Posts tagged Tumaini Children's Ministries
Tumaini/Huruma Children's Ministry Update June 2024

On my recent trip to Tumaini-Huruma Children’s Ministry in Nyeri, Kenya, I was able to visit with Tumaini-Huruma board members, worship with and visit the staff and children, while also discussing changes that have taken place at their homes since the last visit in July of 2023. Eighty-six children are in the Tumaini-Huruma Children’s Ministry with 59 of these children being reintegrated into the homes of their parents or guardians. Two social workers are making regular visits to the homes of these children, supplying them with needed food and personal items. These social workers, Ms. Falisa and Ms. Njoki, live at the Huruma home and are key to the reintegration program helping make functional homes for these kids to go back to.

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Tumaini Children's Ministry — July 2023 Update

At the end of June, a six-member team from Eastminster Presbyterian Church, Marietta, Georgia journeyed to the highlands of Kenya to make a visit to the Tumaini-Huruma Children’s Ministry. Eastminster, an Outreach church partner, had not sent a team to Kenya (due to COVID constraints) since 2018. Here is a quick snapshot of our two-day visit:

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Tumaini Children's Ministry - June 2022 Update

Tumaini Runners’ Program

The Tumaini Runners’ Program was started in 2007 by two young women who had recently graduated from Stanford University. Following their graduation, the young women, avid amateur runners, embarked on an adventure taking them around the world to participate in marathons across the globe. A stop in Kenya found them looking for a place to stay for a race taking place in the Mt. Kenya Region in the Central Highlands. A long-time donor to the Tumaini Children’s Center, a home for vulnerable children in Nyeri, Kenya, gave them an offer they couldn’t refuse. In exchange for accommodations, they had to promise to visit Tumaini and spend some time with the children. Out of that encounter, the Tumaini Runners’ Program was born.

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Tumaini Children's Ministry - April 2021 Update

Christian greetings from Tumaini/Huruma Children’s Ministry in Nyeri, Kenya.

We continue to pray and trust that you are staying safe and healthy during this COVID pandemic. Kenya has now recorded over 154,400 cases and 2,500 deaths. Between mid-March and mid-April, the country experienced its fourth surge in cases. Supplies of the AstraZeneca vaccine arrived in Kenya in early March and over 650,000 have been administered. Kenya’s population is nearly 54 million, so it will be many months before there is adequate vaccine coverage. Nyeri county, home of the Tumaini Children’s Ministry, is a rural county, yet has experienced more than 720 confirmed cases.

The pandemic has brought a lot of uncertainty, yet the staff at Tumaini and Huruma are working hard to sustain daily operations and care for the children. We were saddened to learn from Anne Wandimi the manager at Tumaini Children's Home, that Ms. Monica Kagume, chair of the Tumaini Board, died from COVID infection in early March. Her leadership and love for the children will be greatly missed.

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Tumaini Children's Ministry - November 2020 Update

Christian greetings from Tumaini/Huruma Children’s Ministry.

We pray and trust that you are staying safe and healthy during this unprecedented pandemic. Nyeri county, home of the Tumaini Children’s Ministry, has been affected by the pandemic with 704 confirmed cases to date. Unfortunately, infections have been on the rise, affecting the marginalized at a disproportionate rate.

In March of this year, the government directed all schools and children’s homes to close down to control the spread of COVID-19. To remain compliant, we repatriated all of the children except four to guardians.

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Tumaini Children's Ministry - June 2020 Update

A mission effort of the Presbyterian Church of East Africa (PCEA) Riamukurwe parish, the Tumaini Children’s Ministry comprises the Tumaini and Huruma homes for vulnerable children. Before the pandemic, more than 100 children lived and attended school at Tumaini. Huruma, a nearby facility that includes a number of disabled children, housed 50 children. The Tumaini ministry also includes a vocational training program, which serves post-secondary students and people from the community.

On March 15th, the Kenyan government announced the closure of all schools and learning institutions in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Tumaini Children's Ministry - December 2019 Update

Five Loaves of Bread and Two Fish

Sunday, November 17, 2019, was a historic day in the life of Riamukurwe Parish and Tumaini Children’s Ministry. Her Excellency Dr. Joyce Banda, former President of Malawi, and her family visited the home! She was accompanied by the Governor of Nyeri County and many other dignitaries. The Outreach team of 12 people visiting from five U.S. churches (Laguna PC, Canyon Hills PC, La Verne Heights PC, Malibu PC, and Pacific Palisades PC) was honored to share the day with such dignitaries.

