Posts in Vulnerable Children
Crisis Nurseries - January 2015 Update

Dear Friends,

Happy New Year! We would like to share the following story from Lauren, one of the volunteers at Crisis Nurseries:

A Happy Start

January 7, 2015 was an exciting day for me! When I was volunteering at House of Moses earlier this year, Dennis, a special young baby, captured my heart. He had various health and development complications and at seven months old was the size of a three month old and constantly in and out of the hospital. He was underweight and had to be force fed due to lack of appetite. Dennis has now been reunited with his mother for a few months, and I did not think I would ever see him again.

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Justo Mwale Theological University College - December 2014 Update

Dear Friends and Partners,

Greetings from Zambia. Sherri and I are so grateful for the individuals and congregations which support our mission service here in Zambia. It is quite encouraging to have people behind us. I am writing now in order to share about a possible scholarship opportunity for a Presbyterian student where I teach and train pastors for ministry at Justo Mwale Theological University College. Many thanks for those who are already supporting students here at Justo Mwale. Your investment is definitely making a difference in the lives of congregations.

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Caring for Vulnerable Children in Uganda - December 2014 Update

Dear Friends and Partners,

As you reflect on this year’s Thanksgiving, just imagine a cluster of young children – some as young as three – trudging barefoot to the Kamwenge Secondary and Vocational School (KSVS) grounds. They are barely clothed in tattered and dirt-crusted rags. They stare dully at the clean and neat high school students in the compound. This picture of children is in great contrast to the bright-eyed, eager students now fortunate enough to attend Good Shepherd Primary School thanks to your generosity. 

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Alan and Ellen Smith (PCUSA) - November 2014 Update

Dear Friends and Family,

Greetings to you in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ! After many weeks on the road, I am finally able to pause and reconnect. I have a lot of catching up to do. Our summer was intense to say the least. All three of us were in Russia for the month of July so that we could support the many groups that visited in spite of the media coverage of the Ukrainian crisis.


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Tumaini Children's Ministries - November 2014 Update

Dear Partners and Friends of Tumaini Ministry and the Riamukurwe Parish,

An Outreach team including representatives from churches in California and Florida that support Tumaini and I recently traveled to Nyeri. We were overjoyed to meet children like Alice, pictured below. Both the children and the ministry leaders, including the Very Rev. Bernard Muindi, are so appreciative of the gifts you have sent. 

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Crisis Nurseries - November 2014 Update

All of us love toddlers. They do something new every day as they explore their world. They want to grab everything from Grandma’s earrings to Dad’s keys.  Once they get a good hold the object goes into the mouth – even if the earring is still attached to the ear! It is impossible for us to imagine what it would be like for the toddler in our life to be without parents or relatives of any kind. In our country such a child would be taken care of by the State, but in Zambia such a safety net does not exist.


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Dan and Elizabeth Turk (PCUSA) - October 2014 Update

Dear Friends,

Greetings from Madagascar. It is still dry but starting to get much warmer. Frances and I returned in August after a quick trip to the States to get Robert settled into Westminster College in New Wilmington, PA. He is doing well. If you would like his address, please contact us. Dan’s return in September was delayed due to the Air France pilots’ strike. It is good to have him home finally! 

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Home of Hope - September 2014 Update

Dear Friends of Home of Hope,

How lovely is our springtime here in Zimbabwe! The surge of new plant life, a variety of flowers coming into bloom – we rejoice in the beauty of God’s creation and the many blessings we receive from him.We are reminded of the blessing of children who are able to go to school because of your financial assistance and generous hearts and the willing and hardworking hands of the staff at Home of Hope. 

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Bob and Kristi Rice (Project DITEKEMENA) - June 2014 Update

Today was the grand opening of the Ditekemena program, an initiative of the Congolese Presbyterian Church (CPC) to address the challenges faced by families as they care for their children. The program intends to rescue 20 children from the streets of Kananga and place them back into their families of origin or find homes that will welcome them. 

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Namumu Orphanage Center - May 2014 Update

Dear Partners and Friends of Namumu Children,

Greetings from The Outreach Foundation. A group from Outreach including the Rev. Anne Hilborn, Charlotte, N.C. and Ebralie Mwizerwa, Projects Coordinator for The Outreach Foundation, recently traveled to Siavonga to assess Namumu Orphanage Center (NOC). Several partners from the U.S. have expressed concerns for the state of the buildings at Namumu and also for the care the children are receiving. We would like to bring you an update on how things are at Namumu as partners in this noble task of caring for the least of these in Jesus’ name.                    

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Tumaini Children's Ministries - February 2014 Update

Dear Partners and Friends,

We are happy to bring to you Christian and New Year’s greetings from the Very Rev. Bernard Muindi. We give thanks to God for blessing us and allowing us to be in his service this year. He has been good to us despite the challenges of last year. As you are aware, there have been changes in the Tumaini Children`s Ministry.

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