Pakistan Christian Recording Ministries Update June 2024

The Annual Radio Listener’s Conference

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead” (1 Peter 1:3).

 In Pakistan, the Christian minority has faced increasing persecution recently. In May, The Outreach Foundation posted a prayer appeal rising from the violence against the Christian community in Sargodha. Yet the church in Pakistan continues to give voice to the hope that lives through Jesus Christ.

We are pleased to bring a marvelous story from Pakistan Christian Recording Ministry’s (PCRM) Annual Listener’s Conference. This year’s topic was the uniqueness of Jesus Christ, presenting the Lord as He is, in contrast to other gods, humans, and prophets. Conferences such as this are valuable opportunities to clarify the identity of Jesus among people in the majority population. Thirty people participated in this year’s conference, each of whom has been listening to the hope-filled programs, interviews, and teachings that originate from PCRM’s office in Faisalabad.

From June 5-8, PCRM’s leadership offered six teaching sessions totaling ten hours. There was good food, fellowship, and several opportunities for candid discussions. Questions centered around the Trinity, Jesus as the Son of God, and the meaning of Jesus’s divinity. Such discussions are important in a context where people must be cautious in ordinary settings. Yet in this retreat, when people from the majority population are among Christians they can trust, the conversations develop deep roots and lead to transformed understandings and attitudes about Christians. Some even turned to Jesus as their Savior.

A certain level of resistance occurs, which is not a surprise, nor does it deter PCRM director Rev. Akash Emmanuel. They experience fear, but “we do not let the fear deter us.” Business owners, teachers, and even a journalist attended this year’s conference. One participant remarked, “This conference helped promote interfaith harmony, dispel misconceptions, and create an atmosphere of friendship and unity. Every moment has left an indelible mark on our minds.”

The Annual Radio Listener's Conference's success was made possible by donors' generosity, including gifts from The Outreach Foundation. Their contributions covered the conference costs for the 30 participants. Rev. Emmanuel expresses his gratitude, writing, “Your support has been instrumental in making these gatherings successful. Together, we can ensure that the message of hope and love continues to touch hearts and transform lives.” 


The Outreach Foundation seeks prayers and financial gifts for the work of Pakistan Christian Recording Ministries. You can help PCRM transform hearts and lives as they broadcast the Christian message of Jesus’ hope and love in Pakistan. All gifts of any size are welcomed!