Caring for Vulnerable Children


Dear Friends,


Our Hope was Born Through Pain

Although pain can be difficult to experience, good can be born through pain. There is pain at childbirth, but after the pain comes great fruit. Unless a seed dies, as Jesus said, it can’t multiply. We are indeed indebted to those who sacrifice for the work that’s taking place here; who have to part with money and materials to sustain work among those in need. I compare it to the act of God giving up his son for us, and Christ willfully laying down his life for us. Although these came with pain, they yield much fruit and bear witness to the fact that hope is born through pain.

As we go through Lent and reflect on the death and resurrection of Christ, we realize that there are many parts of it that can weary us. Misunderstanding can result such as the way people don’t understand Christ himself choosing to suffer and die for us. But there was reason for his suffering - it was for our salvation and it was worth it. 

During the days of Jesus’ life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with fervent cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission. However, there is also great benefit in these things.
— Hebrews 5:7

Ketty Kyasiimire

One of our students, Ketty Kyasiimire, didn’t do well on her recent testing. She was disappointed but has decided to give her dream another try by choosing to repeat the grade. Her passion for success more than her struggle with initial failure is what inspires me. Many more of our students are like her and are beginning to value the education that they are receiving. Blessed indeed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they will be filled. The grades that our students earn, even with minimal exposure and inadequate facilities, are truly amazing. The way they compete with other students in better schools is a step in the right direction for the growth of the school and of them as individuals. 


Student Population

The community has shown great interest in the school evidenced by the growing numbers of students we have started term one with. We have over three hundred boys and girls enrolled. The number is expected to increase as the senior students report this week. For the kindergarten and primary grades, we had to end enrollment at 150 or the numbers would have overwhelmed us. As the student population increases, so does the number of staff, both teaching and support. Computer classes that we began during the holidays have now become part of our regular schedule. Our only challenge is getting more computers and space to use so that all the classes may benefit. We have been buying textbooks for computer classes, and we will need more as time goes on. Computer skills will be included in the national examinations.


Land Acquisition

After a lot of negotiations, we finally came to an agreement with the church on acquiring part of the land in front of the school and behind the staff quarters. This is an answer to a prayer, and we are grateful to God for this property. This makes future expansion of the school possible.


Other News

In January, we held our annual convention with the theme Quality of Life. Approximately five hundred youths and their parents attended the convention. We have been holding these conventions since 2008.

On March 2 over fifty students from Bishop Stuart University in Mbarara visited our Kamwenge School. Their mission was to evangelize and encourage our students to study hard with a goal of attending the university. Our students were very excited by the visit, and the university students were amazed by the transformative work that’s taking place here in such a rural area. We are grateful for the visit by these university students.



There are many children in need of sponsorships. Some are even homeless and orphaned, and this is a burden on our hearts. As the school continues to grow, its infrastructure demands are also growing. For example, we need a boys’ dormitory, a science laboratory, a library, and a dining hall. The school also needs a vehicle and a machine to print exams.  


Many blessings to you and your families,

Rev. Canon John Mulindabigwi
Partners in Mission, Great Lakes Region

Minimum Goal for 2014

$10,000 for educational needs and school supplies


