Posts tagged Barye Fe High School in Haiti
Haiti Outreach Ministries Update June 2024

Haiti Outreach Ministries (HOM) staff report that things have been calmer in Port-au-Prince over the last month or so. Preparations were made for the arrival of the Kenyan-led multinational police force that is expected to support the Haitian police in their efforts to quell gang activity. A sense of anticipation and anxiety looms as to how the arrival of this force will impact the security situation and daily life.

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Haiti Outreach Ministries Update - Pursued, Yet Not Forsaken

October 19, 2021

Dear friends,

You likely have heard in the news about the recent kidnapping in Haiti of a group of American and Canadian missionaries. This is a tragic event, and we are praying for the swift and safe release of these individuals.

Sadly, this is not an isolated incident as kidnappings have become routine in Haiti in recent months. Haitians face the threat of kidnapping on a daily basis, as people have become desperate for money by any means possible. Our Haitian friends report great disruption to their daily lives, as doing even the simplest of things - going to work, buying food, etc - is fraught with complication and fear of being attacked or kidnapped. Pastor Leon reports that what is normally a 15 minute car ride from his home to the Terre Noire campus now takes two hours.

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Haiti Outreach Ministries - May 2021 Update

Dear friends,

I hope you and your loved ones are well as we continue to navigate these unusual times. Friends like you are at the heart of our ministry, and we have greatly missed seeing you in person and serving with you in Haiti.

I am writing today to share a status update on volunteer teams returning to HOM mission sites in Haiti. We currently expect team travel will resume no earlier than March 2022. This decision has been made with the guidance of our Haitian leadership, with two main factors informing this timeline.

First, the COVID-19 pandemic – which thankfully has not hit Haiti too hard – is resulting in certain requirements by the Haitian government for those who wish to enter the country.

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Haiti Outreach Ministries - January 2020 Update

The humanitarian crisis persists in Haiti which has been without a stable government since March 2019. In response to its longest wave of demonstrations, presidential elections were called off in October. These anti-government protests have exacerbated food insecurity in the Western Hemisphere’s poorest county, our neighbor, Haiti.

The lack of a working government in Haiti is preventing wide swatches of Haitians from accessing international aid funds or loans from the World Bank. Aid organizations are struggling to provide relief due to protester barricades blocking roads, fuel shortages, 20% inflation, and gang violence.

Immediate and Ongoing Needs
Most people in Haiti live on just one meal per day. The Outreach Foundation’s ministry partner, Haiti Outreach Ministries (HOM), provides year-round food assistance to more than 1,400 students with nutritious, hot meals daily. Essentials like clean water, rice and cooking oil, and medical procedures are provided to community members in the poorest section of Port-au-Prince through the church on the Cite’ Soleil campus. Food shortages and poor access to health care are an everyday reality, not simply a short-term crisis. Working together we can support HOM’s efforts to build self-sustaining Christian communities.

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Baryé Fè High School - September 2018 Update

Dear friends,

In a time in Haiti where only 5% of the children who start school will be able to earn their high school diplomas, we are pleased to announce a 99% passing rate for this past school year with 100% of our 9th graders passing the National Exam.

For the 2018-2019 school year, we will be adding 180 Pre-K students to our primary roster and welcoming 80 students who graduated from the 6th grade at Cite Soleil and Terre Noire to the 7th grade at Baryé Fè. A total of 228 students are expected to attend Baryé Fè this year. The projected completion of the second secondary building will allow for the accommodation of 10th grade students.

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Haiti Outreach Ministries - November 2017

Dear friends,

In this season of gratitude, we at Haiti Outreach Ministries would like to say thank you for your support of our ministry over the past year. Your generosity, encouragement and prayers along with God’s grace have made possible many wonderful achievements. Thanks to donors like you we have accomplished so much; a few of these larger achievements include:

•    Needed classrooms and kitchen installed at Cite Soleil
•    Basketball courts built at the three primary schools
•    Cite Soleil library expanded
•    Services expanded at the Cite Soleil clinic with the addition of an Ultrasound exam room
•    Classrooms, church offices and bathrooms at Repatriote constructed
•    Expansion of the Terre Noire sanctuary started
•    Phase II classroom building at Baryé Fè started, on schedule to receive 9th grade students fall of 2018

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