Posts in Projects
New Church Development in Egypt - Update

His name means “Job.” And for Ayoub, like his namesake in the Bible, God’s call to be faithful came with costly discipleship. As a young man, Ayoub, pictured right center, had a vision to plant churches around Ismailia, a city in northeast Egypt (aka the Delta) on the Suez Canal. For over 20 years, he nurtured four new congregations, sharing the Good News, and seeking to meet the needs of these largely poor communities through microloans and agricultural training, along with medical care and projects to improve local education.

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China Partnership - August 2021 Update

Yes, the challenges are increasing. No, we have not lost our hope in Jesus Christ. This was the message we heard during our first limited-audience forum on China, “Telling it like it is: the church in China now.”

Challenges are reminiscent of what we witnessed years ago. In July, the government passed a law that states what is prosecutable in mainland China will now be prosecuted in Hong Kong, which is causing the flight of many Chinese Christians. We saw pictures of registered churches being dismantled and turned into cultural centers such as the one pictured here from Jiangsu Province. If they resist, church leaders are sent to re-education camps. Tragically, one pastor committed suicide because of pressure to conform.

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Refugee Appeal - August 2021

Misery “by the numbers”

In this broken world, 1 out of every 95 people has been forced to flee their home---and many cannot go back. Let that sink in….

In round numbers, lives displaced by manmade disasters (like war) or natural ones (like volcanoes) are 82.4 million: that is slightly less than the entire population of Germany…. or more than 4 times the population of the Netherlands. Need to bring that a bit closer to home? Think the citizens of California + Texas + Ohio running for their lives.

Some flee to other parts of their own country---we call them “displaced.” If they cross borders, they become “refugees.” Within both groups, 50% are children.

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Tumaini Children's Ministry - July 2021 Update

The Tumaini Children’s Ministry, a mission effort of the Presbyterian Church of East Africa (PCEA), is comprised of Tumaini and Huruma Children’s Homes. More than 100 children are currently being served by the homes located in Nyeri County, Kenya. Outreach’s Africa Partnership Liaison, Frank Dimmock, visited Tumaini in June, and here are excerpts from his report:

During my visit, I met with Rev. Richard Gichuki, parish minister, and Anne Wandimi, the children’s home manager. Tumaini is in the process of renewing its registration with the Department of Children’s services. We visited the Nyeri County Director of Children’s Services, Mr. Mwaniki J. Kung’u, who complimented Tumaini for quality of care. The Kenya Government is developing new strategies for alternative care for children and Mr. Kung’u suggested that Tumaini could help network the 30 children’s homes in the county to share experiences.

COVID has impacted the ministry by school closures and a decrease in in-kind support locally. The two homes are trying to be self-supportive with laying hens, dairy cows, and a large garden with greenhouses. The Huruma home (in nearby Nyeri town) is challenged with a regular supply of clean water.

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Evangelical Theological Seminary in Cairo - July 2021 Update

Although the world is suffering from the COVID-19 pandemic, the Evangelical Theological Seminary in Cairo (ETSC) celebrated the graduation of its 149th class. The graduation was supposed to happen last summer, but because of COVID, the celebration took place in April at the Presbyterian Church in Heliopolis. The number of graduates this year was historical – 75!!! Fourteen graduates received an M.Div. and will be pastors in the Presbyterian Church of Egypt (most of them had already started their ministry in village churches, church planting, and other fields of ministry). The graduates included laypeople who came to ETSC to be better equipped for ministry – they are key leaders in local churches, Christian non-profits, and other Protestant denominations. Many of them are working in the marketplace but are demonstrating God's love in their circles. Some of the graduates are focused on leadership and church management. Through these capacities, they will serve their churches and organizations through strategic planning, biblical leadership, and management to achieve more goals for God's Kingdom.

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Iraq Partnership - July 2021 Update

Within a week of hearing that a crucial generator for the Kirkuk Presbyterian Church had failed, The Outreach Foundation was able to supply funds to allow for the installation of a new one. Rev. Haitham Jazrawi sent the following letter of thanks, along with exciting glimpses of how God is renewing the Church’s presence in Iraq…
Marilyn Borst, Associate Director for Partnership Development

July 18, 2021

Dear Sister Marilyn,

Greetings and Peace to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I wanted to write to you today to share both my gratitude and appreciation for your (and The Outreach Foundation’s) continued support to us over the years, and to also share some reflections I’ve had over your most recent gift to us this summer.

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Philemon Project Preschool - July 2021 Update

A team from The Outreach Foundation (Jack Baca, Julie Burgess, Mark Mueller, Nuhad Tomeh, Marilyn Borst) traveled to Lebanon in late May, our first post-pandemic trip. We traveled to encourage our partners there who have been through so much over the past 19 months: a collapse of their government and the economy; the pandemic and its necessary lockdowns; the cataclysmic explosion in the port of Beirut on August 4th which left over 200 dead, 6,500 injured and 300,000 homeless. One of the partners we visited is an early childhood development center that serves children of domestic workers. Julie Burgess shares her experience here….

