Posts tagged Zimbabwe
Home of Hope in Zimbabwe Update May 2024

Long time Outreach partner Home of Hope Zimbabwe just sent word that Joan Trevelyan, its founder, went home to be with her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Joan was the heartbeat behind Home of Hope’s ministry, which is to meet the needs of poverty-stricken people –women, men, and especially children in and around Harare, Zimbabwe. Joan was joined by her son Craig to serve the Lord in this ministry both of whom were an inspiration to those around them. Home of Hope has brought joy into the lives of underprivileged people in Zimbabwe for many years, all thanks to the vision of Joan Trevelyan. Although Joan will be especially missed, the mission and ministry will continue at Home of Hope, thanks to its exceptional staff. Please be in prayer for Joan’s family, the Home of Hope staff, and the people of Zimbabwe as they mourn the loss of Joan. A small funeral service will be held for family and close friends, officiated by Craig’s cousin who is a pastor from South Africa

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Presbytery of Zimbabwe Ministry for Children at Risk — September 2022 Update

Formerly known as Lovemore Home, the Ministry for Children at Risk in Harare rescued many boys from the streets of Zimbabwe. When Lovemore Home closed as a residential home for boys at the end of 2014, The Outreach Foundation and several donors including members of South Highland Presbyterian Church in Birmingham, Alabama committed to helping the boys who lived in the orphanage complete their education. Lee Cooper from South Highland PC recently sent the following news on the boys:

We can't say Praise God! and Hallelujah! enough that Tichaona Baradzi and Munashe Kamangira have graduated from university, even in the midst of COVID!

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Presbytery of Zimbabwe Ministry for Children at Risk Update

Formerly known as Lovemore Home, the Ministry for Children at Risk in Harare rescued many boys from the streets of Zimbabwe. When Lovemore Home closed as a residential home for boys at the end of 2014, The Outreach Foundation and several donors including members of South Highland Presbyterian Church in Birmingham, Alabama committed to helping the boys who lived in the orphanage complete their education. Lee Cooper from South Highland PC recently sent the following news on the boys:

The Lovemore boys of Harare, Zimbabwe, though fewer in number now, are proceeding with their education and making good progress.

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Home of Hope in Zimbabwe - April 2021 Update

Dear family in Christ Jesus,

How wonderful that God loves us so much that he gave us his most precious gift, his only begotten son Jesus. Through Jesus, we are forgiven and given everlasting life. In Jeremiah 31:34 we hear God’s word speaking, “For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more.”

What an amazing message to share with those who think they have no hope, especially now when many are unemployed, have lost loved ones, and see no future for themselves except for life on the street. What a joy to share the Good News with those who must fight for survival, sharing with them that despite living in a fallen world, our hope is not of this world but in God who has compassion and has given us a heavenly home.

We thank all who support us so that we may help those living on the street with food, clothes, medicine, soap, and the Good News of Jesus. We pray that the Lord will be with you always.

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Home of Hope in Zimbabwe - January 2021 Update

Dear friends,

We thank God that despite the pandemic, we were still able to celebrate Christ’s birth by giving gifts to the destitute. We did not know how we would be able to get clothing to distribute, but our Heavenly Father provided. There is nothing that he can’t do even in a worldwide crisis. At the beginning of the lockdown, many felt abandoned when churches were forced to close and the people who usually helped them could not but we were able to give them help and a bit of a Christmas celebration which helped to show them that their Father still cares.

We usually serve food to about 100 people a day three times a week. We expected about 120 people to come for the Christmas parcels, but we prepared for 150 just in case.

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Home of Hope - Update

Note from Outreach:
We hope you and your loved ones are well during this time of COVID-19. The Outreach staff is well, and our global mission efforts continue. We received this update from Home of Hope in late March and encourage you to pray for our dear partners in Zimbabwe.

We thank our Heavenly Father for many undeserved blessings that He has given to us all. The most precious gift He has given to us is His dear Son Jesus. It is hard to fathom that He would send His one and only Son to save us from perishing from our sins!! What kind of love is this? The amazing free gift of salvation where He gives us the power to become His children. We did not earn our salvation by good works but Jesus did the work by dying on the cross for us. Unearned mercy, love and forgiveness.

