Memorial Service to Honor and Celebrate Katherine Booth

Katherine Sawyer Booth, faithful friend of The Outreach Foundation, passed away Friday, September 7 in Stuart, Florida.

Mrs. Booth was preceded in death by her husband, Dr. Alex Booth, Outreach trustee emeritus. Dr. and Mrs. Booth shared a great love for the people of Africa. Their Booth Leadership Initiative focused that passion on the African Church. Equipping leaders, planting and building churches, and funding schools were a priority for this devoted couple. As a result of their generosity and kindness, thousands of African pastors have been trained, hundreds of churches built, and countless children enabled to attend school.

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The Outreach Foundation
Mrs. Katherine Sawyer Booth — Lasting Legacy

Katherine Sawyer Booth, faithful friend of The Outreach Foundation, passed away Friday, September 7 in Stuart, Florida.

Mrs. Booth was preceded in death by her husband, Dr. Alex Booth, Outreach trustee emeritus. Dr. and Mrs. Booth shared a great love for the people of Africa. Their Booth Leadership Initiative focused that passion on the African Church. Equipping leaders, planting and building churches, and funding schools were a priority for this devoted couple. As a result of their generosity and kindness, thousands of African pastors have been trained, hundreds of churches built, and countless children enabled to attend school.

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The Outreach Foundation
Vital Ministry in Syria and Lebanon

As we seek to engage followers of Christ in His mission in Syria and Lebanon, The Outreach Foundation continues in partnership with the National Evangelical Synod of Syria and Lebanon (NESSL). This July three Outreach board members, Nancy Fox, Lois Andrews, and Lisa Culpepper traveled to Beirut to visit partners and attend the annual Women’s Conference in Dhour Choueir, Lebanon.

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Military Chaplains Minister on Multiple Fronts in Ukraine

Earlier this summer, The Outreach Foundation hosted Dr. Ivan Rusyn (President, Ukraine Evangelical Theological Seminary in Kyiv) for a visit to the U.S. His several updates included a major initiative to train military chaplains who are serving active-duty soldiers in Ukraine. This initiative has brought together Orthodox and Greek Catholic seminaries and UETS representing the broader Protestant traditions in Ukraine. Military chaplaincy is at the leading edge of what ministry candidates are being trained to do as they seek to fulfill their call while serving their country courageously.

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China Partnership — Amity Printing Company

The Outreach Foundation has had a long-standing relationship with Amity Printing Company in China. Located on the outskirts of Nanjing, China, Amity Printing Company is a joint venture between the Amity Foundation and the United Bible Societies. The company was established in 1988 and prints Bibles for the world. Bibles have been sent to more than 140 countries and regions.  

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Pray for Partners in Pakistan

On Wednesday, August 17 a violent mob of around 7,000 people attacked 22 churches in a number of Christian homes in areas outside Faisalabad. This is an area in which our partners in Pakistan operate. Please hold our brothers and sisters in Pakistan in your prayers as they grieve over this attack, seek courage to face this challenging time, and as Muslim and Christian leaders work together to ease tensions.

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PCEA Urisho Church Dedication

PCEA Urisho Church in Arusha, Tanzania was dedicated in June with a happy celebration. The church is located on top of Mount Meru, just outside Arusha.

From our base in Kikuyu, it took all day to drive to Arusha for the dedication. We got to the border at noon, and it took about two hours to cross because of the paperwork for the vehicle. The main language of Tanzania is Swahili, and very few people speak English.

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Lasting Friendship: Outreach Team Visits the Church in China

Hospitality and mutual exchanges of stories of God at work in China and the United States marked The Outreach Foundation’s first post-pandemic visit to the church in China. As we conclude our memorable time among friends who wish us God’s blessings and desire a deeper relationship with the church in America, we received the following official report from the National China Christian Council (CCC) office which hosted our visit. We look forward to sharing stories of our rich time in China with you soon!

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Holistic Evangelism in Tete Province — August 2023 Update

I am excited to share with you an update on our Holistic Evangelism Project in Tete Province, Mozambique. The year started with a bang. Cyclone Freddy made its first landfall in Mozambique in late February and then returned for a second landfall in March. Tete Province (an interior province) was spared the tremendous rainfall that coastal areas received, but crop preparation and planting were delayed, and village life was disrupted. We are grateful the damage and flooding were not as bad as we feared.   

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PCEA Kwen-Siro Church Dedication in Kenya

The dedication of PCEA Kwen-Siro Church on July 1 was the culmination of a week of mission celebration on the Kenyan coast. The celebration started on Tuesday when many went door to door in Sagalla evangelizing and inviting the town people to the church dedication on Saturday. Most of the Head Office including the Moderator, Secretary General and Deputy Secretary General attended.

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PCEA Emmaus-Mutarakwa Church Dedication in Kenya

PCEA Emmaus-Mutarakwa Church is located near Nakuru in Central Province in St. Mary’s Parish. St. Mary’s Church is the mother church. In 2018, two plots of land measuring .75 acres were obtained — 1/2 acre came from the Ministry of Land and 1/4 acre was donated by a church member. Ground was broken for the church on October 6, 2019.

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Tumaini Children's Ministry — July 2023 Update

At the end of June, a six-member team from Eastminster Presbyterian Church, Marietta, Georgia journeyed to the highlands of Kenya to make a visit to the Tumaini-Huruma Children’s Ministry. Eastminster, an Outreach church partner, had not sent a team to Kenya (due to COVID constraints) since 2018. Here is a quick snapshot of our two-day visit:

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Persian Diaspora Partnerships: A New Strategy for Engaging with God’s Work in Europe

Persian Diaspora Partnerships: A New Strategy for Engaging with God’s Work in Europe

In October 2021, while COVID protocols were still in effect and few people were traveling internationally, The Outreach Foundation decided to explore a new field of harvest. It’s called Diaspora. Diaspora refers to those people living away from their homeland due to religious, political, or economic hardship. Biblically, we may recall Esther and Daniel living in Persia, or the Israelites living in Egypt, even Jesus and his family living in diaspora while on the run from Herod the Great.

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Booth Girls' High School of Excellence — July 2023 Update

Wendell Hill, Outreach trustee and Synod Men’s Council Kenya Leader (Mid-Atlantic Synod), recently returned from his seventh mission trip to Kenya. Wendell shared,

“It was another amazing, life-changing experience. Our visits to the Booth Girls’ High Schools will always be remembered. We completed four ministry sessions of “Why I Love Jesus” with 625 girls, hearing and witnessing their faith stories and testimonies of their lives. The visit ended with the girls sharing that they were blessed to be accepted at the Booth Girls’ School.

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