Peter Lim (Outreach) - January 2015 Update

China Specialist for The Outreach Foundation

Peter with Rev. He Jie Miao

Peter with Rev. He Jie Miao

Dear Friends,

Happy New Year! I am sure you have been looking forward to receiving this prayer letter since Thanksgiving. However, due to my relocation, this letter was not done on time. Please pardon me for the tardiness.

Stephanie and I moved from Spokane to Seattle in December.  We were “homeless” for about two weeks in between moving out of our home of 11 years in Spokane and moving into the new house in Seattle. It was challenging, but his grace was sufficient throughout our journey. Thanks to your faithful prayers that sustain us in our walk with him.

The key reason for our relocation has to do with my frequent travels.  It was getting fairly difficult to fly in and out of Spokane over the last few years after the cancellation of several direct flights from some main hubs. Moving to Seattle will allow me to have more choices in selecting carriers as well as routes. The additional benefit is to entrust  two of our children, who are living in the vicinity, to take good care of their mother when dad is on the road.

I spoke about Christianity in China from a socio-cultural perspective at the Presbyterian China Network meeting that was held in Wilmington, N.C. on September 19 and 20. Dr. Walter Conser, the Network’s Convener, invited two other speakers, both lay leaders from Jiangsu province, to inform the attendees of their respective ministries. It was indeed a very well-organized and edifying event to participate in. Look for an announcement about this year’s China Network, and I hope to see you there.

From October 23 to November 3, I co-led the annual Presbyterian Heritage Discovery (PHD) trip with my colleague,    Jeff Ritchie, an Associate Director of The Outreach Foundation. We brought a delegation from the Shadyside Presbyterian Church in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania led by the Rev. Todd Leach, Associate Pastor for Missions. This year’s trip focused on the Church in Shandong Province, and the Shadyside team was warmly welcomed by our friends from Shandong.

Jiangsu Seminary

Jiangsu Seminary

I also attended the 20th anniversary celebration of the Chinese Church Ministry Consultation at the joint invitation of China Christian Council (CCC) and Christian Leadership Exchange (CLE) from November 11 to 14. Over the last two decades, the consultation was instrumental in helping many ministries across the Pacific Ocean get connected with each other and was a platform for dialogue by diverse ministry groups on important issues and topics. Please give thanks to the Lord with me for the good work of these servant leaders.

I will be teaching a class online on the Practice of Mission for a seminary in the States this quarter and another class on the Sociology of Religion at a seminary in China next quarter. Please pray for a clear mind as I learn with my fellow learners.

I am grateful for your prayers and support. May the Lord bless you and keep you!

Yours in him,


Click here to read more about Peter Lim's ministry.

Amount needed in 2015

The Outreach Foundation seeks to raise at least $7,300 per month for Peter Lim's support. To make a donation, click the Donate Now link in the sidebar.

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