During our visit, we spent time with the children of the Grow Early Childhood Development Center, a ministry of The Philemon Project. After being entranced by the welcoming committee of 3-year olds riding their bikes, we spent time with three women who are the beating hearts of this place: Nairy who manages, Mireille who directs, and Debby who oversees. This is a unique preschool serving the children of domestic workers, most of who come from other countries like Ethiopia, who work long hours and cannot afford quality childcare.

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Near East School of Theology (NEST) - July 2021 Update

After a difficult year, N.E.S.T. joyfully held a Commencement Service on June 12. The last hymn sung, “Here I am, Lord,” is a hymn that became very popular at the seminary, especially after they acquired the Presbyterian hymnal for their Chapel services in the early 1990s. The words are based on Isaiah 6 where the prophet receives his call. The Lord asks, “Whom shall I send; who will go for us?”, and Isaiah responds, “Here I am Lord, send me.” The four M. Div. graduates asked that this hymn be sung. During the service, they presented a gift to the seminary in remembrance of their time at N.E.S.T. – a plaque on which is written those very words of Isaiah 6:8.

Dr. George Sabra, N.E.S.T.’s president, reflected:

I was deeply moved by their choice of the hymn and those verses from Isaiah. Here are fresh Middle Eastern graduates from a theological seminary who are declaring, “We are ready to serve you, Lord. Send us where you will.”

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Matanzas Evangelical Theological Seminary in Cuba News

News has reached me that our seminary partner in Matanzas, Cuba, has been asked by the government to open one of their facilities (students are not yet allowed back on campus) to receive children (and their caregivers) who are suspected of having COVID-19. This comes as the local pediatric hospital is overwhelmed with cases. They have agreed to do this—an extraordinary act of service, as you can imagine. Please join me in prayer for this, that Christ may be glorified and that the seminary community is kept safe…

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Together for the Family - June 2021 Update

Fresh. It is a word we hear on a daily basis on our travels around Lebanon and in our visits with Outreach partners here. It modifies the word “money.” Fresh money. It is the money that comes to you after the economic crisis began in Lebanon many months ago. If you want old money, the money you deposited and saved in your bank account, you will be found at a loss. Dollars in the bank are restricted for withdrawals, and if you do withdraw them, you will get back the Lebanese equivalent at the old rate, thereby losing up to 90% of their value. Fresh money, especially for an NGO like many of the partners here, becomes a new lifeline.

Not wanting to dwell in such a hard place, let us make a list of the more joyful ways we think of for the word fresh, and I think in the listing you will discover what we found: God is still making all things new – fresh.

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Blessed School - June 2021 Update

The person who thinks that when an immovable object meets an irresistible force that nothing happens has probably never met Linda Maktaby, pictured left. Linda, a graduate of the Near East School of Theology in Beirut, is the executive director of Blessed School, a ministry established by the English in 1868 originally as a school for the blind. 153 years later, it still serves those with vision impairments, but its main focus now is on those with disabilities on the autism spectrum. As we sat with Linda, we encountered another fully-turned-on spigot freely flowing with the love of Jesus. If the firehose analogy can be used again here, encountering Linda will leave you drenched with that love.

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Home of Hope Beirut - June 2021 Update

We spent the morning at the Home of Hope Beirut, a ministry of the Lebanese Evangelical Society, which also oversees Blessed School. The words “home” and “hope” are linked together here in the most blessed way. Home of Hope is a one-of-a-kind ministry in the densely packed city of Beirut and its surrounding area. Abused children – sexually, physically, emotionally – who have been living on the streets, many trafficked, are placed by court order in their loving hands. There are currently nineteen here, ages 7-18.

Trauma is something we have seen before here, usually from visiting refugee camps. This is trauma at a whole other level. The stories we heard here have shaken us to the center of our beings.

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Beirut Compassion Fund - June 2021 Update

A team from The Outreach Foundation (Jack Baca, Julie Burgess, Mark Mueller, Nuhad Tomeh, Marilyn Borst) just returned from a 2-week journey to Lebanon, our first post-pandemic trip. We traveled to encourage our partners there who have been through so much over the past 19 months: a collapse of their government and the economy; the pandemic and its necessary lockdowns; the cataclysmic explosion in the port of Beirut on August 4th which left over 200 dead, 6,500 injured and 300,000 homeless. After the explosion, thanks to our generous donors, we were able to wire funds to the National Evangelical Synod of Syria and Lebanon within 48 hours and they began handing out food vouchers to residents near the port. Their outreach soon “morphed” to assist families in making repairs to flats and apartments in densely populated neighborhoods within a mile of the port. We were blessed to visit with several of those families….

