Posts tagged Tumaini Children's Ministry
Tumaini/Huruma Children's Ministry Update June 2024

On my recent trip to Tumaini-Huruma Children’s Ministry in Nyeri, Kenya, I was able to visit with Tumaini-Huruma board members, worship with and visit the staff and children, while also discussing changes that have taken place at their homes since the last visit in July of 2023. Eighty-six children are in the Tumaini-Huruma Children’s Ministry with 59 of these children being reintegrated into the homes of their parents or guardians. Two social workers are making regular visits to the homes of these children, supplying them with needed food and personal items. These social workers, Ms. Falisa and Ms. Njoki, live at the Huruma home and are key to the reintegration program helping make functional homes for these kids to go back to.

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Tumaini Children's Ministry — July 2023 Update

At the end of June, a six-member team from Eastminster Presbyterian Church, Marietta, Georgia journeyed to the highlands of Kenya to make a visit to the Tumaini-Huruma Children’s Ministry. Eastminster, an Outreach church partner, had not sent a team to Kenya (due to COVID constraints) since 2018. Here is a quick snapshot of our two-day visit:

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Tumaini Children's Ministry - June 2022 Update

Tumaini Runners’ Program

The Tumaini Runners’ Program was started in 2007 by two young women who had recently graduated from Stanford University. Following their graduation, the young women, avid amateur runners, embarked on an adventure taking them around the world to participate in marathons across the globe. A stop in Kenya found them looking for a place to stay for a race taking place in the Mt. Kenya Region in the Central Highlands. A long-time donor to the Tumaini Children’s Center, a home for vulnerable children in Nyeri, Kenya, gave them an offer they couldn’t refuse. In exchange for accommodations, they had to promise to visit Tumaini and spend some time with the children. Out of that encounter, the Tumaini Runners’ Program was born.

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Celebrating the Life of Eunice Muindi

We are saddened to announce the recent death of Eunice Muindi, wife of the late Rt. Rev. Bernard Muindi, former moderator of the Presbyterian Church in East Africa, former pastor of the Riamukurwe Parish at Nyeri, and visionary advocate for the needs of vulnerable children at Nyeri and beyond. Rev. and Mrs. Muindi were great partners and friends of The Outreach Foundation.

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Tumaini Children's Ministry - July 2021 Update

The Tumaini Children’s Ministry, a mission effort of the Presbyterian Church of East Africa (PCEA), is comprised of Tumaini and Huruma Children’s Homes. More than 100 children are currently being served by the homes located in Nyeri County, Kenya. Outreach’s Africa Partnership Liaison, Frank Dimmock, visited Tumaini in June, and here are excerpts from his report:

During my visit, I met with Rev. Richard Gichuki, parish minister, and Anne Wandimi, the children’s home manager. Tumaini is in the process of renewing its registration with the Department of Children’s services. We visited the Nyeri County Director of Children’s Services, Mr. Mwaniki J. Kung’u, who complimented Tumaini for quality of care. The Kenya Government is developing new strategies for alternative care for children and Mr. Kung’u suggested that Tumaini could help network the 30 children’s homes in the county to share experiences.

COVID has impacted the ministry by school closures and a decrease in in-kind support locally. The two homes are trying to be self-supportive with laying hens, dairy cows, and a large garden with greenhouses. The Huruma home (in nearby Nyeri town) is challenged with a regular supply of clean water.

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Tumaini Children's Ministry - April 2021 Update

Christian greetings from Tumaini/Huruma Children’s Ministry in Nyeri, Kenya.

We continue to pray and trust that you are staying safe and healthy during this COVID pandemic. Kenya has now recorded over 154,400 cases and 2,500 deaths. Between mid-March and mid-April, the country experienced its fourth surge in cases. Supplies of the AstraZeneca vaccine arrived in Kenya in early March and over 650,000 have been administered. Kenya’s population is nearly 54 million, so it will be many months before there is adequate vaccine coverage. Nyeri county, home of the Tumaini Children’s Ministry, is a rural county, yet has experienced more than 720 confirmed cases.

The pandemic has brought a lot of uncertainty, yet the staff at Tumaini and Huruma are working hard to sustain daily operations and care for the children. We were saddened to learn from Anne Wandimi the manager at Tumaini Children's Home, that Ms. Monica Kagume, chair of the Tumaini Board, died from COVID infection in early March. Her leadership and love for the children will be greatly missed.

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