Haiti Outreach Ministries Update June 2024

Haiti Outreach Ministries (HOM) staff report that things have been calmer in Port-au-Prince over the last month or so. Preparations were made for the arrival of the Kenyan-led multinational police force that is expected to support the Haitian police in their efforts to quell gang activity. A sense of anticipation and anxiety looms as to how the arrival of this force will impact the security situation and daily life.

HOM’s three primary schools accelerated their curriculum to complete exams and complete the academic year by the end of May. Classes are still underway at the Barye Fe secondary school, with 9th-grade and 13th-grade students preparing for important national exams scheduled for later this summer.

The clinic, vocational school, water distribution sites, and churches are all open and functioning. The churches are making plans to hold Vacation Bible School this summer! As always, it is a testament to the Haitian staff and strong connections with the communities served that HOM’s programs remain operational when so many others have had to shut down.

Haiti Outreach Ministries also celebrated its 35th anniversary in Raliegh, NC, in May. Nearly 250 friends of HOM’s ministry were in attendance to reflect, reminisce, and give thanks for 35 years of God's work in Haiti. Funds were also raised during this celebration to continue supporting the ministry’s work.

Haiti Outreach Ministries continues to be a beacon of hope among the people of Haiti despite the violence happening all around them. We give thanks for their safety and for all they are doing during this very challenging time. HOM seeks prayers for the seaport to reopen so they can send food and other needed items.

The Outreach Foundation seeks prayers and gifts for the work of Haiti Outreach Ministries. All gifts of any size are welcomed to help set up new workshops for skills development and to provide scholarships for studetns. If you want to join the growing network of supporters for this incredible ministry, please send funds to The Outreach Foundation, designated “Haiti Outreach Ministries.” Send a gift via mail or click the link below to give online.