Syria/Lebanon Partnership Update May 2024

The Outreach Foundation has a long-standing history of fueling the global mission of Christ in the Middle East. Our mission partners there live out God’s call for their ministries in a variety of ways including new church development in Egypt, reconciliation work by Musalaha in Israel and Palestine, theological training and education by the Evangelical Theological Seminary in Cairo and Near East School of Theology in Lebanon, and humanitarian relief work among refugees by the National Evangelical Synod of Syria and Lebanon. Each of these ministries has merit, however, given the current situation in the Middle East, relief work among refugees is strongly needed.

Many organizations are needed to continue being the hands and feet of Christ to this hurting region of the world. One non-governmental organization helping bridge the gap is the Forum for Development. Cultural. and Diversity (FDCD) in Lebanon. As one woman said of their ministry, “Many organizations listen to our need, but FDCD is one of the very few who act on the feedback received. Praise God!” This testimony underscores FDCD’s dedication to practicing the values we advocate: respecting individuals’ dignity by not only meeting their needs but also making them feel heard and valued.

FDCD partners with local faith groups and civic organizations to coordinate relief efforts, using volunteers to distribute supplies so that these volunteers can get to know their neighbors, build relationships, and work as a team to identify the most pressing needs of those in their community. Since 2019, FDCD has distributed more than 3,000 food parcels, winterization items, and hygiene kits. This April, due to the destruction and displacement caused by the war, FDCD acted urgently to support residents in bordering regions distributing over 400 food parcels and providing critical medications, including support for cancer patients and other patients in critical condition.

FDCD not only supplies basic items of need but also does restoration work in the lives of those they serve. Free group and individual counseling sessions have been offered to those struggling with mental health or well-being. Over 1,000 homes and small businesses have been rebuilt with rent assistance provided for those with no steady income. While this vital ministry is just one aspect of what FDCD has to offer, we wanted to make sure you knew about the important work being done by them in the Middle East. Thanks to the leadership of FDCD’s President Rev. Dr. Riad Jarjour, lives are being impacted for the sake of the gospel. We hope that you will consider supporting the global work of Christ being done in the Middle East through organizations like the Forum for Development, Culture, and Diversity.


The Outreach Foundation is seeking gifts to support the mission and ministry of FDCD and other organizations through our Syria/Lebanon Partnership. All gifts of any size are welcome. You may make a gift in one of three ways: send a check to The Outreach Foundation; make an online gift at; or scan the QR code.