Posts tagged Madagascar
Dan and Elizabeth Turk (FJKM) Madagascar Update May 2024

Dear friends,

Greetings from Madagascar!

It is great to be back after being in the U.S. for more than five months visiting churches. We enjoyed visiting churches in nine states and reaching others via Zoom. We appreciate the Madagascar Mission Network for sponsoring a Zoom event last November. It was wonderful reconnecting. Highlights included participating in the Matthew 25 Summit at New Life Presbyterian Church in Atlanta, GA. We are sorry that we were unable to visit all of you supporting our mission in Madagascar; please let us know if you would like us to share at your church the next time we visit the U.S.

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FJKM’s Holy Race

It has been a very busy year with many accomplishments and challenges for the Church of Jesus Christ in Madagascar (FJKM), The Outreach Foundation’s partner church in Madagascar. Dan and Elizabeth Turk, who serve with FJKM, recently shared this update and invite you to join a Zoom presentation that the Madagascar Mission Network is sponsoring on November 14th from 7:00-8:30 pm EST. Click here to register Turk event registration or go to the Madagascar Mission Network website.

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Dan and Elizabeth Turk — September 2022 Update

Elisabeth Razanalivao was beaming when she told us that this past year that 100% of the students from the FJKM primary school at Soatsifa of the Church of Jesus Christ in Madagascar (FJKM) passed the national primary school exit exam. This is no small accomplishment because Soatsifa is located in the far south of Madagascar which has been experiencing famine-like conditions over the past several years with high rates of acute malnutrition, especially in children. Mrs. Razanalivao and her husband, Marc Ranarianirina, who is the principal of the school, came to Soatsifa 28 years ago as missionaries of the FJKM to start a school to help children get a good education.

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Dan and Elizabeth Turk - August 2021 Update

Dear friends,

Greetings from Orlando! We are still in the U.S. awaiting the time when we can return to Madagascar. Madagascar has a travel ban in place to keep the Delta variant out. Fortunately, new daily COVID-19 cases are currently very low, following a spike in cases this past April. We hope to be able to return to Madagascar in late September or early October.

While we are ready to return to Madagascar, we are grateful for the time with family. We have been able to celebrate Frances’ college graduation, Elizabeth’s parents' 60th wedding anniversary, and Dan’s mother’s 90th birthday as well as visiting Robert.

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Daniel and Elizabeth Turk - March 2021 Update

The FJKM Church’s Response in a time of COVID: Urgent Appeal for Southern Madagascar

Dear friends,

It is hard to believe that we are in Lent and Easter is around the corner! As we head into the second year of uncertainty in this time of COVID-19, we remember God’s presence and our blessings which gives us hope. We have been blessed to be close to family as we wait for the time when we can return to Madagascar. Our daughter Frances graduated from college in December and has now started teaching first-grade in person in Orlando. Our son Robert is in his 2nd year in a master’s program in art therapy and counseling in Chicago. It is a blessing to work in partnership with the FJKM (Fianangonan’i Jesoa Kristy eto Madagasikara), The Outreach Foundation’s partner church in Madagascar. We give thanks for the technology that enables us to be in frequent contact with our FJKM colleagues.

The contracted economy and lack of tourist revenue because of the COVID-19 pandemic continue to bring daily hardships for the vast majority of Malagasy people. The cases of COVID are now increasing. In the midst of these struggles, there is some encouraging news coming from our Malagasy colleagues. Things to be thankful for in Madagascar include:

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Dan and Elizabeth Turk - November 2020 Update

Dear friends,

As with all of us this year, COVID-19 has brought unexpected changes. In August, PC(USA) extended the travel ban for all staff through June 2021, so we will be in the U.S. until then. As Thanksgiving approaches, we give thanks for being close to family and having good health. We are thankful for productive and resourceful colleagues who have continued the work in Madagascar and for technology that allows us to communicate regularly with them. We are also thankful for a wonderful Madagascar Mission Network (MMN) conference this past November 12th-14th. It has brought new opportunities and avenues for mission in Madagascar.