The day began in front of the church as Ebralie Mwizerwa (team leader), Frank Dimmock, Parish Minister Rev. Nicholas Miriti, Eunice Muindi, Anne Muindi-Shemenski (good friend of Dr. Banda), Catherine Mukami and other parish leaders welcomed the guests. We then enjoyed a great worship service during which the Outreach team gave greetings, Tumaini children presented a song, and words of encouragement were spoken both by Dr. Banda and the Nyeri County Governor.

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PCEA Tumaini Children's Ministry - June 2019 Update

Dear friends of Tumaini children,

On behalf of Tumaini/Huruma children, we want to bring you this update concerning the current situation of the homes. The Outreach Foundation is very grateful for your generosity that allowed the PCEA Riamukurwe parish to start and operate Tumaini and Huruma homes. As we write, the Ministry is struggling to maintain high-quality care for the children who are served by the homes. As we work with other close partners to help the parish in Nyeri to carry on its witness for Christ by serving the needy in their midst, we have been actively engaging the local board, encouraging them to find solutions to several issues and challenges facing the homes.

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Tumaini-Huruma Children's Ministry - August 2018 Update

Transformed by Love and Care     
by Amina, in her own words

I was born and brought up in an Islamic religion. One day while living at Tumaini, I had a dream where I was falling in a deep, deep hole and I could see a very bright light shining in my eyes. I called out the name of Jesus three times in my dream, and I saw Jesus' face. He saved me from falling down and picked me up. I woke up crying and prayed. I thought about the dream that morning and I saw that God was trying to speak something to me. Many times I had visions from God reassuring me that he loved me. The image of Jesus picking me up stuck with me. I converted to Christianity in the year 2012 when I was in class 8 (eighth grade).

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Tumaini Children's Ministry-April 2018 Update

Vulnerable children's ministries, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa, have developed out of the desire to care for children either left as orphans following their parent’s death or due to abuse or neglect, in most cases dictated by extreme poverty. The Outreach Foundation's Projects Coordinator Ebralie Mwizerwa, Africa Mission Specialist Frank Dimmock and former Outreach trustee Rev. Dr. Eve Tolley recently traveled to Kenya to visit children’s ministries partners at the Riamukurwe Parish. On March 5-6, they met with the board of Tumaini Children's Ministry and worked on important recommendations for the children’s benefits. In this update, Ebralie gives a report of the trip and issues an invitation for the next trip, tentatively scheduled for the fall of 2019.

Upon our arrival at Nyeri, we were well-received at Tumaini and shared a delicious meal with Rev. Nicholas Miriti, parish pastor; Eunice Kago, Tumaini home manager; Peter Mucheru, session clerk; Virginia Munyiri, board secretary, and Fred Magua, Tumaini board chair.

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Tumaini Children's Ministry - January 2018 Update

Tumaini-Huruma Homes Recent Success Stories

The Outreach Foundation would like to thank each and everyone who made a difference in the lives of children in Nyeri-Kenya. As most of you know, this children’s ministry started by The Very Rev. Bernard Muindi went through difficult and trying times after the passing of Rev. Muindi. We also learned recently about another death at Tumaini – a child named Saitoti who was ill and died after being hospitalized at Tumutumu Hospital. We continue to pray for the young and vulnerable 150+ children who are residents at both the Tumaini and Huruma homes. At the same time, we celebrate the success of those whose lives have been impacted by the Tumaini ministry through your generosity.

It's a bold thing to ask people to give financially to help children in Kenya, but it is also gratifying to know that your gifts have changed the lives of orphans and vulnerable children. It is such an honor to watch the transformation that happens when we listen and obey the voice that whispers in us the message to share resources.