There are many trials and difficulties here... water problems, drought, a fuel crisis, high inflation, shortages of the staple diet of mealie meal (very expensive if we do get it), high schooling costs, poverty, depression, poor wages, high unemployment, high cost of medicines and hospitals, cash shortages, fear of the future ... but for us, the Good News never disappears. Jesus is alive... God is always there for us in these troubling times. The difficulties never seem to go away but God is with us to get us through each moment of each day.

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Presbytery of Zimbabwe Ministry for Children at Risk - February 2020 Update

Formerly known as Lovemore Home, the Ministry for Children at Risk in Harare rescued many boys from the streets of Zimbabwe. When Lovemore Home closed as a residential home for boys at the end of 2014, The Outreach Foundation and several of its donors made a commitment to helping the boys who lived in the orphanage complete their education.

We have some exciting updates on these boys! Tichaona Baradzi is excelling in Veterinary Sciences at the University of Zimbabwe in Harare. He is completing an attachment (like our internships) learning to inspect and grade meats and poultry. Munashe Kamangira is a student at the National University of Science and Technology (NUST) in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. He will complete an attachment in Information Technology and Accounting this August.

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Home of Hope - December 2019 Update

A Wonderful and Amazing God

When we go outside at night and look at the stars and moon and how peaceful it is up there, we are reminded that God still exists as we see his beautiful creation. Psalm 147:4 says, “He counts the number of the stars; he calls them all by name.” We are certainly not alone. God who created everything is still with us. He is our greatest hope through his most precious gift to us, his son Jesus!

We would like to share an update on the Home of Hope ministries:

School fees are very hard for most people to pay. Lack of food is also a problem for some school children because their parents or relatives can't afford it. How sad it is!!

We are thankful that with your provision, we can pay school fees for children in need so that they may continue their education. Some of the children are being cared for by their grandmothers, some are in a children’s home, some are homeless, and others are in families that can’t afford education. We thank God and all of you who help us so that we can help these precious ones.

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Home of Hope - Update

Christ is Our Light!!

“the people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death, a light has dawned.” Matthew 4:16 NIV

Dear friends,

No matter where we are or who we are, no matter if we live in darkness no matter how great it is…when Christ comes darkness flees. Much darkness is here in our land but all we can say is that God the Light of the world is amazing, his mercies and love know no bounds. No matter how many sins we committed or how we failed him, he calls on us to remind us that we are created in his image and therefore he loves us, and through his great love and mercy we can turn to him as he sent his One and Only Son Jesus to die for our sins. Whosoever believeth in him will have eternal life. That eternal life is a great light. It’s Heaven living inside us when Christ lives in us. Amazing. We rest in Jesus only for our salvation.

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Relief Efforts in Southern Africa - Cyclone Idai Update

Cyclone Idai has destroyed homes and devastated crops, infrastructure and livelihoods throughout southern Africa. This storm exacerbated the humanitarian needs caused by flooding throughout Malawi, Mozambique and Zimbabwe that has affected families since the beginning of March. Having lost homes and possessions, many families are sleeping on the ground with no protection from the elements. Many farmers have lost their crops.

Thankfully, our partners in Tete Province, Mozambique, are not reporting severe effects from the storm in their area, but we continue to seek more information about their situation.

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Home of Hope - January 2019 Update

We greet you, dear fellow believers, in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. So much has happened and is happening around the world. We realize more than ever before that without Jesus, we can cope with nothing and achieve nothing. He is our source of life, provision, and strength, our battle is his battle, and our victory and hope are in him alone.

We wish to begin this news update with the wonderful story of Tinotendaishe (pictured above with Joan) and God’s provision in his young life. He experienced Joan’s caring heart in the early 1990s when she was distributing food and sharing the gospel on the streets in central Harare with the help of her three young sons. Joan’s youngest son, Craig, is still serving in this ministry.

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Home of Hope - March 2018 Update

Dear friends in Christ,

We are excited about what has happened in our country and the possibilities of what can happen to bring the much hoped for and prayed for change for the better in the lives of Zimbabweans. Some of the important promises made at the change of government are slow in being fulfilled. However, we know that our God who has started a good work will bring it to completion.

