Posts in Middle East
Bethlehem Bible College Update May 2024

We hope this update finds you well. Here at Bethlehem Bible College, we are finishing our spring semester with 8 graduates from our Biblical Studies program. 

Recently a group of Bethlehem Bible College students, under the supervision of Dr. Madeline Sara, organized an activity as part of their Youth Ministry course titled "Who’s Your Influencer?" This activity was part of their final practical project for the course, where they invited diverse groups of Christian youth from the Bethlehem area.

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Syria/Lebanon Partnership Update May 2024

The Outreach Foundation has a long-standing history of fueling the global mission of Christ in the Middle East. Our mission partners there live out God’s call for their ministries in a variety of ways including new church development in Egypt, reconciliation work by Musalaha in Israel and Palestine, theological training and education by the Evangelical Theological Seminary in Cairo and Near East School of Theology in Lebanon, and humanitarian relief work among refugees by the National Evangelical Synod of Syria and Lebanon. Each of these ministries has merit, however, given the current situation in the Middle East, relief work among refugees is strongly needed.

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Israel/Lebanon/Palestine Appeal Update April 2024

Our friends at the Pastoral, Outreach, and Mission Council (POMC) with the Synod of the Nile in Egypt, continue to do God’s work in the Middle East. POMC helps revitalize existing churches, plant new churches, and send missionaries across the globe to places where God’s hope and love are most needed. And now, a major portion of their outreach is helping those in Palestine as POMC addresses critical humanitarian needs for vulnerable populations in the region.

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Evangelical Theological Seminary in Cairo - March 2024

Dr. Samuel Rozfy visited with numerous partners during his most recent trip to the United States, January 26-February 6. He began his visit with a stop in Hendersonville, Tennessee, visiting the Community Church of Hendersonville. Community Church is a new ministry partner, currently funding a MAT scholarship. Don and Ann Crittenden joined him as he attended the ECO National Gathering in Greenville, South Carolina. His host for the event was the Eastminister Church in Marrietta, Georgia.

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Musalaha in Israel and Palestine - March 2024

Hiba Allati, Project Manager with Musalaha, updates us on what they are currently going through in the Middle East. Read excerpts from her story below:

Israeli Military raids were a part of the reality I grew up in as a little girl in the West Bank during the Second Intifada. Today, these life-interrupting events continue to traumatize families and seem to be getting worse.

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The Philemon Project Grow Center - February 2024

The Philemon Project GROW Centers in Beirut, Lebanon are expanding with the “Grow2” buildout of a new center. By God’s grace, the buildout is progressing very well. Their contractor has a great team in place, and they are working diligently to get everything ready for a hopeful summer 2024 opening. Robert Hamd, Executive Director of the Philemon Project, shares a video tour of the new site which he visited in January. You can view the tour by clicking here.

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Together for the Family — January 2024 Update

Together for the Family cares for Syrian refugees through ministries including baby care for new mothers, medical and dental clinics, and educational classes for children. Executive Director Izdihar Kassis recently shared this news:

• In response to the 6.4 magnitude earthquake in February 2023, we set up three schools and classrooms in the affected areas to provide educational and psychological support to 61 students. This program will continue through 2024.

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Bethlehem Bible College — We Wait in Hope

In our waiting and grief over our tremendous losses, sometimes we cannot help but cry out with the psalmist, “Relent, Lord! How long will it be? Have compassion on your servants. Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days” (Psalm 90:13-14). Our hearts long for the joy and gladness of Christmas and the celebration of our Lord and King. We do live daily in a deep reverence for the wonder that is the Christ Child, that He was given to us here, even in our hometown!

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Christmas Message from the Middle East Council of Churches and Department of Service to Palestinian Refugees

Their unwavering spirit fuels our determination to stand by them in their time of need.

Excerpts of a letter received from the Middle East Council of Churches and the Department of Service to Palestinian Refugees:

Our hearts ache to convey this message during what should be a season of joy and togetherness. Amid strife and sorrow, we reach out to you, dear partners supporters, and friends, with heavy hearts. This Christmas, our usual celebrations are shadowed by turmoil and the tragedy of Gaza.

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Musalaha — As We Lament

Letter of Lamentation

We at Musalaha lament the devastation and unfolding tragedies in Gaza and Southern Israel. We stand firmly against the embrace, use, and justification of violence against civilian populations in the name of justice, vengeance, and liberation. We are distressed and overwhelmed, never having seen this scale of inhumanity, anguish, rage, and hatred before.

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Prayers for Peace

Peace and grace to you all in the mighty name of the Prince of Peace, Jesus. This is our second letter from Bethlehem Bible College after passing a very difficult week as a people and as a country.

It has been 10 days since the Hamas attack and since Israel began to attack Gaza unleashing the worst ever attack on Gaza and its people. I am not sure if you know that Gaza is one of the smallest and most densely packed cities in the world. The area around Gaza City is home to nearly 2 million people living in an 88-square-mile expanse, which is about 21,000 people per square mile.

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Israel/Lebanon/Palestine Emergency Relief

In recent weeks, we have witnessed the intense suffering of people in the Middle East. We are shocked and deeply grieved by the horrific violence and loss of life in Israel on October 7, 2023. Our grief is only deepened by the continued suffering of an escalating war.

Many innocent people in Gaza have now endured countless days of tragedy with no water, food, or medical supplies. Attempts for people to leave Gaza have been thwarted. There appears to be no safe place to go.

In response to the war that is now expanding into parts of Lebanon, The Outreach Foundation is launching an Emergency Appeal. Our partners in the region will help aid the people in Gaza, Israel, and Lebanon. All funds will be used to help the innocent victims of war.

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Vital Ministry in Syria and Lebanon

As we seek to engage followers of Christ in His mission in Syria and Lebanon, The Outreach Foundation continues in partnership with the National Evangelical Synod of Syria and Lebanon (NESSL). This July three Outreach board members, Nancy Fox, Lois Andrews, and Lisa Culpepper traveled to Beirut to visit partners and attend the annual Women’s Conference in Dhour Choueir, Lebanon.

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Together for the Family — July 2023 Update — The Firm Foundation

The Firm Foundation project has proven to be a remarkable initiative since its inception in March, following the devastating earthquake in the region. This program has effectively addressed the pressing need for education among individuals whose schools were either destroyed or repurposed as shelters for the homeless. Extensive efforts have been dedicated to implementing a wide range of activities, resulting in not only the continuation of academic pursuits for these students but also an enhanced educational experience.

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Evangelical Theological Seminary in Cairo — July 2023 Update

The Evangelical Theological Seminary (ETSC) held its 152nd graduation exercises at the Heliopolis Evangelical Church. Seventy graduates received diplomas, including 12 MDiv ordination track students, 1 Master of Theology student, and 33 Master of Theology students. The MDiv students will be taking ordination examinations with the intention of serving as pastors in churches across Egypt. The other students will move into various positions of service.

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