Posts in Projects
José Carlos Pezini (Mission Staff) - August 2016 update

It is truly amazing what God has accomplished through the SARA ministries this year. The number of pastors in the mentoring program is growing every day. In this update I would like to tell you about a mentor training retreat we held in May in Curitiba.There were thirty-three pastors from six different denominations in attendance. SARA works with the Presbyterian Church of Brazil, Independent Presbyterian Church of Brazil, Lutheran Church, United Presbyterian Church, Bethany Evangelical Church and Congregational Evangelical Church. 

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Evangelical Theological Seminary in Cairo - August 2016 Update

Greetings in Christ’s name from an exceptionally hot Cairo! The seminary has become quieter with most of the students away on their summer internships, so it is a good time to look back and reflect on the busy end-of-session period. Amid all the excitement and preparation for graduation in May, the ETSC community received a double blow as it learned of the deaths of Jack Lorimer and, two weeks later, Ken Bailey. Both were missionary giants, who in their different ways made an immense impact on the life of the Egyptian Church and indeed internationally. 

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Home of Hope - July 2016 Update

Dear friends,

A special prayer of thanksgiving from Joan, Craig and the staff at Home of Hope, to which Dave and Ria say Amen.

Heavenly Father, we thank you above all for loving us so much that you sent your only begotten son, Jesus, to walk with us sinners, to be with us in the flesh, showing us your amazing love, grace and mercy. Thank you, Jesus for dying for us sinners on the cross as our substitute so we can have a new life, an eternal life, set free from the bondage of our sin, to be forgiven and to be given the free gift of salvation. We thank you Lord for all those who have given so much love and care for the poor of Zimbabwe and who have given us at Home of Hope so much support. We pray that you will bless them, guide them, protect them, heal them, shine your face upon them, their families and friends and fill them with your peace. Thank you for your amazing grace, we pray this in the precious name of Jesus.  Amen.

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Inyambo Mission Center - July 2016 Update

Greetings from Mwandi, Western Province of Zambia, in Jesus’ name. The Lord has continued to multiply his grace and peace in our lives and ministry. Please continue to pray as we approach the upcoming Zambia general elections on August 11th. The political environment is very unstable. There have been a number of violent acts in some cities of our beloved country Zambia. This instability in the nation led the pastors and leaders of Senanga, whom we were scheduled to train in June, to request that we postpone the Intensive Training session to a another date after the elections. The dates will be announced later.

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Refugee/IDP Appeal - July 2016 Update

by Marilyn Borst

In the midst of multiple crises unfolding in the Middle East, The Outreach Foundation has used your generous gifts to strengthen the hands of Christian partners in the region. They are the face of Christ to many who have lost everything…
Siham and Jeries Abd Rabbo are a Palestinian couple from Bethlehem who are serving Muslim refugees on behalf of the Shepherd Society – the mission outreach of Bethlehem Bible College. 


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Rebuilding Hope in South Sudan - June 2016 Update

The Outreach Foundation has been involved in the ministry of Reconcile in South Sudan for about a decade. Their ministries of peace-building and trauma healing are essential components of our overall project, “Rebuilding Hope in South Sudan.” Listen to these compelling stories from Presbyterian Mission Co-Workers Nancy and Shelvis Smith-Mather. Then pray for peace in South Sudan and give as the Lord moves you.

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Dustin and Sherri Ellington (PCUSA) - May 2016 Update

Dear friends, 

Once again it is graduation time and, as is now the norm at Justo Mwale University, our sparkling new graduates have already been serving as pastors since November or December. This year I (Sherri) took it upon myself to ask some of them what the biggest surprise has been in their first few months of pastoral work. In their answers I found insight to the challenges they face; I also found tidbits of challenge and inspiration for me as an American Christian. Read on, and let our recent graduates challenge you, as well...

