Posts tagged Persian Diaspora Partnerships
Persian Diaspora Partnership (Radmard) Update June 2024

This morning my devotional reading took me to Philippians 1, which contains this verse that most of us have heard. “Only let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ...” (v 27a). Lately, I hear a wonderful affirmation for the work of The Outreach Foundation, yet it is not our work. Rather, I get to sit in the passenger seat and watch the Holy Spirit cause faith to bloom in new ways among people from the U.S. as they intersect the lives of our partners who are doing the work. It’s their work, not ours!

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Safehouse Ministries - March 2024

The Outreach Foundation has been fueling Christ’s mission among the Persian-speaking community that lives in diaspora and Iran. We have developed several trusted partners and each year we are able to visit them in Europe and Turkey where they are providing incredible life-transforming ministry among Muslims and first-generation Muslim Background Believers. The following stories highlight the work of Safehouse, based in The Netherlands, under the direction of Dariush. 

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Persian Diaspora Partnerships: A New Strategy for Engaging with God’s Work in Europe

Persian Diaspora Partnerships: A New Strategy for Engaging with God’s Work in Europe

In October 2021, while COVID protocols were still in effect and few people were traveling internationally, The Outreach Foundation decided to explore a new field of harvest. It’s called Diaspora. Diaspora refers to those people living away from their homeland due to religious, political, or economic hardship. Biblically, we may recall Esther and Daniel living in Persia, or the Israelites living in Egypt, even Jesus and his family living in diaspora while on the run from Herod the Great.

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