Posts in Projects
New Church Development in Central Brazil - May 2013 Update

Dear Mission Partners,

Grace and peace of the Lord be with you all.

Our cool season has finally arrived. According to the weather bureau in Brasilia, the temperature will continue to be stable with cool air and no rain. The flu season has also arrived here in Brazil. The local governments are well-prepared for this problem. Every city’s health clinic is offering free vaccinations for senior citizens and children in order to combat the swine flu. The federal government does more vaccination campaigns through websites and TV stations, schools, bus stations, and airports.

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Forman Christian College - March 2013 Update

Dear Friends,

This is an excerpt from the Forman Christian College newsletter, which can be found at

There are millions of girls and women in Pakistan who yearn for a chance at even the most rudimentary education. In Pakistan today, less than half the women of the country are literate and that rate falls below 25% in most rural areas. In some places, women’s education is opposed by groups like the Taliban, and in others, simply ignored.

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Caring for Vulnerable Children

Dear Friends,

Our Hope was Born Through Pain

Although pain can be difficult to experience, good can be born through pain. There is pain at childbirth, but after the pain comes great fruit. Unless a seed dies, as Jesus said, it can’t multiply. We are indeed indebted to those who sacrifice for the work that’s taking place here; who have to part with money and materials to sustain work among those in need. I compare it to the act of God giving up his son for us, and Christ willfully laying down his life for us. Although these came with pain, they yield much fruit and bear witness to the fact that hope is born through pain.

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