Forman Christian College - July 2014 Update


Dear Friends,

Just in time for the fall start of classes, a new, six-story hostel for university women will be ready for move-in! The hostel will contain 360 rooms configured in single and double rooms, all of which will be equipped with modular furniture designed to be arranged in a variety of ways, according to the desire of the students who occupy these rooms. There will be common rooms on every floor with entertainment facilities and a dining area on the first floor. This hostel represents the next step in Forman’s quest to have a female enrollment of 50% of the total university enrollment by 2015 (right now women make up about 1,100 of the 3,000 students in the program).

Prior to the opening of this hostel, there was no housing available on campus for female students. So this hostel will enable the college to aggressively recruit women from all over Pakistan and not just from the Lahore area. On-campus hostels play a crucial role in attracting female students. If there are not carefully supervised hostels, parents are unwilling to let their daughters go to school when most have never been more than a few kilometers from home. Study after study has proven that the path to success for a country is through educating its women. Even when women elect not to work outside the home after graduation, the health of families is improved, children do better in school and household economy is stronger when women are educated. Pakistan is a country crying out for every citizen to pool their strengths and talents to help the nation achieve all that it is capable of achieving.

Another significant focus at Forman, going forward, is to strengthen the Church in Pakistan by developing young Christian leaders – both men and women. Small groups will be formed, each with a mentor, to help the students grow in their personal lives as well as in their communities and congregations.

Grateful for your partnership,

Marilyn Borst, Associate Director  

Read more about Forman Christian College by clicking here.

Amount needed in 2014

The Outreach Foundation seeks to raise at least $2,300 per month for Forman Christian College. To make a donation, click the Donate Now link in the sidebar.

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