Refugees, Refuge, Hope — Nasir Church Year End Appeal

For decades, civil wars in South Sudan have forced hundreds of thousands to flee to camps in neighboring Ethiopia. The village of Nasir was particularly affected. But as the conflict has declined and security has returned, the request from these refugees is, “We just want to go back home. Please help us get back to our homeland.”

The Presbyterian Church of South Sudan (PCOSS) is eager to welcome them home. In addition to basic needs, the people greatly need sanctuary, a place to worship. Therefore, a priority is to complete the historical Nasir Church destroyed by war.

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PEB Celebrates 25 Years of Denationalization of Schools!

December 2, 2023
9:00 AM PST/12:00 PM EST

Join Friends of the Presbyterian Education Board (PEB) for a "Zoom Party" in honor of 25 years since the denationalization of PEB schools in Pakistan. Connect with PEB's Executive Director Veda Gill and other staff members of PEB as they share stories and pictures of the past and dreams for the future. Please join us and meet other PEB supporters from all over the U.S.

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PARS Student Testimonials — Prayerful Support and Encouragement

Hassan and Sara

Hassan, a student at Pars, hails from Abadan, where he had once served in the Iranian police force. Raised in a traditional and devout Muslim family, he underwent a profound transformation when he embraced Christianity. For six months, Hassan fervently prayed for his family, resulting in the conversion of most of his relatives, including his brothers, sisters, son-in-law, and around 30 others.

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John McCall — November 2023 Update

For the past month, I have been on the road traveling to churches and conferences all over Taiwan. Thankfully, the transportation here is amazingly convenient.

Taiwan is a small island about the size of Delaware and Maryland combined, but running all the way down the center of the island are tall, rugged mountains. The west coast is mostly a huge megalopolis running from the capital Taipei to another large city in the south called Kaoshiung. In the 1960s, the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan started churches in areas that did not have churches, so now there is a church in almost every city neighborhood, town, and village.

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FJKM’s Holy Race

It has been a very busy year with many accomplishments and challenges for the Church of Jesus Christ in Madagascar (FJKM), The Outreach Foundation’s partner church in Madagascar. Dan and Elizabeth Turk, who serve with FJKM, recently shared this update and invite you to join a Zoom presentation that the Madagascar Mission Network is sponsoring on November 14th from 7:00-8:30 pm EST. Click here to register Turk event registration or go to the Madagascar Mission Network website.

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Musalaha — As We Lament

Letter of Lamentation

We at Musalaha lament the devastation and unfolding tragedies in Gaza and Southern Israel. We stand firmly against the embrace, use, and justification of violence against civilian populations in the name of justice, vengeance, and liberation. We are distressed and overwhelmed, never having seen this scale of inhumanity, anguish, rage, and hatred before.

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Presbyterian Education Board (PEB) — October 2023 Update

From November 10-18, The Outreach Foundation will be attending the 25th anniversary of “denationalization.” This marks the anniversary of when the government returned schools to the Presbyterian Education Board after decades aptly described as “the dark ages.” The work of PEB is a sacred work shining the light of God’s Word and bearing the hope of Jesus Christ into the lives of children and their families.

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Prayers for Peace

Peace and grace to you all in the mighty name of the Prince of Peace, Jesus. This is our second letter from Bethlehem Bible College after passing a very difficult week as a people and as a country.

It has been 10 days since the Hamas attack and since Israel began to attack Gaza unleashing the worst ever attack on Gaza and its people. I am not sure if you know that Gaza is one of the smallest and most densely packed cities in the world. The area around Gaza City is home to nearly 2 million people living in an 88-square-mile expanse, which is about 21,000 people per square mile.

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PCEA Church Construction in Kenya — PCEA Marsabit Church Dedication

The PCEA Marsabit Church dedication was interesting and entertaining. Borana and Samburu are the main tribes here, and the dancing and singing reflected these cultures. Our group also participated in the singing, which was a first.

Building this church was very difficult. It was built over a period of four years encompassing COVID. The costs rose and available money shrank, but with God’s help, the church was completed.

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Israel/Lebanon/Palestine Emergency Relief

In recent weeks, we have witnessed the intense suffering of people in the Middle East. We are shocked and deeply grieved by the horrific violence and loss of life in Israel on October 7, 2023. Our grief is only deepened by the continued suffering of an escalating war.

Many innocent people in Gaza have now endured countless days of tragedy with no water, food, or medical supplies. Attempts for people to leave Gaza have been thwarted. There appears to be no safe place to go.

In response to the war that is now expanding into parts of Lebanon, The Outreach Foundation is launching an Emergency Appeal. Our partners in the region will help aid the people in Gaza, Israel, and Lebanon. All funds will be used to help the innocent victims of war.

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Help a Young, Thriving Church in Mexico Find a Home!

During the pandemic, Pastor Eliel Osorio and his wife Jessica started a new church, Hospital de la Fe Church located in the heart of Oaxaca de Juárez, Mexico. Services began as live-streams from the Osorio’s backyard with six people in attendance. Now the church has grown into a thriving congregation of over 100. Focused on reaching the next generation for Christ, the congregation is reaching out via prayer walks and regular distributions of food, as well as using social media to broadcast services and weekly Bible studies with more than 3,000 followers. The church has bounced around multiple rentals but recently found a property to purchase for a permanent home.

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Todd Luke — October 2023 Update

Thank you for your prayers and continued support! In 2023, we built twenty-eight family-owned cisterns — seven in the village of Castilla Brito, eight in Tres Huastecas, twelve in Cristobal Colon, and one cistern in Xpujil. We have now built 667 cisterns that capture, store, and dispense more than 7,000,000 gallons of rainwater per year. That’s over 12,000 gallons per family-owned cistern.

Mission teams from Colorado, Tennessee, Georgia, and South Carolina grabbed buckets, wheelbarrows, and shovels to significantly lighten the load for our local partners.

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Lauren Scharstein — The Lady in Pink

I want to thank you for your prayers and your support! It has been a busy season in ministry and in the life of our family: since the beginning of this year, we expanded both the infrastructure and staff at Mother Esther School; we hosted the Kenya Mission Conference for partners in ministry; we continued emergency food relief in areas where drought has taken a toll, and we trained 65 lay-pastors to return to their communities and share the love of God. With all that is going on, we also welcomed our son, Jeffrey Kariuki, to the family in February.

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Namumu Orphanage Center - September 2023 Update

The Namumu Orphanage Center is making great progress on their strategic plans:

1.       Finishing expansion of the medical clinic
2.      Raising funds and constructing a building and equipment for a hammer mill to generate income
3.      Working to build a better poultry house to generate income
4.      Exploring what it would take to become a Vocational Training Center. This is a key part of their strategic plan and will shift Namumu from a residential orphanage program to an educational training center. When we visited, they shared with us there are no Vocational Training Centers in their region.

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Greetings to all of you in the grace and peace of the Lord Jesus. We would like to express our sincere gratitude for participating in ministry in Brazil. We appreciate your financial support and your prayers. Just like the apostle Paul's experience with the Philippians, the Independent Presbyterian Church of Brazil (IPIB), SARA, and I have also felt the bonding experience with you as our partners in the Kingdom of God: " And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:19.

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