Persian Diaspora Partnership (Radmard) Update June 2024

This morning my devotional reading took me to Philippians 1, which contains this verse that most of us have heard. “Only let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ...” (v 27a). Lately, I hear a wonderful affirmation for the work of The Outreach Foundation, yet it is not our work. Rather, I get to sit in the passenger seat and watch the Holy Spirit cause faith to bloom in new ways among people from the U.S. as they intersect the lives of our partners who are doing the work. It’s their work, not ours!

What is that work? They are living out the words of Philippians 1:27. Later in that passage, Paul explains his meaning. There is a moral quality to the “life worthy of the gospel,” but Paul has a specific point in mind. It is to boldly proclaim the witness of the gospel of Christ despite pressure from those opposed to Jesus. To do so without fear, even at the cost of one’s title, status, favor among others, and even life itself (v 28-30)

Radmard is one of our Persian Diaspora partners that embodies this call to their core. Roughly translated as “man of purity,” Radmard is a rare find. Founded in 2018 by PARS graduate Reza, this ministry brings the gospel to Muslim men living in Iran. These men have reached the bottom of the pit as addicts and want to discover healing that comes only through Jesus. Reza introduces them to Jesus and helps them recover from addiction through online ministry. Once a year, they gather in person at an undisclosed location for study, coaching, worship, deep fellowship, and prayer. Their wives and families are delighted at the work because a change in the family is only possible as the men learn to love each of them as Christ loves the church (Ephesians 5).

We had the pleasure of meeting several of these men in our 2023 visit to Türkiye. Their stories are powerful; their repentance and recovery are authentic with Jesus at the center of the work. Most remarkably though we emerged touched by seeing Philippians 1:27 in action. Radmard courageously calls Muslim men to know Jesus as Savior, so their lives can be forever transformed. Reza and his wife Atena are displaying what it means to live worthy of the gospel of Christ. And we get to see God at work like this in one of the most challenging environments for the gospel. Talk about amazing, talk about experiencing renewed energy about our faith!

Reza and his family have been living as refugees from Iran for 10 years, and even without a stable home and income, they are faithfully serving Jesus among people in their home country. We are asking people to surround them with prayer as they transition to the United Kingdom for three years. Like many living in the diaspora, they await word on their asylum cases but this transition is a welcome measure of mercy.

-Rev. Dr. Tom Boone, Associate Director for Mission

Radmard is one of our trusted partners in the Persian Diaspora Partnerships. Through Radmard, God is changing the lives of Persian men and bringing people to know Jesus as Lord and Savior. If you want to join the growing network of supporters for this incredible ministry please send funds to The Outreach Foundation, designated “Safehouse.”  Make a gift HERE or by sending a check to our office.