Posts in Africa
Dan and Elizbeth Turk (PCUSA) Update October 2024

Over 30 Years of Bearing Fruit in Madagascar

Dear Friends at The Outreach Foundation,

Greetings from Madagascar. It is hard to believe that The Outreach Foundation is already 45 years old! So much has been accomplished in that time to share the good news of Christ around the world. So many lives have been transformed and improved because of Outreach and its faithful staff, supporters, and partners.

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Tumaini/Huruma Children's Ministry Update June 2024

On my recent trip to Tumaini-Huruma Children’s Ministry in Nyeri, Kenya, I was able to visit with Tumaini-Huruma board members, worship with and visit the staff and children, while also discussing changes that have taken place at their homes since the last visit in July of 2023. Eighty-six children are in the Tumaini-Huruma Children’s Ministry with 59 of these children being reintegrated into the homes of their parents or guardians. Two social workers are making regular visits to the homes of these children, supplying them with needed food and personal items. These social workers, Ms. Falisa and Ms. Njoki, live at the Huruma home and are key to the reintegration program helping make functional homes for these kids to go back to.

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Dan and Elizabeth Turk (FJKM) Madagascar Update May 2024

Dear friends,

Greetings from Madagascar!

It is great to be back after being in the U.S. for more than five months visiting churches. We enjoyed visiting churches in nine states and reaching others via Zoom. We appreciate the Madagascar Mission Network for sponsoring a Zoom event last November. It was wonderful reconnecting. Highlights included participating in the Matthew 25 Summit at New Life Presbyterian Church in Atlanta, GA. We are sorry that we were unable to visit all of you supporting our mission in Madagascar; please let us know if you would like us to share at your church the next time we visit the U.S.

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Home of Hope in Zimbabwe Update May 2024

Long time Outreach partner Home of Hope Zimbabwe just sent word that Joan Trevelyan, its founder, went home to be with her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Joan was the heartbeat behind Home of Hope’s ministry, which is to meet the needs of poverty-stricken people –women, men, and especially children in and around Harare, Zimbabwe. Joan was joined by her son Craig to serve the Lord in this ministry both of whom were an inspiration to those around them. Home of Hope has brought joy into the lives of underprivileged people in Zimbabwe for many years, all thanks to the vision of Joan Trevelyan. Although Joan will be especially missed, the mission and ministry will continue at Home of Hope, thanks to its exceptional staff. Please be in prayer for Joan’s family, the Home of Hope staff, and the people of Zimbabwe as they mourn the loss of Joan. A small funeral service will be held for family and close friends, officiated by Craig’s cousin who is a pastor from South Africa

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Holistic Evangelism in Tete Province, Mozambique - March 2024

Read the update below from Trustee Berry Long on the current work of the Independent Presbyterian Church of Mozambique:

“We are grateful for The Outreach Foundation’s partnership with our Holistic Evangelism Project and the support of Sebber Banda and Rev. Carlos Faquione. Sebber and Carlos are doing a wonderful job of leading our project, and I thank the Lord for the talents and dedication of these amazing servant leaders.

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Nile Theological College (Bob & Kristi Rice) - March 2024

Read this wonderful update written by our friends Bob and Kristi Rice. They write…

Dear friends,

Last week our network of facilitators for the Healing Hearts, Transforming Nations (HHTN) workshop gathered to share how we saw God at work through the workshops in 2023 and to pray together for God’s work of healing and reconciliation in South Sudan. As I (Kristi) looked around the room of people who have been trained within the last couple of years I was humbled and grateful for the gift of working together in pursuit of helping people to know and experience the true life that Jesus came to give us. Several people shared about the deep divisions and mistrust that they encountered between clans or communities, or even within families. But in each workshop, they saw evidence of the Holy Spirit bringing freedom and healing from those wounds and divisions and enabling people to forgive as they looked deeply at the love and forgiveness of God

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Presbyterian Church of Rwanda - March 2024 Update

Stu Ross, Africa Mission Specialist for The Outreach Foundation, and his wife Annie were recently hosted by Rev. Dr. Pascal Bataringaya, President of the Presbyterian Church of Rwanda (EPR). During Stu’s visit, they were able to see three churches in the region. Gakenke Parish Church was the first they visited. This church has been closed for two years because it cannot meet the government standards for electricity and working toilets. Rev. Pascal noted that getting this church opened was a main priority. Money will be donated, and the church should be finished in the next several months.

