Home of Hope - March 2015 Update

Harare, Zimbabwe

Dear Friends of Home of Hope,

How rapidly this current year has already progressed. The fullness of the Christmas blessings you showered upon Home of Hope is still lingering, but the work of the current year is also moving along at a good pace.

A new group of 30 women started dressmaking training in January. A mixture of young and older women, they train on Thursdays. Some of the young women have completed their schooling but cannot find jobs and are hoping to equip themselves through dressmaking skills to be self-employed. The rest of the group is made up of widows, divorcees, HIV positives and single ladies. Almost all of them have at least one child, and many have two.

Due to an important international meeting being held in Harare, the Home was instructed by Social Welfare to stop feeding street people. The children who were attending school were taken away by Social Welfare, so presently these children are neither being fed nor supported by Home of Hope. Michael and Trymore, pictured right, were coming to the Home for showers, food and prayers. They attended classes at House of Smiles, an informal basic school. These two children were among those taken by Social Welfare. Much prayer is needed for these two areas of the ministry, the feeding of the street people and the school-age children, in particular.

Over the past two months, the Home helped 18 people go to a government clinic for medical care. We covered the individual costs for about 60 people’s basic medicines and for three folks to go to the hospital. Mary, one of our supporters, visited Harare for a few weeks and kindly donated some over the counter medicines. What a delight that our Lord provided places to live for most of the children coming to Home of Hope last year.  

Munashe and his half-brother Ngoni, who were regularly fed at the Home, are now in a children’s home. Home of Hope continues to pay for their school fees, uniforms and food when necessary. Anelka is now staying with his grandmother, as is Panasha. Both receive the same support as Munashe. So does Fidel, who is staying with his mother. These women are unable to take in their children or grandchildren without support, so our ability to help means the children are no longer living on the streets, and they have adult guidance. It’s a major and joyous step forward for the children, and their delight is evident. 

Kuda, Talent and Mike all have a place to stay. Kuda had been staying with some relatives in a rural area but is now back in town. His relatives did not want him, but he has a place to stay in Harare. The Home provides his basic school fees and food.

Talent, pictured right, whom Joan and Craig have known for several years finally returned to the Home last year. He is attending school, and the Home provides his basic necessities. Mike has been with Home of Hope for several years but returned to his relatives last year. However, he had trouble with them and has now left and found another place to stay. We provide his essentials as well. He struggled in school last year and is therefore repeating sixth grade but doing very well. Altogether the Home paid school fees for about 54 children, mostly the children of the mothers who are selected for dressmaking training at the Home.

How amazing and rewarding it is to be part of the difference your financial blessing, your prayers and your encouragement have made in the lives of so many street folks and little children despite the dreadful circumstances of their lives. We will continue to provide you with news of the dressmaking program as well as other developments and joys. 

Our weather remains warm, although not enough rain has fallen so far this season. We pray for at least a maize crop for all who planted seed.

“And in the shadow of His wings I will make my refuge, until these calamities have passed by”   Psalm 57:1. 

God bless you all. You are our co-workers in Christ.    

Joan, Craig, Ria and Dave      

Read more about the ministry of Home of Hope by clicking here.

Amount needed in 2015

The Outreach Foundation seeks to raise a minimum of $5,000 per month for Home of Hope. To make a donation, click the Donate Now link in the sidebar.

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