Crisis Nurseries - July 2015 Update

Lusaka, Zambia

House of Moses (established in 2000) is a unique program that provides 24 hour nursing care to premature and high-risk infants. House of Moses is the only facility of its kind in Zambia, and it has become a destination for international visitors, well-wishers and those who just want to sing to and hold the babies!

The Bill and Bette Bryant Crisis Nursery was established in 2003 to serve toddlers. It is here that the babies start their education in the Learning Center of Joy preschool. Some of the children are brought to the crisis nurseries by heartbroken fathers or grandparents who are grieving the loss of the infant’s mother and know that unless they can find help, they will lose their baby as well. Others infants are abandoned in the maternity ward, perhaps because the mother fears her tiny premature infant will not survive in her care. The children are brought by the police, the Department of Social Welfare or "Good Samaritans." Some babies who are admitted to House of Moses weigh less than three pounds, and although there is no specialized medical equipment, almost all of the babies do survive and thrive! 

Andrew Mwambazi* is a good example of the babies who come to House of Moses. One week after delivering her premature baby, Andrew’s mother died. Andrew’s father and nine year old brother were left with a newborn that weighed barely four lbs.  They had no running water, no electricity, no stove, no nursing bottles and no money.  Without help, Andrew could not have survived more than a day or two after his mother’s death.

Now, seven months later, Andrew is strong, healthy and has been reunited with his father and brother.

Regardless of the tragic circumstances that bring babies to House of Moses or the Bill and Bette Bryant Crisis Nursery, we know God has a special plan for each young life and that his best plan is families. While in our temporary homes each child receives the special love, prayer and care that they so desperately need to begin healing. Every effort, including reunification, kinship, foster family care and adoption is made to establish the child in a safe, permanent family, as soon as responsibly possible. 

About seven months ago, Elina*, thought to be about four years old, was found wandering the streets of Lusaka. She was taken to the Bill and Bette Bryant Crisis Nursery where she gradually began to heal. The Mbewes*, an electrical engineer and Sunday School teacher, were unable to bear children of their own. When they heard that our foster-to-adopt program had begun, they immediately applied. After thorough screening and training, they were approved to receive a child between three and six years of age.

What a happy morning it was when Mr. and Mrs. Mbewe met Elina; there were tears of joy in the eyes of all. A family was born and with it the way was opened for many more orphans to find their very own forever families. 

* Names have been changed to safeguard privacy.

“He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap;
He seats them with princes, with the princes of their people.”   Psalms 113: 7-8

Note: The Crisis Nurseries in Lusaka, Zambia are a partnership between Christian Alliance for Children in Zambia, Alliance for Children Everywhere and The Outreach Foundation. The House of Moses Preemie center has been named after Bill and Nancy Warlick. A team from Outreach led by Rev. Bill Warlick and Projects Coordinator Ebralie Mwizerwa visited both homes in May 2015.

Over the Past Five Years

  • 1,322 children received into both homes
  • 677 children reunited with family
  • 156 children adopted
  • 377 children transferred
  • 14 children in foster family
  • 44 children in the Lord's arms
Nancy Warlick and friend!

Nancy Warlick and friend!

The children there are an example of God’s goodness. Crisis Nurseries’ caretakers are doing amazing work showing the love of Christ to these little ones and teaching them how much he loves them. 

We invite you to get involved and involve your congregation and your children by introducing Show the Love, an innovative five-week Sunday School program, to your children’s education and adult Sunday School classes. To get started, register at: or email Ebralie Mwizerwa at

As always, The Outreach Foundation is so grateful for your partnership in the work of saving children’s lives.

Rev. Bill Warlick and Ebralie Mwizerwa

Read more about Crisis Nurseries by clicking here.

Amount needed in 2015

The Outreach Foundation seeks to raise at least $5,000 per month for Crisis Nurseries. To make a donation, click the Donate Now link in the sidebar.

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