Posts in Projects
Dan and Elizabeth Turk — September 2022 Update

Elisabeth Razanalivao was beaming when she told us that this past year that 100% of the students from the FJKM primary school at Soatsifa of the Church of Jesus Christ in Madagascar (FJKM) passed the national primary school exit exam. This is no small accomplishment because Soatsifa is located in the far south of Madagascar which has been experiencing famine-like conditions over the past several years with high rates of acute malnutrition, especially in children. Mrs. Razanalivao and her husband, Marc Ranarianirina, who is the principal of the school, came to Soatsifa 28 years ago as missionaries of the FJKM to start a school to help children get a good education.

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China Partnership — September 2022 Update

Christian Communication Limited

Book Gifting Updates

This year’s response to the COVID pandemic in China has been more unstable than ever, which has seriously affected the schedule for seminary schools. Indeed, their classes are all revolving in this loop: suspended → resumed → extra effort to catch up on the courses → suspended again……

Despite the uncertainties, 1,890 sets of books have been delivered to 29 official seminaries, Bible schools, and selected training centers. All by God’s grace!

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Ukraine Evangelical Theological Seminary, A Beacon of God's Love

The Ukraine Evangelical Theological Seminary (UETS) stands as a beacon of God’s love in the midst of the devastating war in Ukraine. Kyiv, which is the capital of Ukraine, has experienced an escalation in military conflict since Ukrainian Independence Day, August 24. Yet rather than retreat, UETS leadership, staff, faculty, and students carry on with its ministry.

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Exciting News from Tete Province and Malawi!

Dear friends of Tete Province,

I want to share with you some of the exciting things that are unfolding in Tete Province in 2022. In spite of COVID restrictions, a shortage of skilled workers, raging inflation, and more rain than normal, we are experiencing a banner year. We are on track to drill 20 wells this year, with locations in both Tete Province (15) and neighboring Malawi (5). The need for clean water seems overwhelming, but we are truly making a difference. This will be a new yearly record for wells drilled by us.

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An Urgent Appeal for Pakistan Relief

Pakistan is experiencing a monsoon flood disaster. Since mid-August heavy rains, nearly three times higher than the national 30-year average, have created a humanitarian disaster in Pakistan. The most impacted areas are near Afghanistan and south of Lahore. Travel out of the affected regions is not possible, even for those who own vehicles.

Hundreds of thousands of families have lost their means of income due to the destruction of livestock and crops. Many of the people who are affected by these floods are refugees from Afghanistan and Iran who cannot leave Pakistan. The Pakistani government does not recognize these refugees and will not support them.

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Pars Theological Center — August 2022 Update

The country of Iran is faced with many uncertainties. In the midst of socio-cultural and economic fragility, Iran is experiencing what can only be described as a spiritual revolution. A recent report conducted by a secular non-profit organization reported that 1.2 million Iranians identify as Christians, one million of whom are believers from a Muslim background. Not only is the number of those identifying as Christians in Iran much higher than what many expected, but the rate of growth of the church is also exponential. In January 2021, The Economist magazine reported that “Christianity is growing faster in Iran than in any other country.”

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Ukraine: An Independence Day Story

Wednesday, August 24, marked the sixth month of Russia’s “special military operation” in Ukraine. Though to ask any person on the streets in Lviv, Kyiv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Buccha, or Rivne, it is war, a campaign of pure evil, and a daily torment against their spirits, minds, and bodies. For much of the summer, people had been lured into a false sense of relative safety as Russia focused its efforts on the east and south along the Black Sea. However, on August 24, Independence Day, Russia reminded everyone in Ukraine that it still desires to crush them. Here is a snapshot of the day:

· A civilian passenger train east of Kyiv was bombed, killing 33 people.

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Bill and Bette Bryant Crisis Nursery — August 2022 Update

Two little girls, Comfort and Charity have become the best of friends at the Bill and Bette Bryant Nursery (BBB) in Lusaka, Zambia.

Comfort was brought to the House of Moses (HOM) because her mom was in jail and unable to care for her. Since then, she has had no other family willing or able to take her into their home. As Comfort grew, she was transferred to BBB and continued to thrive. She is now three years old and can comfortably count to ten and say almost all her alphabet with a smile on her face! She has a fun and mischievous sense of humor and loves to make the other kids and caregivers laugh.

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San Pablo Presbyterian Theological Seminary — August 2022 Update

San Pablo Presbyterian Theological Seminary trains theology students from 20 Mexican states, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, Chile, and Columbia. Many students are fluent in Mayan which is a predominant language in southern Mexico and Guatemala.

Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, San Pablo continues training leaders and pastors to fulfill the Great Commission, Rev. Amós Cahuich Yam, rector, recently sent highlights from the August 2021 to June 2022 school year:

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Ukraine Appeal — The Power of Trauma

The Outreach Foundation has been supporting the Counseling Center of the College of Theology and Social Sciences (CTSS) in Warsaw. This center was birthed during our visit in June and since then they have seen over 500 psychology professionals, social workers, and pastors take part in their training program. The following story comes from Rev. Dr. Larry Michael, Pastor for Adult Ministries at South Highland Presbyterian Church in Birmingham, Alabama, who is an expert in grief, has written two books on the subject, and led seminars in England, India, and Ukraine. He has joined the counseling training team of CTSS and will be part of this process through the end.

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One Million Free Bibles!

In the past four decades, millions of Iranian people have heard the Message or have seen visions and dreams of Jesus. As a result, hearts and lives are being transformed! The leadership of the Iranian Bible Society in Diaspora, an Outreach partner, has made a four-year commitment to deliver one million Farsi Bibles to give away for free inside Iran!

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Prayer Request for Kenyan Elections

We just received this prayer request from Lauren Scharstein, Deputy Director of Mission for the Presbyterian Church of East Africa (PCEA) in Kenya:

Dear friends of PCEA,

Receive Christian greetings. We ask that you join with us in prayers for peace and security, as Kenyans go to the polls to elect a new president on Tuesday, August 9, 2022.

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Ukraine Appeal — Light Amid the Darkness

Since the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, The Outreach Foundation has partnered with Beni Husarciuc, a staff member of Cru in Romania, to provide medical and other supplies for relief efforts in Lviv that our friends in the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church are providing. In June, a friend of Outreach joined Beni on one of his supply runs into Ukraine. What follows is a personal account of this visit that provides insight into the ways God is utilizing friendships developed over many years to come alongside people in Ukraine during the current crisis. For security purposes, we are withholding the identity of our friend who visited Ukraine.

Just as I was dropping off to sleep, the sound of an air raid siren blasted into the night. It was such a foreign sound that it took a minute for the meaning to sink into my tired brain.

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Haiti Outreach Ministries — July 2022 Update

Executive Director Caroline Chambre Hammock recently shared news from Haiti Outreach Ministries (HOM):

Many happy activities have recently taken place at HOM — the “50/20” celebration honoring Pastor Leon and the Terre Noire church (Pastor Leon’s 50 years of ministry and the 20th anniversary of the Terre Noire church), university graduates from the HOM schools, a photo of our first 13th grade class, and more.

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Hagazian University — July 2022 Update

“You are Lebanon’s greatest assets”

Haigazian University marked the end of a successful 2021-2022 academic year by holding its 62nd annual commencement exercises on June 3rd, 2022 on its campus in Beirut. In an atmosphere of joy, 107 undergraduates and graduates received their bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the first in-person ceremony since the COVID-19 pandemic began. The event was streamed live on Facebook to allow a larger number of proud onlookers to watch their loved ones as they embarked on a new phase of their lives.

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