Holistic Evangelism in Tete Province-May 2016 Update


Dear Tete Province friends and partners,

Some of you have asked how the work has been progressing in Tete Province this year and I want to provide an update. Nedson, Sarah, Sebber and their families are well. Nedson and Sebber have been busy conducting leadership training seminars and overseeing some important construction projects. 

Our Leadership Training Center, pictured right, is really starting to take shape and is already being used on a regular basis. The church that doubles as a classroom area is complete. A kitchen/dining room has also been finished, and a well has been dug. The largest building of all, a dormitory with bathrooms and a reception/office area, is under construction with roofing almost completed. 

A new secondary school at Chingodzi near Tete City is also under construction. 

A new secondary school at Chingodzi near Tete City is also under construction.


I also want to share some of our current financial needs. Of course we need to complete the Leadership Training Center. We still have about $25,000 remaining to be matched in order to complete the facility. 

Another two priorities are funds for new churches and a used project vehicle. There are also matching funds available for both of these two high priority needs. We would like to build five-six churches this year. A church costs about $10,000 depending on the location. The congregation provides sweat equity and we provide the funds for things they cannot provide, such as concrete and roofing materials. 

The rugged roads in Tete Province are merciless on our project vehicles. Nedson's is nearly worn out at this point and needs to be replaced. Some generous donors will match gifts that are received in the next 30 days to replace his vehicle. 

As I reflect on what is being accomplished in 2016, I am so grateful for the servant leadership of Nedson, Sebber, and Carlos, our project assistant. God is using their talents in a mighty way to build his Kingdom in Tete Province. You can help us help them in this Kingdom building. Please prayerfully consider a gift for one of these priorities (or all three). 

Praise the Lord for the exciting things taking place in the ministries in Tete Province. Thanks for your continued prayers and support. They are greatly appreciated. 

In his service, 
Berry Long
Trustee, The Outreach Foundation

Read more about the ministry of Holistic Evangelism in Tete Province by clicking HERE.

Amount needed in 2016

The Outreach Foundation seeks to raise at least $444,500 for Holistic Evangelism in Tete Province, Mozambique. To make a donation, click the Donate Now link in the sidebar.

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