Posts in Asia
Forman Christian College - January 2015 Update

We are pleased to share an excerpt of a letter The Outreach Foundation recently received from Forman Christian College:

As a supporter of Forman you understand more than most the impact a quality education can have on all students, especially those “in-need” minority students. We are honored to continue our partnership. Through your generosity, 98 students were able to attend Forman this year. The sons and daughters of farmers, shopkeepers, teachers and the unemployed, they could make the choice of education only because The Outreach Foundation made it possible. Of the   98, the majority were women (65) and over 30% of them are majoring in science-related topics. The next largest course of studies for the group was business with one student enrolled in Forman’s MBA program. 


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Choon and Yen Hee Lim (PCUSA) - December 2014 Update

Dear Friends and Partners in Mission,

“All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and has given us the ministry of reconciliation” 2 Corinthians 5:18

As part of World Mission’s call to address violence around the world, we invite individuals and congregations to consider engaging more deeply in God’s work of reconciliation in cultures of violence, including our own. God’s work of reconciliation is the heart of the gospel message. One of my roles is to facilitate and implement ministries of reconciliation in my East Asia area.


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John McCall (PCUSA) - October 2014 Update

Dear Friends,

I've been back in Asia for a couple of months, and it's been wonderful to reconnect with friends here and also catch my stride as I serve with the church in this vast continent. Earlier in September I flew to Malaysia, about a five-hour flight, to teach with a long-time Taiwanese friend and colleague. Most Christians in Malaysia are ethnic Chinese, so we can teach in Mandarin. Malaysia is a wonderful culturally-rich country with different people groups: Malay (who are almost all Muslim), ethnic Chinese, ethnic Indian, and the aboriginal Malaysians. 

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Peter Lim (Outreach) - August 2014 Update

Dear Friends,

I am encouraged by the wonderful impact that The Outreach Foundation has made in the ministry of our global partners in China over the last six months. Our partners working on developing a Sunday School curriculum in the Chinese context are facing some technical difficulties. They are committed to overcoming these problems, and we are ready to support their efforts by continuing to facilitate the training of the curriculum writing team. 

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Forman Christian College - July 2014 Update

Dear Friends,

Just in time for the fall start of classes, a new, six-story hostel for university women will be ready for move-in! The hostel will contain 360 rooms configured in single and double rooms, all of which will be equipped with modular furniture designed to be arranged in a variety of ways, according to the desire of the students who occupy these rooms. There will be common rooms on every floor with entertainment facilities and a dining area on the first floor. This hostel represents the next step in Forman’s quest to have a female enrollment of 50% of the total university enrollment by 2015 (right now women make up about 1,100 of the 3,000 students in the program).

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John McCall (PCUSA) - November 2013 Update

Dear Friends,

I left the seminary where I live high above the city of Taipei and waited for a bus to take me to the subway station. I was leaving for two days of preaching in an aboriginal presbytery. I took a train to a city in the center of the island where an aboriginal friend/pastor/artist and his wife and son picked me up. I got to know this couple twelve years ago. When I met Pastor Lai and his wife, he told me a dream he had had a few months before.

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Gujranwala Theological Seminary - July 2013 Update

Dear friends,

I feel privileged to greet you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am pleased to share news of Gujranwala Theological Seminary (GTS) with you. In March, we were proud to award degrees to 28 graduates: six men with Bachelor of Theology degrees; fourteen men with Master of Divinity degrees; two men with Master of Theology degrees; and six women with UBTC certificates. We praise God for the success of all these candidates.

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Forman Christian College - March 2013 Update

Dear Friends,

This is an excerpt from the Forman Christian College newsletter, which can be found at

There are millions of girls and women in Pakistan who yearn for a chance at even the most rudimentary education. In Pakistan today, less than half the women of the country are literate and that rate falls below 25% in most rural areas. In some places, women’s education is opposed by groups like the Taliban, and in others, simply ignored.

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