Posts in Africa
Jeff and Christi Boyd (PCUSA) - December 2015 Update

Dear friends,

Walking into the fellowship hall of First Presbyterian Church in Hanford, California it was a special treat to see a beautiful cake made to celebrate our silver anniversary – not our wedding anniversary, but 25 years of service as mission co-workers with Presbyterian World Mission. It was a thoughtful gesture as we give thanks for how God has worked through churches, presbyteries and individuals to encourage, support and sustain us in mission service in Africa over the past quarter of a century.

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Street Children's Ministry in Kigali - November 2015 Update

Dear friends of Rwandan children,

In July 2015 we shared the story of Alfred, a young man whose life has been changed by CPAJ. Recently, an Outreach team visited the Presbyterian Church in Rwanda and CPAJ in Kigali. We were amazed at its leadership and its ministry to others, like Alfred, all over the country. We saw firsthand its impact on street children in particular. There are currently 40 residents at this center.

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Tumaini Children's Ministries - November 2015 Update

Dear Partners and Friends of Tumaini Ministry and the Riamukurwe Parish,

We know Tumaini and Huruma children are a part of your prayers. Please keep praying for and supporting the 208 children currently residing there. Ken Cornelison, from Laguna Presbyterian Church, and I visited the Tumaini and Huruma children this month. It is hard for me to describe the joy we saw on the faces of both the children and the dedicated staff and board members!

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Making a Dream a Reality

The new Leadership Training Center continues to take shape in the village of Tchessa in Tete Province, Mozambique.  The concrete floor for the dormitory/reception area/bathroom facilities is nearly complete, and work on the walls will soon start. A church that will double as the classroom has been rebuilt. A well has been dug. A kitchen/dining area has been constructed. Praise God for this remarkable progress!



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Home of Hope - October 2015 Update

Dear Friends,

We bless and greet you all with joy in the Lord. Among many joys we have received is the first light rain, which we trust is the beginning of a good and blessed rainy season and an answer to one of our prayers for Zimbabwe. Much of the country is experiencing severe power cuts. No power for 18 hours per day is common, and a regular water supply remains an illusion. But we must remind ourselves we are still better off than millions of people in the world. Praise God for what we do have.

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Dr. John and Gwenda Fletcher (PCUSA) – October 2015 Update

The first phase of a massive hydroelectric project in the Democratic Republic of Congo is set to begin in October of this year. If completed, this six-phase project would be the world’s largest hydro development project and would produce 40% of the African continent’s energy needs. DR Congo’s hydroelectric potential is staggering. But in spite of this potential, World Bank 2014 estimates indicate that only 16.4% of the Congolese population has access to electricity.

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Dustin and Sherri Ellington (PCUSA) - October 2015 Update

Greetings from Zambia. This lovely country where we live has been going through perhaps its most difficult time since we’ve been here. Lusaka, the capital city and our home, has gone without electricity for a minimum of eight hours/day since June – and it looks like this will continue. For power Zambia relies upon a large hydroelectric dam on the largest man-made lake in the world (Lake Kariba), but last year's rainy season was too light. Almost all of the remaining water in Lake Kariba has been used, leaving little to pass through the dam.

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Namumu Orphanage Center - August 2015 Update

A team from The Outreach Foundation led by Rev. Bill Warlick, Southern Africa mission staff, and Ebralie Mwizerwa, projects coordinator, visited Namumu Orphanage in Siavonga, Zambia in May. Here is their report:

After arriving at Namumu we met with Phanuel L. Simamba (director) and Zenzo Sidembo (accountant). We brought boxes of rice donated by “Stop Hunger Now” and shipped by Alliance for Children Everywhere to the Crisis Nurseries in Lusaka. 

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Street Children's Ministry in Kigali - July 2015 Update

Dear Friends of Rwandan Children,

It has always been a blessing for us at Outreach to bring you stories of lives changed by your generosity. Alfred is one of hundreds rescued by the Presbyterian Street Children’s Ministry in Kigali. As you read his story, think about thousands of others with similar stories. The plight of children in Rwanda and other poor nations compels us to act and not wait.

