Forman Christian College - January 2015 Update

We are pleased to share an excerpt of a letter The Outreach Foundation recently received from Forman Christian College:

As a supporter of Forman you understand more than most the impact a quality education can have on all students, especially those “in-need” minority students. We are honored to continue our partnership. Through your generosity, 98 students were able to attend Forman this year. The sons and daughters of farmers, shopkeepers, teachers and the unemployed, they could make the choice of education only because The Outreach Foundation made it possible. Of the 98, the majority were women (65) and over 30% of them are majoring in science-related topics. The next largest course of studies for the group was business with one student enrolled in Forman’s MBA program. 

Profiles of some Outreach Foundation scholars are attached. In addition to your generous ongoing support, do please pray for Forman Christian College (FCC) and the nation of Pakistan at this terrible time. Never before has the promise of the inter-faith dialogue that Forman protects been more important.


Suzanne Madison Hogg, Director of Development
Friends of Forman Christian College

Muhammad Musa Shoaib, BS (Hons.) Economics, 2015

In today’s world for a person to be successful in any professional field, education is the most important thing. The higher the degree earned, the better it is for a person’s professional standing. If this degree is earned from a well-regarded institute, it is even better.

I have been a student at FCC since my intermediate years (grades 11 and 12). After I completed my matriculation exam, I chose FCC randomly. However, after spending two years here, I knew I wanted to be here for my baccalaureate degree too. Forman provides its students with a good, friendly learning environment, and it has built my confidence. I now have better communications skills than when I began. FCC also supports students who don’t have the means to continue their education, and I happen to be one of them. My mother, who works in the educational area of the Workers Welfare Department, is the head of our family earning-wise. FCC has eased her burden by providing FAID for my education. I am thankful to the donors who support FCC in helping students like me.

I know that a lot of work will be required, but if given a chance I would like to be an economics teacher. For this reason, I would like to continue my studies to the higher level of masters and MPhil in economics. I intend to start an NGO for animal protection in Pakistan as I feel that this is a neglected area.  

Mehwish Noor, BS (Hons.) Psychology and Education, 2015

I’m from Pakpatan Sharif. Acquiring an education is very important to me. I left my hometown because it did not have growth opportunities for women. Since Lahore is a city where all the important universities are situated, it was natural that I come here. But it was my cousin, a Formanite himself, who introduced me to FCC.

I believe that enrolling here was the best decision ever. Coming from a small city, I lacked self-confidence. The friendly faculty members of FCC helped me gain confidence by helping me realize my potential. The liberal arts education system also further enhanced this. Every student is required to choose the field of study that he is interested in, unlike the old system where subjects were chosen for you. Right now, I am majoring in two subjects – psychology and education. None of this would have been possible if there weren’t a tuition support program in place. My father, the earning head of my family, is a government teacher in Pakpatan Sharif with a very small salary. I am thankful to donors for supporting students like me and helping us improve our future and the future of our families.  

Rabia Amjid, BS (Hons.) Biotechnology, 2014

I believe that for females to be independent, self-reliant and have a position in a male dominated society, it is important that they acquire an education. Then they can play an important role in the growth of their families and on a broader level, their country.

At the suggestion of a family member, I enrolled in FCC. He told me that a lot of girls are signing up for FCC because of its secure environment and growth opportunities. I also had to consider my financial conditions before choosing a university. My father is working as a senior supervisor in industry and bearing the higher education expenses of me and my siblings along with household bills was too much for him. FCC relieved this burden a lot through the tuition support fund. I am grateful to the donors who have supported this fund and helped students like me.

I love FCC as it has given me confidence in my abilities and helped me decide a direction for my life. After graduating, I will begin teaching science in a private school. But that’s not the end. I plan to pursue an MPhil in biotechnology in the future and will continue to work as a researcher.

We will share additional profiles of Forman Christian College Outreach Foundation scholars in future updates.

Grateful for your partnership,

The Outreach Foundation

Read more about the ministry of Forman Christian College by clicking here.

Amount needed in 2015

The Outreach Foundation seeks to raise at least $2,300 per month for support of chaplaincy and student scholarships at Forman Christian College. To make a donation, click the Donate Now link in the sidebar.

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