The brand new door was ajar and awaiting our arrival (the old door had been blown away by the explosion in the port). We caught a glimpse of a picture of Jesus on the wall within and noticed a sign on the door. It announced that tailoring services could be found here, and soon we would meet that tailor/seamstress, Jacqueline, who lived here with her special needs sister, Lodi.

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Haiti Outreach Ministries - May 2021 Update

Dear friends,

I hope you and your loved ones are well as we continue to navigate these unusual times. Friends like you are at the heart of our ministry, and we have greatly missed seeing you in person and serving with you in Haiti.

I am writing today to share a status update on volunteer teams returning to HOM mission sites in Haiti. We currently expect team travel will resume no earlier than March 2022. This decision has been made with the guidance of our Haitian leadership, with two main factors informing this timeline.

First, the COVID-19 pandemic – which thankfully has not hit Haiti too hard – is resulting in certain requirements by the Haitian government for those who wish to enter the country.

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Iraq Appeal - May 2021 Update

The birth of a new church in Iraq (with some help from fellow Presbyterians in Egypt!)

Iraq is a very dear country with a rich history. For many years, the Iraqi people suffered from a series of wars that affected their country in all aspects. The Christians in Iraq suffered a lot in the last few decades. Many families were dislocated, migrated, or immigrated to other parts of the world. ISIS and different radical groups caused a great deal of damage to churches, houses, and other properties. This led to a devastating situation for families who had to leave their homes and move to other areas.

The Presbyterian Church in Iraq is one of the oldest churches in the Middle East. History tells us that the Presbyterian Church in Mosul was established in 1840 as the oldest Presbyterian Church in the Arab World. There are three Presbyterian churches in Iraq now. They are in Basra, Baghdad, and Kirkuk. In recent years, God opened doors for the Egyptian church to send pastors as missionaries to the churches in Basra and Kirkuk. Rev. Haitham Jazrawi, the Kirkuk pastor, encouraged a young Egyptian pastor, Rev. Samer Karam, to serve with him in Kirkuk during the last year - a very difficult and challenging time.

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China Partnership - Update

It seems so long ago that we were able to visit our friends in China. So, it is encouraging to hear from churches and individuals that with COVID-19 God has pruned many things, but the Spirit has only strengthened the resolve to deepen the bonds of friendship with our brothers and sisters in China. Though we do not envision a visit in the immediate future, we know that God’s timing is perfect and we look forward to the day He opens the way. Until then we follow friendship’s multi-faceted pathways.

First, we commit our resources and energy to the relationship. Thus we celebrate that with the hiring of Rev. Dr. Thomas Boone, The Outreach Foundation is investing deeply for China. In addition to him having been in China, Tom’s own family has had a favored relationship with many in China for over twenty years. His father, Dr. Thomas J Boone, Jr., was considered a foreign expert and taught economic law in several universities throughout China (Tianjin, Beijing, Suzhou, Hangzhou, Chengdu, Changchun, and Wuhan). His mother, Susan, taught English to some of our dear friends who have themselves become pastors, elders, and professors. Building on the good work of Jeff Ritchie, Peter Lim, Choon Lim, and Juan Sarmiento, Tom is committed to seeing The Outreach Foundation’s long-standing friendship with Christians in China continue and flourish to include new relationships.

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The Tete Province Clinic Has Officially Opened - Praise the Lord!

Dear friends of Tete Province,

I am overjoyed to report that our health clinic in Tete Province has been officially opened! I received word from Sebber. She was there in person and was able to get some photos. Sebber is wearing a blue coat, and the Head District Commissioner in Tete Province is in red. Sebber said, " Clinic finally opened. We give all the Glory to God Almighty."

The new health clinic is in the rural village of Madzimaera. We have built a school and a church in this village and drilled a well. This clinic is about an hour's drive by vehicle to the nearest hospital in the border town of Zobue. Transportation to the hospital would be a formidable problem for the villagers who live around this clinic.

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Tumaini Children's Ministry - April 2021 Update

Christian greetings from Tumaini/Huruma Children’s Ministry in Nyeri, Kenya.

We continue to pray and trust that you are staying safe and healthy during this COVID pandemic. Kenya has now recorded over 154,400 cases and 2,500 deaths. Between mid-March and mid-April, the country experienced its fourth surge in cases. Supplies of the AstraZeneca vaccine arrived in Kenya in early March and over 650,000 have been administered. Kenya’s population is nearly 54 million, so it will be many months before there is adequate vaccine coverage. Nyeri county, home of the Tumaini Children’s Ministry, is a rural county, yet has experienced more than 720 confirmed cases.

The pandemic has brought a lot of uncertainty, yet the staff at Tumaini and Huruma are working hard to sustain daily operations and care for the children. We were saddened to learn from Anne Wandimi the manager at Tumaini Children's Home, that Ms. Monica Kagume, chair of the Tumaini Board, died from COVID infection in early March. Her leadership and love for the children will be greatly missed.

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