Namumu Orphanage Center - July 2014 Update

Siavonga, Zambia

Dear Partners and Friends of Namumu Children,

Namumu children are thriving through education! Pictured from left to right are: Yvonne Chasunkwa, grade 11, Bibian Hambali, grade 12, Charity Mwiinde, grade 11 and Prudence Simakomwe, grade 11. All attend Siavonga Secondary School. Their books were donated by the Expanded Church Response. Please keep these girls in your prayers.

In 2014, the Zambian president officially opened the newly built Siavonga Secondary School which was built in partnership with the Chinese government. Both boys and girls were given new sets of uniforms. School fees were increased, but so did the quality of education being offered. It is a great place for learning, and we are so thrilled that Namumu children were accepted into this school.

The Outreach Foundation provides funds for school fees and uniforms for all 19 Namumu orphans and vulnerable children that attend Siavonga Secondary school. Some of the children go to school in the morning while others go in the afternoon. Those that go to school in the morning are provided with drinks and biscuits that they carry to school for their breakfast. We are still working on having their breakfasts and lunches arranged through the school.

Our children are growing up, which means the cost of providing for them has also gone up. We pray for our continued partnership to keep supporting these children and ask for God’s guidance as Namumu tries more income-generating activities to build a solid sustainability base and give these children the education, nutritious diet, clean water, shelter, clothes and spiritual guidance they deserve. We want to thank all our partners for the tireless support they continue to give even during hard times. May the Lord richly bless you all and reward your efforts.

Sam Cross Returns to Namumu for Medical Research
The new qualified nurse arrived at Namumu several months ago to offer services to both Namumu residents (children) and the community around the orphanage. Sam Cross’ organization (Spread the Health U.S.) will help defray the cost for the clinic. We are so thankful for Sam and his friends for this contribution.

During Sam’s stay at Namumu, he will work at the clinic helping the new nurse give care to the community. Many residents remember Sam from his past time at Namumu and are so thankful that he is back. Sam spent a year or so at Namumu several years ago helping them to develop income-generating activities for self-sufficiency. During his time at Namumu, the fishing activity was organized and has grown from two rigs to four. The poultry project is being upgraded, and it is hoped that Namumu will be able to teach the children chicken-rearing skills to generate income. A fish pond was recently launched, but it will take time and expertise to drain water from Lake Kariba to the identified location. Experts agreed that this is doable, and so Namumu leaders are willing to try this as well.

If you, a friend, and/or member of your congregation are looking for a place to build lasting relationships and friendships and have a strong desire to serve in mission, Namumu is the place, and we can help you connect to it.

We look forward to our continued partnership,

Ebralie Mwizerwa
The Outreach Foundation’s Projects Coordinator

Read more about Namumu Orphanage by clicking here.

Amount needed in 2014

The Outreach Foundation seeks to raise a minimum of $5,000 per month for the operation of Namumu Orphanage and $2,000 per month for skills training programs. To make a donation, click the Donate Now link in the sidebar.

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