Namumu Orphanage Center - August 2015 Update

Siavonga, Zambia

A team from The Outreach Foundation led by Rev. Bill Warlick, Southern Africa mission staff, and Ebralie Mwizerwa, projects coordinator, visited Namumu Orphanage in Siavonga, Zambia in May. Here is their report:

After arriving at Namumu we met with Phanuel L. Simamba (director) and Zenzo Sidembo (accountant). We brought boxes of rice donated by “Stop Hunger Now” and shipped by Alliance for Children Everywhere to the Crisis Nurseries in Lusaka. For over ten years, we have partnered with ACE in caring for vulnerable children in Crisis Nurseries in Lusaka, Zambia. We are looking for ways to continue this partnership between Crisis Nurseries and Namumu in Siavonga, so that they can learn from one another as both organizations care for vulnerable children.

Namumu cares for 35 school-aged children (22 girls and 13 boys). Last year seven high school students from Namumu successfully completed high school. Some are now working in Siavonga waiting to enroll in the university in the fall of 2016. There is a gap year for new students to be admitted into universities.  

Accomplishments for 2014
So much was accomplished last year. Seven children graduated from high school. Three of them, Christopher, Brenda and Florence, graduated with high scores which means they will be considered for scholarships at all government universities.  Three others performed well and are also candidates for university studies if scholarships are available. Only one student will not be eligible for college.

We are happy to announce that Malachi Habasimbi, a Namumu child who graduated last year, has enrolled in Justo Mwale University to study theology. He is looking forward to being a pastor and a mentor to vulnerable children. We are also proud of Jolity who has a scholarship to Mumbuyu Academy, Wendy Chikumbura who is enrolled in a teachers’ college and many more bright Namumu children. You can see these children fulfilling the mission of Namumu Orphanage, moving from “desperation to self-reliance.” Amazing Grace!

The new children that moved in a year ago have adjusted well. We were advised by the Department of Health that there should be no more than 50 children in residence until the size of the bathroom facility is increased. We received a grant to add a bathroom block to the area closest to the girls’dormitory. This block may also be used by outside groups including church members who gather on campus on Saturdays and others who attend meetings at Namumu. 

Income Generating Activities
Namumu increased the number of poultry to almost 700 birds. There is still a strong market for eggs from all the inns in Siavonga including Eagles Rest Lodge. However, as we looked at their production of eggs it was not satisfactory. Bill and Zenzo concluded that the chickens were not receiving enough food for maximum egg production. We recommended selling 200 birds and using the proceeds to buy enough food to keep a productive number of chickens instead of having too many birds producing less. The kapenta catches have been good. Unfortunately, our fourth boat is still inoperable after almost two years. We continue to look for funds to help Namumu buy a diesel engine for this boat.

Lee Cooper, Elder South Highland Presbyterian Church, Birmingham, AL, Ebralie and Bill

Lee Cooper, Elder South Highland Presbyterian Church, Birmingham, AL, Ebralie and Bill

Dorms and Other Facility Repairs
The dorms have been repaired, and the bats have been cleared away. It was hard work, but they managed. Phanuel jokes that the community is complaining because the bats are finding homes there now. But it is good for the Namumu children who were really affected by the smell. The dorms are now in good, livable condition – no ceiling yet (so hot) – but painted and the bathrooms are repaired. The dorms were very clean when we visited. 

Goals for 2015 and Beyond
•    strengthen the infrastructure; repair the existing facility to offer quality shelter, nourishment and Christian values
•    build the capacity by adding a female Christian social worker to the staff
•    strengthen the role of the chaplain
•    continue encouraging the children to aim higher in their education and support for the staff

Needs/Prayer Requests
•    pray for each of the 35 Namumu children and also for ongoing recruitment for 15 more children
•    pray for the staff to be equipped with the gifts of love and passion to care for the unloved children
•    pray for Malachi as he begins his study of theology at Justo Mwale
•    pray for The Outreach Foundation to be able to continue supporting this valuable ministry to vulnerable children
•    pray that these children will see Christ who changes lives from the inside out
•    prayerfully consider continuing to support Namumu Orphanage –Outreach has recommended an external financial audit to ensure transparency and strong accountability

If you have questions, please contact Ebralie or Bill 

Grateful for your partnership
The Outreach Foundation

Read more about Namumu Orphanage Center by clicking HERE.

Amount needed in 2015

The Outreach Foundation seeks to raise at least $5,000 per month for the operation of Namumu Orphanage and $2,000 for skills training programs.. To make a donation, click the Donate Now link in the sidebar.

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