We invite you to travel with The Outreach Foundation to spend time with our global partners - to encourage and be encouraged! Our international friends inspire us with their dedication and witness, even in difficult places. Come with us to see what God is doing through these amazing friends all over the world!
Contact Carol Dublin at carol@theoutreachfoundation.org for more detailed trip information.
Future Trips in 2025
Mexico (February 10-15)
This visit will be a hands-on mission trip to help build cisterns for families in Xpujil, Mexico, who do not have access to clean water. Led by our Ch’ol Presbyterian partners, we help carry sand and gravel so they can make cement to build up to four cisterns. Xpujil is in the southern part of Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula close to Belize and Guatemala, and our host, Todd Luke, will coordinate travel to and from the Tulum International Airport, as well as be our translator and cultural liaison.
To learn more about this trip, download the information packet by clicking here.
Pakistan (March 10-20)
Hosted by PAK Mission Society, we will explore areas of Pakistan where the church is experiencing creative growth amid tremendous challenges, including PAK Mission Society’s projects among refugee populations in northern Pakistan. We will participate in a spiritual formation retreat and spend time with long-term partners from Faisalabad: Pakistan Christian Recording Ministry and Pakistan Bible Correspondence School, and preach in rural congregations on Sunday, March 16th.
To learn more about this trip, download the information packet by clicking here.
Ukraine (April 1-April 11)
This visit will commence in Warsaw, Poland, where we will meet teams from City Church in Lithuania and Novus Foundation in Warsaw. We will travel to Kyiv, where we will lead a resiliency conference and retreat for Ukraine Evangelical Theological Seminary (UETS) staff, military chaplains, and pastors from various denominations. Following the retreat, our host, Dr. Ivan Rusyn of UETS, will take us to various locations in central and eastern Ukraine to bring encouragement/prayer and to assist with relief efforts in the region.
To learn more about this trip, download the information packet by clicking here.
(April 30-May 8)
This visit will commence in Warsaw, Poland, where we will meet with Ukrainian women receiving their bachelor’s degrees in Christian counseling and church planters receiving training through the Novus Foundation. The visit will continue on to Poland’s gorgeous Baltic coast for the central feature of this visit, to lead a retreat, alongside Novus Foundation, for several clergy couples in Poland who have faithfully and tirelessly served both their congregations and the Ukrainian refugee population in Poland. As one retreatant from 2024 put it, “This is the first time in 20 years anyone has poured such care into my spirit.” Following our rich time on the Baltic coast, we will return to Warsaw for time with our hosts and head home on May 8.
To learn more about this trip, download the information packet by clicking here.
Lithuania (June 10-19)
This visit will commence in Vilnius, Lithuania’s capital city. The purpose of this visit is to pray for, encourage, and facilitate a discipleship retreat for City Church’s NextGen leadership interns. We will be visiting several cities in Lithuania where City Church is in the process of planting churches. This visit is anchored by Crestwood Church in Midlothian, VA, and will help us understand the rich opportunities for sister church relationships and support for church planting in this challenging region of the world.
To learn more about this trip, download the information packet by clicking here.
Türkiye (July 2025)
This visit to Istanbul will take place during July, featuring a 4-day retreat with Radmard Ministries, one of our partners in the Persian-speaking diaspora. Radmard, led by Reza Foroutan, is a ministry of discipleship and addiction recovery for Iranian men, each of whom is a Muslim background believer.
Germany (August 2025)
A trip to Nuremberg, Germany, to visit and serve alongside Pastor Sargez and his church, the Presbyterian Church of Bayern.
China (October 12-22)
A trip to mainland China co-led by Bin “Chris” Wang, The Outreach Foundation’s China Mission Specialist. Our 2025 visit to mainland China will bring us to familiar friends and explore new opportunities! Throughout our visit we will be having conversations with emerging Christian leaders working in various sectors of Chinese society, which gives us a holistic view of the church in China. A highlight of this year’s visit will be to explore the rural territory in Zhejiang Province and hear about the church development opportunities there.
To learn more about this trip, download the information packet by clicking here.
Türkiye (November 2-15)
A trip alongside our Persian Diaspora Partners offers a unique immersive experience as we follow in the footsteps of Paul. Our visit will take us from the ancient ruins of Ephesus in Türkiye, to ancient Troy, along northern Greece, and then to Athens. As a 4-day extension (should you choose to participate), we will fly from Athens to Rome, visiting Pauline and other significant Christian sites. For us, this will be a faith pilgrimage with an opportunity to experience the dynamic work of the Holy Spirit in Iran from insider leaders, hearing from and praying with Afghanistan refugees who have become believers.
To learn more about this trip, please download the pre-trip flyer by clicking here.
Additional trips may include:
Kyrgyzstan & Uzbekistan
South Sudan
Additional trips may include: Kyrgyzstan & Uzbekistan ~ Egypt ~ Ethiopia ~ Kenya ~ South Sudan ~ Zambia |