Posts in Europe
Novus Foundation Update June 2024

“Since 2022, the Polish people, especially the Polish Church have been incredibly generous. Millions of refugees from Ukraine have poured across the borders and the Poles have taken them into their homes, taken them into their churches...that is an incredible strain on churches and on the people who lead them.” (Bob Fuller, Outreach Foundation trustee and senior pastor, First Presbyterian Church, San Antonio, TX)

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Persian Diaspora Partnership (Radmard) Update June 2024

This morning my devotional reading took me to Philippians 1, which contains this verse that most of us have heard. “Only let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ...” (v 27a). Lately, I hear a wonderful affirmation for the work of The Outreach Foundation, yet it is not our work. Rather, I get to sit in the passenger seat and watch the Holy Spirit cause faith to bloom in new ways among people from the U.S. as they intersect the lives of our partners who are doing the work. It’s their work, not ours!

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Safehouse Ministries - March 2024

The Outreach Foundation has been fueling Christ’s mission among the Persian-speaking community that lives in diaspora and Iran. We have developed several trusted partners and each year we are able to visit them in Europe and Turkey where they are providing incredible life-transforming ministry among Muslims and first-generation Muslim Background Believers. The following stories highlight the work of Safehouse, based in The Netherlands, under the direction of Dariush. 

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Ukraine Appeal: Small Churches on the Frontline of Relief

A typical day in Eastern Ukraine lately is marked by the sounds of artillery shelling, drones, and even ballistic missiles striking their targets. By the hundreds, civilians and military alike are wounded or killed each week. Adding to this the weather is not as forgiving as last year. Winter has just started to settle in and already temperatures are reaching low 20s. Snow and frozen ground are building where shelter is scarce in war-torn cities. Combined this has created a context of decreasing morale and an increasing sense of isolation. This is precisely where the Ukrainian Evangelical Church is showing up.

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PARS Student Testimonials — Prayerful Support and Encouragement

Hassan and Sara

Hassan, a student at Pars, hails from Abadan, where he had once served in the Iranian police force. Raised in a traditional and devout Muslim family, he underwent a profound transformation when he embraced Christianity. For six months, Hassan fervently prayed for his family, resulting in the conversion of most of his relatives, including his brothers, sisters, son-in-law, and around 30 others.

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Military Chaplains Minister on Multiple Fronts in Ukraine

Earlier this summer, The Outreach Foundation hosted Dr. Ivan Rusyn (President, Ukraine Evangelical Theological Seminary in Kyiv) for a visit to the U.S. His several updates included a major initiative to train military chaplains who are serving active-duty soldiers in Ukraine. This initiative has brought together Orthodox and Greek Catholic seminaries and UETS representing the broader Protestant traditions in Ukraine. Military chaplaincy is at the leading edge of what ministry candidates are being trained to do as they seek to fulfill their call while serving their country courageously.

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Persian Diaspora Partnerships: A New Strategy for Engaging with God’s Work in Europe

Persian Diaspora Partnerships: A New Strategy for Engaging with God’s Work in Europe

In October 2021, while COVID protocols were still in effect and few people were traveling internationally, The Outreach Foundation decided to explore a new field of harvest. It’s called Diaspora. Diaspora refers to those people living away from their homeland due to religious, political, or economic hardship. Biblically, we may recall Esther and Daniel living in Persia, or the Israelites living in Egypt, even Jesus and his family living in diaspora while on the run from Herod the Great.

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Ukraine Appeal — Small Congregations, Large Footprint

In the opening days of the war in Ukraine, Pastor Valeriy Milinin and his family were in their home listening to air raid sirens, but there was no bomb shelter in the village. Their village is in Chernihiv Oblast (region), an area 90 miles north of Kyiv and 50 miles south of the Belarusian border. It was among the areas first attacked by Russian troops.

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Ukraine Appeal — Vasiliy's Story

The Outreach Foundation recently visited our friends serving sacrificially and at great risk in the eastern part of Ukraine. Dr. Ivan Rusyn and his wife Luda were terrific hosts and we met many of Christ’s faithful followers whose stories have yet to be told. These are the quiet heroes who daily risk their lives out of love for God, and affection for their country, and who are trying to be faithful to Christ’s call to witness about His glory in times like this. One of these heroes is Vasiliy, a 23-year young graduate of the Ukraine Evangelical Theological Seminary who serves as Coordinator of Relief Ministry for the seminary.  

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Ukraine Appeal — Providing Meaningful Help to Soldiers in Ukraine

In March 2023, The Outreach Foundation visited Kyiv. Among our goals for this visit was to provide Individual First Aid Kits (IFAKs) that had been requested specifically by Dr. Ivan Rusyn of the Ukraine Evangelical Theological Seminary (UETS) during his visit with us. These are the most requested items by soldiers at every checkpoint, he told us. Thanks to Delta Airlines, the baggage fee for 600 IFAKs was waived, which meant we were able to purchase an additional 200.

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Ukraine Appeal — April 2023 Update

From March 18-26, a window of opportunity opened for The Outreach Foundation to visit friends at the Ukraine Evangelical Theological Seminary (UETS) in Kyiv as well as some surrounding towns. The team was comprised of Mark Mueller (Outreach Executive Director), Tom Boone (Associate Director for Mission), and Victor Petrenko, husband of board member Amy Petrenko. Victor’s parents fled Ukraine following World War ll. Joining our team was Dr. Piotr Nowak, president of the College of Theology and Social Sciences (CTSS) in Warsaw, Poland. Dr. Ivan Rusyn of UETS was our host.

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Kyiv, Ukraine: Living in this New Day

Last week, four people from The Outreach Foundation traveled to Kyiv, Ukraine, to meet with our partners. The Outreach Foundation has seven partners in Europe, and one is in Kyiv. Upon our arrival in Kyiv, we met with the staff of the Ukraine Evangelical Theological Seminary led by Dr. Ivan Rusyn. The seminary trains leaders and pastors and currently has a student population of more than 500. Right now, the seminary is housing Ukrainian soldiers, but the students return in September.

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Snap Shots: a reflection on our visit to Ukraine

Where do I begin?

Is it the beginning of our trip — on the western border of Ukraine — where rich dark soil and the appearance of normalcy teased us as we traveled to Kyiv? Is it our first night when we escaped from our comfortable hotel room to a bomb shelter from midnight to 4:30 a.m.? That peaceful route we just traveled was now under attack, thank you Lord for the people praying over us!

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Budmo! We will exist: Reflections on visits to three Ukrainian towns near Kyiv

A team from The Outreach Foundation just returned from a visit to Kyiv (March 19-26). Tom Boone, Mark Mueller, and Victor Petrenko joined Piotr Nowak from Warsaw on this significant visit that we were unable to advertise for security reasons. We saw and heard the testimony of what the church is doing with the help of many donors and congregations through The Outreach Foundation. 

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The Face of Jesus — Ukraine Appeal February 2023

“When this war started all we had was ourselves, our bodies, our hands. But we had nothing to give. Because of you, we have been able to give food, warmth, shelter, God’s Word, and be the face of Jesus when everyone wondered ‘Where is God?’ Thank you.” Dr. Ivan Rusyn, president of Ukraine Evangelical Theological Seminary (UETS) in Kyiv 

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