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Crisis Nurseries - July 2015 Update

The Crisis Nurseries in Lusaka, Zambia are a partnership between Christian Alliance for Children in Zambia, Alliance for Children Everywhere and The Outreach Foundation. The House of Moses Preemie center has been named after Bill and Nancy Warlick. A team from Outreach led by Rev. Bill Warlick and Projects Coordinator Ebralie Mwizerwa visited both homes in May 2015.

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Mozambique Trip Report June 2015

Dear Friends of Tete Province,

My wife Elizabeth, current Chairman of the Board of The Outreach Foundation Tom McDow, and I returned Thursday from leading a trip to Tete Province, Mozambique sponsored by The Outreach Foundation. Our team of nine came from Alabama, Florida, Tennessee, and Virginia. We were joined by Nedson Zulu and Sebber Banda once we arrived in Blantyre, Malawi. 

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Home of Hope - June 2015 Update

Dear Friends of Home of Hope,

Knock, Knock

No, it’s not one of those jokes, but it’s what we hear nearly every day at our gates, morning, afternoon, and sometimes at night. A person or persons knocking on our gates asking us for help: for food, water, clothes, shoes, medicine; to go to the hospital or clinic; to pay for school fees, rent, or an I.D to get a job; for transportation, soap, a blanket; to learn dressmaking in order to be self-supportive; for someone to talk to. 

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Dustin and Sherri Ellington (PCUSA) - June 2015 Update

Dear Friends,

On May 9 we had our first graduation ceremony under our institution’s new name, Justo Mwale University. The school has transitioned from Justo Mwale Theological College to what Zambia’s government calls a “university college” to a full university. We are now a (small) university. Our main work is still to prepare people to become pastors in countries throughout Southern Africa. 

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Crisis Nurseries - April 2015 Update

Dear Friends,

Laughing. Singing. Chasing a musical choo-choo train. From the outside looking in, you would never know that the energetic toddlers and preschoolers at the Bill and Bette Bryant Crisis Nursery are currently under the 24/7 care of their teachers, housemothers, and caregivers as they hopefully await reunification with their family or permanent placement with a forever family.

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Home of Hope - March 2015 Update

Dear Friends of Home of Hope,

How rapidly this current year has already progressed. The fullness of the Christmas blessings you showered upon Home of Hope is still lingering, but the work of the current year is also moving along at a good pace.

A new group of 30 women started dressmaking training in January. A mixture of young and older women, they train on Thursdays. Some of the young women have completed their schooling but cannot find jobs and are hoping to equip themselves through dressmaking skills to be self-employed.

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Dan and Elizabeth Turk (PCUSA) - February 2015 Update

Dear Friends, 

Hard to believe that 2014 is now past and a new year has begun. One of the first things we want to do this year is let you know how important your prayers and support are to us. For many of you, your support has been ongoing for a number of years, for others this is a new partnership. Thank you very much for all of the ways that you have supported us! Please know that no gift or prayer is too small – God combines them all to further his kingdom in Madagascar and let people know of his love and salvation.

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Crisis Nurseries - January 2015 Update

Dear Friends,

Happy New Year! We would like to share the following story from Lauren, one of the volunteers at Crisis Nurseries:

A Happy Start

January 7, 2015 was an exciting day for me! When I was volunteering at House of Moses earlier this year, Dennis, a special young baby, captured my heart. He had various health and development complications and at seven months old was the size of a three month old and constantly in and out of the hospital. He was underweight and had to be force fed due to lack of appetite. Dennis has now been reunited with his mother for a few months, and I did not think I would ever see him again.

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Justo Mwale Theological University College - December 2014 Update

Dear Friends and Partners,

Greetings from Zambia. Sherri and I are so grateful for the individuals and congregations which support our mission service here in Zambia. It is quite encouraging to have people behind us. I am writing now in order to share about a possible scholarship opportunity for a Presbyterian student where I teach and train pastors for ministry at Justo Mwale Theological University College. Many thanks for those who are already supporting students here at Justo Mwale. Your investment is definitely making a difference in the lives of congregations.

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