John McCall (PCUSA) - January 2015 Update

Taipei, Taiwan

Dear Friends,

I recently arrived back in Taiwan after speaking at a missions conference in San Diego. I was speaking to the Taiwan track of this conference. Altogether there were 3,400 mostly Chinese and Taiwanese immigrants to the U.S. Most of them had become Christians after immigrating to the United States. There were folks of all ages including people who had come to the U.S. to study and then had found jobs here. Others are current students from both China and Taiwan. Many of the young people were born in the U.S. of immigrant parents (ABC: American-born-Chinese or ABT: American-born-Taiwanese).

I didn't know exactly what to expect of this conference, but at each meal I met new folks and heard wonderful stories. One young adult ABC woman was sent by Apple to work in Shanghai. Her sister came to visit and is an excellent cook. This young woman began to invite young adult Chinese women to her home for dinner. They liked her sister's cooking so much that these young adult women kept inviting other friends until 20 of them gathered each week at the apartment. They began to discuss the meaning of life around her table. Before she left Shanghai, all twenty of these women were baptized and are now followers of Jesus. This woman saw her job in China as an opportunity to introduce her new friends to her best friend, Jesus Christ.

Another young Chinese man I met is helping poor farmers who grow coffee in the west of China to sell their coffee beans to customers in Shanghai. As he helps them to make a decent living, they ask him why he is helping them. He then shares his faith in Christ, and many of these farmers have also become Christians. Every meal was a thrill to hear how God is at work through all these Chinese and Taiwanese Christians. If they hadn't immigrated to the U.S., they may never have become Christians in their homeland. But now they are on fire for the Lord and are making a tremendous difference in our world.

I will soon fly to China to teach an intensive two-week course on the Holy Spirit to about 65 students at a seminary there.  Please pray for these students. It will be my first time teaching in China, so I am excited about the possibilities. These students, upon graduation, will go to serve churches in China. On the two weekends I am there, I will be preaching at three different churches. One of these churches has over 3,000 people in worship at each service.

Warmest blessings,

John McCall

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Amount needed in 2015

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