Brief Update from the Field
After the travel ban was lifted, the FJKM AIDS committee was able to complete its AIDS training at FJKM’s five seminaries – of course with masks and social distancing! They distributed masks and food items to all seminaries as well. Colleagues with the Fruits, Vegetables, and Environmental Education Program have recently taken steps to start new fruit nurseries at the FJKM seminary at Mandritsara and the FJKM church at Ankaramena. A nursery and orchard at the FJKM's new agricultural high school at Fihaonana were inaugurated.

First Virtual Madagascar Mission Network Conference
The MMN paved a new path with its first virtual conference! The virtual format, while challenging, brought together a diverse group of people from 8 countries and at least 12 states.

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Daniel and Elizabeth Turk - Update

In late March, we left Madagascar due to the coronavirus pandemic and are currently in Orlando. PC(USA) called all mission co-workers back to the U.S. until the end of 2020. We are well and grateful to be near our children and parents, but it is hard to leave our friends and colleagues for so long in this time of crisis. We are continuing our work and communicate daily with our colleagues in the Church of Jesus Christ in Madagascar (FJKM) via skype, phone, or email.

Fruits, Vegetables, and Environmental Education Program (FVEE)

The first months of the year are always busy because of the need to plant trees in the early part of the rainy season. From December 2019 through February 2020, thousands of fast-growing trees from the FVEE nursery were planted as part of FJKM’s reforestation efforts. Fruit trees and native trees were planted at three branches of the FJKM University, two FJKM seminaries, and the fruit center at Mahatsinjo. Many thanks to all who helped make this possible by donating to the Outreach Alternative Christmas project, “Trees for Madagascar.”

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Dan & Elizabeth Turk - March 2020

Dear Friends,

The grand opening of the FJKM Fruit Tree Center at Mahatsinjo is just around the corner!

On March 19th and 20th, the FJKM President and about 200 others will gather at Mahatsinjo 4 hours NW of the capital city to dedicate the new training center dorm and officially open the work of the Fruit Tree Center. This work began in 2016 with the purchase of land in “mango country.” The Fruit Tree Center now has 2 buildings and over 80 varieties of mangos planted out as well as other promising fruit tree species for Madagascar like cannistel.

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Jeff and Christi Boyd - March 2020 Update

Mamonjy, A Human Trafficking Prevention Campaign in Madagascar

Dear friends and family,

Once rescued, survivors of human trafficking are often reluctant to talk about their experiences. This is usually because they are afraid of being blamed by family and community for the exploitation and abuse they’ve suffered at the hands of bosses and employment agencies. Juliette (not her real name), however, is speaking out. She is concerned about other women who may fall victim to profiteers. When I met her several years ago, she agreed for me to record her personal story, trusting that I would share it with sensitivity.

Juliette decided to escape Madagascar’s financial crisis after a military coup in 2009. She approached a recruitment agency that offered her employment in Kuwait. Yet the hard work, lack of free time and imposed religious observances took a toll on her health and eventually landed her in a hospital. Juliette realized it would be better for her to return to her home, but she faced many obstacles: “The agency didn’t allow me to return to Madagascar. The agency wanted me to stay and work. Then the people at the agency beat me and forced me back to work.” Complicating Juliette’s situation was the fact that her passport had been confiscated upon her arrival at Kuwait’s airport, and Madagascar has no diplomatic representation in Kuwait to advocate on her behalf. Eventually, she escaped and ran to the French Embassy, where staff helped her find temporary shelter.

Juliette is one of 235 trafficked Malagasy women rescued from working against their will in Lebanon or Kuwait over the past decade with the help of the Rev. Helivao Poget.

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Daniel and Elizabeth Turk - June 2019 Update

Dear friends,

The Ivato seminary campus is especially beautiful as the rains have turned the campus into a green haven. The four-story seminary building, pictured above, was constructed last year to commemorate the Church of Jesus Christ in Madagascar (FJKM’s) 50th year anniversary and the 200th year anniversary of the first missionaries’ arrival in Madagascar. It is an impressive reminder of FJKM’s commitment in preparing pastors to serve the growing church. The FJKM is the largest protestant denomination in Madagascar with over 6,000 churches but fewer than 2,000 pastors.

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Daniel and Elizabeth Turk - March 2019 Update

Madagascar is one of the poorest nations in the world with over 90% of the population living in poverty. It has one of the highest rates of child stunting (impaired growth and development due to poor nutrition, etc.) in the world.

