Home of Hope - September 2014 Update

Harare, Zimbabwe

Dear Friends of Home of Hope,

How lovely is our springtime here in Zimbabwe! The surge of new plant life, a variety of flowers coming into bloom – we rejoice in the beauty of God’s creation and the many blessings we receive from him.

We are reminded of the blessing of children who are able to go to school because of your financial assistance and generous hearts and the willing and hardworking hands of the staff at Home of Hope. Here is some news we would like to share with you:

Talent, Brian and Ashley are the children who come for breakfast on the weekends. After breakfast on Saturday, they usually borrow the soccer ball to play with their friends and are given some food to take with them. On Sundays, the boys are given meat pies, boiled eggs, bread, noodles, and $1 for their lunch or dinner. The number of people from the streets that we feed in the mornings has dropped off a bit to between 60 and 70.

Encouraging Stories
Anelka is attending school again. He is staying with his grandmother and enjoys being with her. Everyone at Home of Hope is praying that he will stay with her, continue attending school, and not return to the streets.

O’Brien is a very bright lad who has greatly improved physically since being helped to come off the streets. He now lives in a home. He loves reading and reads very well. He has passed six of his subjects but sadly failed three. It is often quite an adjustment from junior to senior high school.  

The Home helps Fidel with school fees and provides a monthly food package to assist his family. Fidel is ranked second in his class of 52. He is enjoying school and doing well.

Kuda is also off the streets and lives with his relatives. He is now 14 years old and in seventh grade. He is working very hard because he really wants an education. He is ranked eighth out of his class of 41.

Panashe is also doing quite well at school. He is now living with his relatives due to the love and perseverance of Home of Hope’s staff and your generosity. Panashe enjoys playing cricket and handball. 

Home of Hope “Family” of Street Children
We recently brought Ngoni, Panashe, Munashe, Anelka, Mike, Brian and Ashley back to the Home to spend the day with each other. They used to live on the streets together as friends but are now all at different places. They had fun being together again. Joan played games with them in the morning, and they enjoyed chicken for lunch.

We helped about 30 people with money for medicine and/or visits to the clinic. One mother’s baby had the measles. A man had been stabbed in the shoulder with a broken bottle and needed stitches. A young man had a deep cut on his foot, had been ill for two weeks, and needed to go to the clinic. A husband and wife from a rural area were helped with transport money. We helped a child whose shoes had been stolen buy another pair. A man who needed to return to the hospital for a checkup was also assisted.

Dear servants of God, isn’t it just wonderful to be part of an outreach where the lives of those being helped are enhanced because of your care and compassion? Be blessed in Christ’s holy name.

You are our co-workers in Christ,                                                                                     

Joan, Craig, Ria, and Dave

Read more about the ministry of Home of Hope by clicking here.

Amount needed in 2014

The Outreach Foundation seeks to raise at least $5,000 per month for Home of Hope. To make a donation, click the Donate Now link in the sidebar.

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