Knowing that our Lord commends us to care for the least of these and to love them as our own children, we would like to share that at the conclusion of 2017 we had nine Tumaini/Huruma students who graduated from various universities in Kenya and entered the job market. They hold degrees in Computer Science, Social Work, Cooperative Management, Education, Wildlife Enterprise Management, Information Technology and more. All these youg people are shining examples of God’s servant leaders who ha

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Celebrating the Life of The Very Rev. Bernard Muindi, Great Partner and Friend of The Outreach Foundation

We're saddened to announce the recent death of the Rt. Rev. Bernard Muindi, former moderator of the Presbyterian Church in East Africa, former pastor of the Riamukurwe Parish at Nyeri, and visionary advocate for the needs of vulnerable children at Nyeri and beyond. His daughter, Anne, shared with us that the scriptures he selected for his funeral service are Joshua 1:1-9 and 2 Timothy 4:1-8. He has indeed fought the good fight, finished the race, and kept the faith. Please hold his widow, Eunice, in your prayers, along with all his family and the parish and denomination that he served. The following letter was sent to the Presbyterian Church of East Africa from Executive Director Rob Weingartner:

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Tumaini Children's Ministry - April 2017 Update

A message from Rev. Nicholas Miriti, new parish pastor

Dear Tumaini ministry partners and friends, 

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. “Bwana Yesu Asifiwe” which means Praise the Lord! I am humbled as I write this inaugural message as your new pastor. As I introduce myself, I would like to first thank the Almighty for his provision of life and for giving me a flock to shepherd here in Kenya and abroad. 

Nehemiah 2:18 says, “…Let us arise and build.” During this time of  Lent, it is worthy to remind ourselves of the noble work of building that is being continued through the death of Christ on the cross. Building means either starting a new structure or repairing an existing one. Christ came in order for us to be established and built up as Christians. 

As Christ sacrificed his own life in order for us to be united with God, we also need to sacrifice in order to help our brothers and sisters who are less fortunate. Through our partnership with the Presbyterian Church of East Africa, Riamukurwe parish, and The  Outreach Foundation, Tumaini and Huruma schools care for hundreds of vulnerable children. 

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Tumaini Children's Ministry - February 2017 Update

Dear friends and Tumaini partners,

Thank you to all of you who pray for our children at Tumaini. God answered your prayers and has blessed us with success. The Tumaini children are blossoming and doing well in school. We are so excited to report their progress.

Due to their outstanding performances, some of the children have earned university scholarships and others have received high school sponsorships from local sponsors. 

“Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine,  you did for me.” Matthew 25:40

Mercy is a Tumaini  child who was awarded a full university scholarship by Kenya Methodist University... 

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Tumaini Children's Ministry - November 2016 Update

Dear partners and friends of Tumaini Ministry and the Riamukurwe Parish,

Those of you supporting Tumaini Ministry in Nyeri are aware of its importance in a country like Kenya, where there are a growing number of children living on the street and orphaned due to various reasons. Currently over 250 children residing at Tumaini and Huruma attend both primary and high schools in the area. The hope brought by witnessing the love of Christ to these vulnerable children is bearing fruit in wonderful ways. Some talented young people have completed high school and, with help from this ministry, are pursuing vocational training and university studies at several institutions of higher learning. Their success is a great witness of the church in the gospel message to care for the least of these in Christ’s name and a great inspiration to the younger children in the program.

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Tumaini Children's Ministries - November 2015 Update

Dear Partners and Friends of Tumaini Ministry and the Riamukurwe Parish,

We know Tumaini and Huruma children are a part of your prayers. Please keep praying for and supporting the 208 children currently residing there. Ken Cornelison, from Laguna Presbyterian Church, and I visited the Tumaini and Huruma children this month. It is hard for me to describe the joy we saw on the faces of both the children and the dedicated staff and board members!

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Tumaini Children's Ministries - November 2014 Update

Dear Partners and Friends of Tumaini Ministry and the Riamukurwe Parish,

An Outreach team including representatives from churches in California and Florida that support Tumaini and I recently traveled to Nyeri. We were overjoyed to meet children like Alice, pictured below. Both the children and the ministry leaders, including the Very Rev. Bernard Muindi, are so appreciative of the gifts you have sent. 

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Tumaini Children's Ministries - May 2014 Update

Tumaini Children’s Ministries care for vulnerable children regardless of their tribe, creed, or religious affiliations. Due to the increased level of poverty in the area around the Riamukurwe parish and in rural Kenya in general, there are many children who are not being cared for properly. The Tumaini ministry helps prevent these children from becoming street children. Because of their precarious situations, these children are recommended to us either by church leaders or the Department of Social Welfare. We provide accommodation, education, healthcare, food, and clothing. We create self-reliance and opportunities through vocational training. We also provide behavioral guidance. We are encouraged by the accomplishments of many of these children and would like to share a few of their stories:

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