PAK7 in Pakistan Update June 2024

Pakistan is among The Outreach Foundation's most challenging regions. It is a space of tremendous persecution against Christians, along with general economic and political instability. This leaves the Christian community isolated and fending for itself, where its voice often goes unheard. Who can help lift the witness of Jesus while persisting as a living vessel of the Lord in this difficult context? Enter PAK7.

PAK7, overseen by an international board, is a remarkable partner of The Outreach Foundation. Its vision includes creating new and successful pathways for the voice of the Christian minority to be heard both globally and within Pakistan. More importantly, PAK7’s creative teams are finding ways to get the gospel to 21 million people in Pakistan through professional-quality television programming. PAK7 also conducts thousands of discrete conversations with Muslims monthly, through social media. Their television programs and social media videos are overflowing with the life of Jesus!

Beneath the various programs and initiatives, we are pleased to see a core commitment to holistic staff discipleship. The young and vibrant staff of PAK7 is completely indigenous to Pakistan. Some of the staff come from a majority background while others are from Christian families. In 2023, they launched a discipleship initiative to reach deeply into the lives of their staff and student interns. From senior staff to new student interns, Bible study, prayer, mission work, and cultural intelligence are part of the weekly team routines, allowing each other the time to speak of Jesus’ work currently happening in their lives. One intern shared, “In devotions, we’re learning how to produce content for the non-believers: that Jesus exists, that He survived,  and that He sacrificed His life. So, I was thinking, that’s the point, that’s my call. I have to make Jesus famous, not me!”

Their discipleship efforts are guided by a single question: “How can we better foster the spiritual development of PAK7’s staff and interns so that their media work is shaped by a biblical understanding and daily experience of the grace of the Gospel and relationship with Jesus?” To help measure this, they have received qualitative research assistance through Covenant Theological Seminary. “The spirituality that we develop in our teams is what viewers encounter in our programs.”

The Outreach Foundation seeks prayers and gifts for the work of PAK7. PAK7 is a great example of the body of Christ reaching millions of Pakistanis. Because they are not tied to a specific church or denomination, they leverage their ability to take the gospel far beyond the walls of the church. If you want to join the growing network of supporters for this incredible ministry please send funds to The Outreach Foundation, designated “PAK7.”  Send a gift via mail or click the link below to give online.