings, a member at Western Hills Presbyterian Church in Raleigh, traveled to visit with partners in Pakistan. We left encouraged by their faithful service in Christ’s name in a very challenging and complex context.

At the Pakistan Christian Recording Ministries and Pakistan Bible Correspondence School in Faisalabad, we were warmly greeted by PCRM director Zahoor-Ul-Haq, PBCS executive secretary Rufan Rawar William, and their staffs. 

Each of these ministries’ main focus is on reaching the majority Muslim population, but as they do their work they are also strengthening the faith and discipleship of many who are Christians.

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