Posts tagged Forman Christian College
Pakistan Partnership

The Outreach Foundation’s Vision for Engagement in Pakistan

God is at work in many ways through various expressions of the church in Pakistan. Our intention is to provide congregations and donors with a clear understanding of the scope into which we sense the Holy Spirit calling The Outreach Foundation. This vision statement is born from over thirty years of engagement in Pakistan and especially our visit in Spring 2022. We seek to bring Christ-infused, transformative hope to Pakistanis. In so doing we will support a broad movement that strengthens Christ’s church, builds Christian faith, and changes attitudes between faith communities in Pakistan

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Forman Christian College - March 2021 Update

Education is very important because it has made me a better person in all areas – I have gained consciousness of the world. It has made me learn to take care of not only myself but the world around me, my family, and the people who depend on me. To me, education is not something just for me, I want to use it to give it back and help people in the context of my specialization, which is psychology.

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COVID-19 Appeal Pakistan

The Outreach Foundation is in regular contact with partners around the world, many of whom are sharing with us the upheaval that they are experiencing as the COVID-19 virus and the response to it burdens their ministries of medical outreach and compassionate service. We recently received the following COVID Appeal update from our partners in Pakistan and we were able to quickly release $5,000 from our COVID-19 Appeal because of your generous gifts!

Friends of Forman Launches COVID Relief Assistance

The effects of COVID-19 have been felt in many different ways all over our world. For some, it was the swift loss of a job in a shutdown. For others, it was the devastating news of the passing of a beloved relative. There was even the loss of touch with a church family that stopped meeting in person or enduring school from home with faulty internet service. Every change was a challenge, every loss was magnified by this pandemic.

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Forman Christian College - November 2020 Update

Forman Christian College (founded in 1864 by Presbyterian missionary Charles Forman) continues to educate men and women, Christians, Muslims and Sikh students under the leadership of a Christian board led by the school motto, “By love serve one another.”

Denationalized and returned to Christian control from the government of Pakistan in 2003, Forman quietly has become again an educational leader in the liberal arts and sciences as it prepares men and women with moral values for peaceful service to their churches, communities, and nations.

In 2019 FCC graduated 928 students – 442 were women and 115 Christians. As COVID-19 hit Pakistan in 2020, Forman was able to move over 900 courses online and continue education at a distance. They are now using a hybrid model with ½ of the student body on campus at a time.

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Forman Christian College - June 2020 Update

This spring semester in Lahore was shaping up to be one of the best in Forman Christian College’s 156-year history. Over 8,300 students were enrolled in the Intermediate, Bachelor, Masters and Doctoral programs. FCC Rector Dr. Tebbe recently wrote this report on the spring semester…

We had the biggest and best job fair ever this February with 108 companies coming to recruit our students. Our newly appointed Registrar was blown away by it all. He commented that there was nothing like this in all of Pakistan. International student exchange has been thriving. Internship placements have exploded and are being well managed.

Students and faculty who come to us from other universities assure us that there is no place like Forman Christian College in all of Pakistan.

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Forman Christian College - Update

Dear friends,

On behalf of Forman Christian College (FCCU) in Lahore, Pakistan, thank you for your generosity and partnership. In this update, we share some stories about what the Lord is doing at Forman, equipping and educating men and women to serve the great nation of Pakistan.

Mrs. Gaylen Baxter, Friends of Forman Christian College board chair, notes: “I visited the campus first in 2011 and again in February of this year and was impressed by the number of new buildings and other improvements that were made in eight years. What hasn’t changed is the energy on campus: students, Christian and Muslim, are enthusiastically learning, playing, and growing together, supported by excellent faculty and resources. Friends of Forman has served as a key partner with Forman to make these and many other improvements happen. Visiting the school made it clear how important this work is. The Forman motto is brought to life, “by love serve one another,” as young people of a variety of faith and ethnic backgrounds prepare to serve as the next generation of leaders in Pakistan. They will bring with them the foundation of an excellent education gained in an environment of tolerance, mutual respect, and love.”

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Pakistan Update - November 2018

In September I was privileged to travel to Pakistan with Rev. Richard Paddon, a retired pastor and member of my presbytery. Our host was the Rev. Dr. Majid Abel, Moderator of the Presbyterian Church of Pakistan and pastor of the Naukala Church whose guest quarters we occupied.

I remember, years ago, watching with amazement a 16mm film that told the story of how Dr. Norval Christy, a Presbyterian medical missionary at the historic Taxila Christian Hospital, pioneered a new surgical procedure for removing cataracts. Imagine being a missionary, or a pastor, or simply a follower of Jesus in a country of 212 million people where 2% are Christian.

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Pakistan Update - July 2017

In May Rob Weingartner, Executive Director, and Harris Cummings, a member at Western Hills Presbyterian Church in Raleigh, traveled to visit with partners in Pakistan. We left encouraged by their faithful service in Christ’s name in a very challenging and complex context.

At the Pakistan Christian Recording Ministries and Pakistan Bible Correspondence School in Faisalabad, we were warmly greeted by PCRM director Zahoor-Ul-Haq, PBCS executive secretary Rufan Rawar William, and their staffs. 

Each of these ministries’ main focus is on reaching the majority Muslim population, but as they do their work they are also strengthening the faith and discipleship of many who are Christians.

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Forman Christian College - June 2015 Update

Dear Friends and Supporters of Forman Christian College, 

This update is a continuation of the one sent in January 2015 featuring additional student profiles.

As a supporter of Forman you understand more than most the impact a quality education can have on all students, especially those “in-need” minority students. We are honored to continue our partnership. Through your generosity, 98 students were able to attend Forman this year. 

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Forman Christian College - January 2015 Update

We are pleased to share an excerpt of a letter The Outreach Foundation recently received from Forman Christian College:

As a supporter of Forman you understand more than most the impact a quality education can have on all students, especially those “in-need” minority students. We are honored to continue our partnership. Through your generosity, 98 students were able to attend Forman this year. The sons and daughters of farmers, shopkeepers, teachers and the unemployed, they could make the choice of education only because The Outreach Foundation made it possible. Of the   98, the majority were women (65) and over 30% of them are majoring in science-related topics. The next largest course of studies for the group was business with one student enrolled in Forman’s MBA program. 


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Forman Christian College - July 2014 Update

Dear Friends,

Just in time for the fall start of classes, a new, six-story hostel for university women will be ready for move-in! The hostel will contain 360 rooms configured in single and double rooms, all of which will be equipped with modular furniture designed to be arranged in a variety of ways, according to the desire of the students who occupy these rooms. There will be common rooms on every floor with entertainment facilities and a dining area on the first floor. This hostel represents the next step in Forman’s quest to have a female enrollment of 50% of the total university enrollment by 2015 (right now women make up about 1,100 of the 3,000 students in the program).

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Forman Christian College - March 2013 Update

Dear Friends,

This is an excerpt from the Forman Christian College newsletter, which can be found at

There are millions of girls and women in Pakistan who yearn for a chance at even the most rudimentary education. In Pakistan today, less than half the women of the country are literate and that rate falls below 25% in most rural areas. In some places, women’s education is opposed by groups like the Taliban, and in others, simply ignored.

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