With the elections speeding closer, we have peace and confidence that our God who sits on the throne is the One who puts leaders into place or removes them according to his plans and purposes. It is wonderful to hear how our current president acknowledges our one and only Creator God in speeches when he addresses groups of people. Our prayers are that God will keep him faithful and rooted in him.

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Home of Hope - January 2018 Update

Dear friends in Christ, 

At the beginning of another year, we are trusting God for what 2018 will bring in the U.S., worldwide, and our little Zimbabwe. We are filled with so much HOPE in our God who is our Hope of Glory! We see and hear of his mighty hand at work in so many instances. How blessed and privileged we are to be called his children, heirs to his Kingdom and co-heirs with Christ his Son – no longer called servants but friends who walk and talk with him each day along the way and come boldly before his throne of grace. Praise and bless his mighty and holy Name!

Zimbabwe has a newly appointed president promising to eliminate corruption, force the return of vast sums of stolen money, and restore the country to its potential. Though the mostly peaceful military intervention was mainly to secure the ruling party’s position, the population was grateful for the change of president. The country may benefit from Mnungagwa, who is said to be a born-again Christian. He will have to produce results if he is to be elected fairly later this year. There have been too many broken promises in the past. We are optimistic.

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Home of Hope - December 2017 Update

Dear friends and ministry partners,

At this very special time of the year, we once again greet you in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ as we reflect on our awesome God and Father’s goodness and the powerful work of the Holy Spirit we have witnessed here in Zimbabwe. As Mary did, we rejoice in our Lord God and Savior for the amazing works we have seen him perform during this past year and which we know we will continue to see. His mercies are new every morning and he is doing a new thing in our country.

Praise God that the swelling in Joan’s foot has gone down and she has been more comfortable with it. Dave is also doing better with the back issues he was experiencing. The problem remains but by monitoring his actions/movements (e.g. not working on the vehicles any longer in awkward positions) he is much like he was previously. He just cannot stand for very long anymore. Praise God for both of them and that we can see his hand of protection and healing on them. In the same way, we are confident that our Lord will heal the hearts of Joan and Craig and their family at the unexpected and sudden loss of Joan’s son (and Craig’s brother), Gary. The void such a loss may leave in our lives can only be filled with the knowledge that our heavenly Father can fill such a void with his compassion and love.

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Home of Hope - January 2017 Update

Dear friends,

We greet you once again in the precious and mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our hearts overflow with gratitude and awe at how great the love of our heavenly Father has proven to be, and we give thanks for the gift of salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ when we do not deserve such unconditional love. We are also grateful that he has blessed us with the ability to handle and cope with whatever situations he allows to come across our paths, drawing us ever closer in fellowship with him.

We know that in many ways 2017 will be a year of new challenges, but we also know that our Heavenly Father is always there to provide a way and a means, because nothing is impossible with our God of the universe. These scriptures are so meaningful to us:
Proverbs 3:5-6   Trust in the Lord in all your ways and lean not on your own understanding… and he will direct your paths. 

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Home of Hope - July 2016 Update

Dear friends,

A special prayer of thanksgiving from Joan, Craig and the staff at Home of Hope, to which Dave and Ria say Amen.

Heavenly Father, we thank you above all for loving us so much that you sent your only begotten son, Jesus, to walk with us sinners, to be with us in the flesh, showing us your amazing love, grace and mercy. Thank you, Jesus for dying for us sinners on the cross as our substitute so we can have a new life, an eternal life, set free from the bondage of our sin, to be forgiven and to be given the free gift of salvation. We thank you Lord for all those who have given so much love and care for the poor of Zimbabwe and who have given us at Home of Hope so much support. We pray that you will bless them, guide them, protect them, heal them, shine your face upon them, their families and friends and fill them with your peace. Thank you for your amazing grace, we pray this in the precious name of Jesus.  Amen.

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Home of Hope - February 2016 Update

Dear friends,

When we look at the world around us and see earthquakes, floods, fires, tornadoes, and wars which cause families to lose their homes and loved ones, our hearts are filled with gratitude that although we have a seriously collapsed economy and a drought, we have families, friends and food. We see God’s hand of provision in so many areas of need through compassionate groups of his people including you, supporters of Home of Hope. 

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