Peter Lim - May 2013 Update

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Dear Friends,

We are indebted to you who have graciously supported Outreach’s mission to China. I would like to highlight the following programs, projects, and partnerships that we have had the privilege of carrying out over the last few months to connect U.S. Presbyterians and others with our brothers and sisters in China.



Jiangsu Provincial Christian Council (JPCC) plans to send ten Chinese pastors who have participated at least three times in the four-year English Exchange Camp we have co-sponsored with JPCC to visit some U.S. churches that have sent participants. Rev. Keyun Zhang, the president of JPCC, will lead the delegation to visit the States from September 12 to 20, 2013.



Outreach continues to support the training of the curriculum development team. The team published its first set of material in 2012. We plan to continue our support for the ongoing training and consultations in 2013. We have matched the support of a city Christian council in March 2013 to distribute some Sunday School materials to churches in Gansu and Guizhou provinces that cannot afford to purchase the material.



Instead of having a national meeting this year, PC(USA) China Network will have a couple of regional meetings during the visit of the JPCC delegation. The eastern regional meeting will be held in Pittsburgh on September 15-16, and the western regional meeting will be in Seattle on September 18, 2013.

As for other matters, brothers and sisters, pray for us that the message of the Lord may spread rapidly and be honored, just as it was with you.
— 2 Thessalonians 3:1 TNIV

Sincerely yours,

Peter Lim