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Iraq Appeal/Refugee Crisis-June 2016 Update

Although the tragic events in Iraq from the summer of 2014 have mostly faded from our daily news cycles, the past is very much present for Rev. Haitham Jazrawi and his congregation at the Presbyterian Church in Kirkuk. It began with a persistent knocking at the church’s gate late one night. It was soon inescapably evident in the streets around town as entire families stood dazed and bewildered, clutching small parcels and, for the fortunate ones, a suitcase containing a few changes of clothing and their important documents. And then the reports soon reached their ears of entire congregations of the Syrian Orthodox Church seeking haven in safer villages not far from Kirkuk….

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Musalaha - A Ministry of Reconciliation - May 2016 Update

Do you like having fun with kids? I do. I love seeing the wonder on children's faces when they encounter something for the first time. One of my favorite recollections of wonder as a child was when I first saw oil poured into water. I kept trying to stir the solution faster and faster to see if the oil would dissolve, yet every time, the little bubbles of oil would push through the water to remerge in its previous state, a layer of oil. You just can't mix oil and water. Many times the same is true of Jews and Arabs, and even Messianic Jews and Palestinian Christians. We don't mix. I am not saying that we don't attend each other's congregations or pray together at conferences. Of course we do. But we don't let our guard down, talk about the tough questions and bring each other into our lives. 

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The Presbyterian Ministry for Reconciliation and Healing in Rwanda

He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.    Psalm 147:3

Officials in Rwanda recently shared “official” numbers:  1,074,017 Tutsi and moderate Hutu were brutally killed in the one hundred days of genocide in 1994, leaving behind hundreds of thousands of orphans, widows, widowers, and people with disabilities. It’s nearly unthinkable about how such an atrocity could happen in modern times. And, it’s hard to imagine how Rwandans could ever heal from the ordeal.

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Syria Emergency Appeal

Despite an attempt at peace talks, war rages in Syria. But, the Presbyterian Church is faithfully bringing spiritual, emotional and physical relief to the people. They need our help.

Please CLICK HERE to learn more about the crisis and access resources to help your congregation better understand the situation in Syria. Together, we can help the Church in Syria to help its people.

Or, CLICK HERE to make an immediate donation to the Syria Emergency Appeal.

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Philemon Project Preschool - May 2016 Update

Dear friends and supporters of the Philemon Preschool,

The Philemon Project Preschool focuses on the (mostly Muslim) children of low-income immigrant workers and Syrians, providing quality care and an avenue along which Christ may be made known to the children and their parents. The Philemon Preschool is under the auspices of the National Evangelical Church, a sister-denomination to The Outreach Foundation’s principal partner in Lebanon, the National Evangelical Synod of Syria and Lebanon. 

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Matanzas Evangelical Theological Seminary - April 2016 Update

Four in 1980 and four hundred and forty-four in 2016. Quite a big difference, yes? And, amazingly, it represents the somewhat exponential growth of the number of students being served by the Matanzas Evangelical Theological Seminary – our Presbyterian partner in Matanzas, Cuba! The Rev. Dr. Carlos Emilio Ham, who was installed as president this past June, has experienced it all. Our Outreach Foundation team met with him on the verdant seminary campus which overlooks Matanzas Bay. 

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Syria Appeal/Refugee Crisis - March 2016 Update

Located just 20 miles due east of Beirut, the Bekaa Valley stretches for 75 miles and lays claim to the richest agricultural land in the country where wheat, corn, cotton and an array of vegetables flourish. Its vineyards have given rise to a wine industry that is now world renowned. The Bekaa is also now home to over 370,000 of the 1.1 million Syrian refugees in Lebanon, many of whom have been living in tents in dismal camps for years – and most of them are children. In a country of only four million, the Lebanese public schools are able to accommodate only a fraction of these Syrian refugee children. 

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Compassion Ministries - March 2016 Update

Sue Kinsler made her fourth and final 2015 visit to North Korea in November. The purpose of her visit was to monitor and evaluate Green Tree International (GTI) partnership aid, secure an agreement on plans for 2016, and attend North Korea’s celebration of the World Day for the Disabled. Sue met Ms. Ri Boon-Hee, former North Korea table tennis champion, in Shenyang, China. Ms. Boon-Hee is now in charge of special athletes from North Korea who are training in China.

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