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CCAP Zambia — Training Pastors at Chasefu Theological College

The Church of Central Africa Presbyterian (CCAP), Synod of Zambia was constituted in 1984 with four ordained ministers, six congregations, and two presbyteries. The church continues to preach the Gospel and provide education, clean drinking water, agricultural services, children's ministry, and many other services. Well-trained ministers are needed to keep these ministries going. Ministers were previously trained in Malawi but in 2007, the church started its own school, Chasefu Theological College, with 16 students.

With support from The Outreach Foundation, Chasefu provides training in diploma and certificate programs. More than 70 ministers have been educated and are currently serving in the CCAP Synod of Zambia, Harare-Zimbabwe, and Livingstonia-Malawi.

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The Presbyterian Church in Rwanda (EPR) — Construction of the Temple in Nyarutovu Parish

The Christians of Nyarutovu Parish are looking forward to having a new sanctuary for prayer and worship! According to them, God is responding to their prayers by financial support given through The Outreach Foundation. Church members continue to help with construction by hauling stones, sand, wood, etc. Paint, electricity, water, and installing doors, windows, and toilets are among the tasks needed to complete the church/temple.

Nyarutovu Parish is a good place for evangelization. This temple will help conduct this noble mission of God, evangelize many people for Jesus Christ, and tell many people about the kingdom of God.

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Refugees, Refuge, Hope — Nasir Church Year End Appeal

For decades, civil wars in South Sudan have forced hundreds of thousands to flee to camps in neighboring Ethiopia. The village of Nasir was particularly affected. But as the conflict has declined and security has returned, the request from these refugees is, “We just want to go back home. Please help us get back to our homeland.”

The Presbyterian Church of South Sudan (PCOSS) is eager to welcome them home. In addition to basic needs, the people greatly need sanctuary, a place to worship. Therefore, a priority is to complete the historical Nasir Church destroyed by war.

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FJKM’s Holy Race

It has been a very busy year with many accomplishments and challenges for the Church of Jesus Christ in Madagascar (FJKM), The Outreach Foundation’s partner church in Madagascar. Dan and Elizabeth Turk, who serve with FJKM, recently shared this update and invite you to join a Zoom presentation that the Madagascar Mission Network is sponsoring on November 14th from 7:00-8:30 pm EST. Click here to register Turk event registration or go to the Madagascar Mission Network website.

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Rebuilding Hope in South Sudan - Update

Nearly 400,000 people live in six United Nations Refugee Camps in western Ethiopia near the border with Sudan and South Sudan. People have been in the camps since the 2013 civil war in Sudan, UN average stay is 20 years.

The Outreach Foundation has worked in the camps for years. Most recently, with the help of our donors, we provided 20,000 Bibles in the Nuer language for people in the camps.

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Rebuilding Hope in South Sudan - February 2021 Update

Dear friends and supporters,

John Jock Gatwech is the coordinator for education in the South Sudanese refugee camps in western Ethiopia. Using public transport and the bicycle provided by Outreach, he supervises 20 preschools in the six camps in the Gambella region. Four of the camps are within about 30 miles of Gambella Town. The other two are about 70 miles in the opposite direction! During his monthly visits, he supervises teachers, encourages students, and assists the trauma healing groups (established and supported by The Outreach Foundation since 2017). John has also helped establish 43 centers for adult learning in the camps – teaching basic literacy and the Bible.

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