Posts in Projects
Update: Solidarity with Christians in Iraq

Dear Partners in Christ's mission,

It might not seem too remarkable, when, for a local church, a group of refugees from another country show up not far from your city and your congregation decides to reach out to them. But what if your own country had also been in midst of war for years, resources were thin, 75% of your congregation had immigrated and the roads to reach those refugees were dangerous…would you still feel the call? That question has been faithfully answered by the Presbyterian Church in Qamishli, Syria, after they had learned of 1,500 Yazidi families who had been driven from their homes on the Nineveh Plain in northern Iraq by ISIS. 

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Tumaini Children's Ministries - November 2014 Update

Dear Partners and Friends of Tumaini Ministry and the Riamukurwe Parish,

An Outreach team including representatives from churches in California and Florida that support Tumaini and I recently traveled to Nyeri. We were overjoyed to meet children like Alice, pictured below. Both the children and the ministry leaders, including the Very Rev. Bernard Muindi, are so appreciative of the gifts you have sent. 

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Update: Solidarity with Christians in Iraq

Located in a poor Christian suburb of Beirut – Sad al Bouchreih – the Our Lady Dispensary (OLD) has just received $17,500 from The Outreach Foundation. In seeking to meet the needs of some of the thousands of Christian Iraqi families who were driven out of the northern part of Iraq in recent months and have now made their way to Sad al Bouchreih, the OLD is, quite literally, dispensing hope. This is an area where Syrian Orthodox, Chaldean Catholic and Assyrian Orthodox communities predominate and where migrant workers and displaced persons have made a precarious home for decades.

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Crisis Nurseries - November 2014 Update

All of us love toddlers. They do something new every day as they explore their world. They want to grab everything from Grandma’s earrings to Dad’s keys.  Once they get a good hold the object goes into the mouth – even if the earring is still attached to the ear! It is impossible for us to imagine what it would be like for the toddler in our life to be without parents or relatives of any kind. In our country such a child would be taken care of by the State, but in Zambia such a safety net does not exist.


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Update: Solidarity with Christians in Iraq

Before 2003, it was the largest Presbyterian Church in Iraq with a membership of over 1,000. But a decade of deadly sectarian fighting, which has plagued the capital with “routine” car bombings, has taken its toll on the Christian population here – as elsewhere in Iraq. And emigration has brought about a significant loss of Christian presence. This reality makes it all the more remarkable that Rev. Farouk Hammo decided about five years ago to make his way back to Iraq when he learned that the Arab Presbyterian Church in Baghdad was without a pastor. It had never been his intention to stay when he traveled to Australia to pursue his second career call, preparing for ministry. But when government offices in Baghdad were destroyed in the first Gulf War with the records for many citizens like Farouk who were studying abroad, he found himself in limbo. He was unable to secure permission to return to his homeland, until persistence and special interventions paved the way a few years ago.

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Syria Relief - September 2014 Update

“Exuberant” would be the first word which comes to mind when you meet Rev. Ma’an Bitar. Pastor of the Presbyterian Church in Mhardeh (Ma-har´-day), he follows in the footsteps of his father, who was pastor there before him. Located about 20 miles northwest of Hama on a major and strategic road to the nearby mountains, this village of about 23,000 is almost completely Greek Orthodox, except for the 1,200 Presbyterians who call it home. And for the last few months, it has been caught in the cross fire of the sundry wars raging inside Syria.

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Home of Hope - September 2014 Update

Dear Friends of Home of Hope,

How lovely is our springtime here in Zimbabwe! The surge of new plant life, a variety of flowers coming into bloom – we rejoice in the beauty of God’s creation and the many blessings we receive from him.We are reminded of the blessing of children who are able to go to school because of your financial assistance and generous hearts and the willing and hardworking hands of the staff at Home of Hope. 

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Update: Solidarity with Christians in Iraq

Dear Partners in Christ's Mission,

ISIS has driven Christians and other minorities from their homes in the northern part of Iraq and prohibited them from taking anything with them but the clothes they are wearing. Few of us can imagine what it must be like for the thousands displaced by the actions of ISIS. But if we could imagine that, we might be praying mightily that there would be someone out there who has taken seriously our Lord’s injunction found in Matthew 25. And those prayers would have been answered if we had shown up – destitute and despairing – at the Presbyterian Church in Kirkuk.

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New Church Development in Egypt - August 2014 Update

Depending upon where you want to draw the boundary lines, you are looking at about nine million people – making Cairo not only the largest city in Africa but in the entire Arab world. The Presbyterian Church in Egypt has a vision to see the Church greatly expanded in that strategic city and has 22 New Church Development projects currently under way there. One of those can be found in a brand new master-planned “satellite city” which is already home to over 250,000 people: Obour City. 

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Update: Solidarity with Christians in Iraq

August 25, 2014

On June 10, ISIS entered Mosul, the second largest city in Iraq. Before 2003, Mosul was home to 35,000 Christians and one of the five Presbyterian churches in the country. The Nineveh Province, in which Mosul is found, includes the largest concentration of Christians (many in small villages), churches and monasteries (some dating back to the fourth century). Many other ethnic and religious minorities, such as the Yazidis (a special target of ISIS), also made their home in Nineveh Province.

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Forman Christian College - July 2014 Update

Dear Friends,

Just in time for the fall start of classes, a new, six-story hostel for university women will be ready for move-in! The hostel will contain 360 rooms configured in single and double rooms, all of which will be equipped with modular furniture designed to be arranged in a variety of ways, according to the desire of the students who occupy these rooms. There will be common rooms on every floor with entertainment facilities and a dining area on the first floor. This hostel represents the next step in Forman’s quest to have a female enrollment of 50% of the total university enrollment by 2015 (right now women make up about 1,100 of the 3,000 students in the program).

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Presbyterian Ministry for Reconciliation - July 2014 Update

Dear Friends of Rwandans,

Peacemakers and Healing Ministries (PHM) trains young people between the ages of 16 and 35, especially those in educational institutions, about conflict, its causes and consequences. We teach them conflict prevention, effects of conflict, resolution of conflict and reconciliation. We use stories from Rwanda’s history so that the students learn from it and vow to be part of building a new nation. 

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