The FJKM (Church of Jesus Christ in Madagascar), the largest protestant church in Madagascar, feels strongly that the church’s ministry is to both share the Gospel and to help people meet their physical needs. Recognizing that fruit trees offer a way out of poverty, mission co-worker Dan Turk has been working for over 15 years with the FJKM, with help from The Outreach Foundation, to bring in some of the world’s best fruit tree varieties including over 60 varieties of mangos.

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Daniel and Elizabeth Turk - October 2018 Update

Dear friends,

We arrived safely in Madagascar on August 14. It is good to be back in our home, even though we miss family! Dan spent the next day at the national quarantine greenhouse with his colleagues potting up the over 500 trees we brought in our luggage. We then drove 10 hours to Toamasina on the east coast to participate in the celebration of FJKM’s 50th anniversary and the 200th anniversary of the first missionaries’ arrival in Madagascar.

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Daniel and Elizabeth Turk - August 2018 Update

Dear friends,

Greetings from the Unites States! Our time home this summer has been full and rewarding. In May we had the joy of attending our son Robert’s graduation from college. Having time for reflection and renewal at PC(USA)’s Mission Co-worker Sharing Conference in June was another highlight of the summer, and of course visiting family. It has been especially wonderful to have time with Frances, who just finished her freshman year in college, and Robert before he starts a nine-month Fellows Program with First Presbyterian Church in Orlando.

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Daniel and Elizabeth Turk - February 2018 Update

We are so thankful for the many supporters of Dan and Elizabeth Turk’s ministry in Madagascar. In response to God’s command to steward and care for the earth that God declared good, Dan is leading remarkable work focused on biological diversity, caring for creation, food security issues and other agricultural programs that express the grace and goodness of our Lord. Thank you for helping to make this work possible.

Update from Daniel Turk on the Fruit, Vegetable, and Environmental Education (FVEE) Project

During 2017 the Fruit, Vegetable, and Environmental Education (FVEE) project of Madagascar’s largest Protestant church, the Fiangonan’i Jesoa Kristy eto Madagasikara (FJKM), established a fruit center at Mahatsinjo; continued training in fruit growing, gardening, and environmental education at three FJKM seminaries; and began a new collaboration with the FJKM schools. The following gives details of how the project is making an impact on various groups of people in many locations in Madagascar.

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Dan and Elizabeth Turk - October 2017 Update

Dear friends,

We are in the U.S. now for a few months, where our two children are in college. Robert is a senior and Frances a freshman. We visited Frances’ campus as a family. She got the feel for where her classes will be, and now we know where she will be living for the next four years. We also enjoyed hearing about Robert’s plans for life after college, most likely graduate studies in counseling and art therapy.

In the next two months, we will be visiting as many churches as we can fit in, from Florida to New York to Iowa. Unfortunately, we won’t see all of you during our interpretation. So, here is a brief description of some of the exciting ways God is working in Madagascar to give you a flavor of the growth which we are blessed to be able to participate in with our partner church, the Fiangonan’i Jesoa Kristy eto Madagasikara (FJKM). 

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Dan and Elizabeth Turk - July 2017 Update

Dear friends,

The year is only half over, but 2017 has probably held more monumental change for us than any year thus far. As you may know, Dan’s father passed away in March. This June, we celebrated a wonderful milestone – Frances’ high school graduation. It was even more special having our son, Robert, and Elizabeth’s father, Bill Warlick, in Madagascar with us to celebrate the moment. Robert enjoyed being back. It was great to be together again as a family in Madagascar. We are currently in the United States to get Frances settled into college. She will be near Orlando. We will be based out of Mission Haven in Decatur, GA through October as we visit churches and speak.

Ministry with PC(USA)’s partner church in Madagascar, the FJKM (the Church of Jesus Christ in Madagascar), continues with exciting results. Here are a few highlights of new collaborations and results from older partnerships. We hope these examples will encourage you as they have encouraged us.

Fruits Changing Lives
What difference do a few trees make? In 2010, the FJKM Development Department helped over 70 households at Antanetibe Ankazobe plant tangerine trees – about 20 trees per family on average. 

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