Crisis Nurseries - January 2015 Update


Dear Friends,

Happy New Year! We would like to share the following story from Lauren, one of the volunteers at Crisis Nurseries:

A Happy Start

January 7, 2015 was an exciting day for me! When I was volunteering at House of Moses earlier this year, Dennis, a special young baby, captured my heart. He had various health and development complications and at seven months old was the size of a three month old and constantly in and out of the hospital. He was underweight and had to be force fed due to lack of appetite. Dennis has now been reunited with his mother for a few months, and I did not think I would ever see him again. So it was a great joy to see little Dennis at the Milk and Medicine distribution yesterday. 

I could hardly believe it was the same, ill child I had spent time with earlier this year! The way he has grown and matured in leaps and bounds filled me with happiness. His mother spoke to me about how he still needs to go for checkups at the doctor’s office fairly regularly, but that he is eating well. His healthy appearance is certainly a turnaround from when I last saw him. I couldn’t stop watching as he sat happily snuggled against his mother. 

It is cases like these, where it is evident that placing babies and children with families does absolute wonders for their health and development that make every second of our hard work worth it.

~Lauren, Volunteer

Grateful for you partnership,

The Outreach Foundation and Alliance for Children Everywhere

Click here to read more about the ministry of Crisis Nurseries.


Amount needed in 2015

The Outreach Foundation seeks to raise at least $5,000 per month for Crisis Nurseries. To make a donation, click the Donate Now link in the sidebar.

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