Tumaini Children's Ministries - July 2013 Update

Tumaini July 2013 update.jpg

Dear Partners and Friends,

The Tumaini Home currently accommodates 197 children. The objective of Tumaini Children`s Ministries is to provide basic needs to all the children under its care including food, shelter, clothing, education, guidance, and spiritual nourishment. In order to achieve this objective, the home must ensure the provision of adequate accommodations, food, clothing, health, and educational facilities. Although free primary education is provided by the government, books, writing materials, and uniforms have to be provided by the parent/guardian. Tumaini Ministries takes on the role of the parent/guardian because the majority of the children come from very poor backgrounds. The ministry also pays school fees for the children in secondary schools as well as providing all their necessary reading and writing materials. This is in addition to other basic needs. Consequently, there continues to be a need for more funds for this ministry. Here are some stories from the children:

Life at Tumaini

I thank God for successfully keeping my old grandmother alive and giving her the grace to fight for me. By the grace of God that surpasses all human understanding, I managed to do well in school and was given a chance to go to a good secondary school with the continued assistance of my grandmother. My older sister and I were admitted to the secondary school on the same day. Occasionally during the first term, we were sent home for lack of fees. One day we decided to go to the principal’s office to request that only one of us go home for fees instead of both of us. We agreed that I would go home. I went straight to my grandmother’s house. She was surprised to see me come home, and this caused her to take the first step in seeking help for me from a children’s home. It was a long process, but she didn’t give up. I was warmly welcomed to Tumaini by beautiful parents. I am glad my grandmother sought help for me before my life came crashing down.

My Life at Tumaini 2004-2007

My life at Tumaini was beautiful. The most precious thing in the home is LOVE as well as tender care and comfort. I thank God that by the time I got out of the home, I was physically, spiritually, and mentally mature. We lacked nothing at the home. Food, clothing, education, love, care, and everything a child gets from his or her parents was provided. I really liked the tours that our sponsors offered. Though I am a Kenyan, I had never visited the beautiful Aberdare ranges or been to Isiolo, but I will always remember the long journeys we made there. This brought a lot of happiness to us all. I am grateful to our sponsors for everything they did for us and to the Tumaini staff for the counseling and all the advice they gave. I am glad for spiritually nurturing leaders like the very Rev. Muindi and our treasured Mrs. Eunice Kago. I am thankful that no matter how many of us there were, our sponsors never let us down. And we were never sent back home for school fees. I pray that God’s favor may rest upon you all the days of your life.

Back at Tumairni for E-learning

I am glad to be back at the home where, in partnership with The Presbyterian University of East Africa, we can access affordable higher e-learning. It is so helpful. I am glad that God made it possible for me to have this opportunity. I am taking courses in Business Administration through The Presbyterian University of East Africa. Thank you for making Tumaini a caring and loving environment. I will try my best not to let you down. I am overwhelmed by your love.

Grateful for your partnership in the work of the Kingdom,

Ebralie Mwizerwa, Projects Coordinator 
The Outreach Foundation


Prayer Requests

For more scholarships for e-learning

For Rev. Bernard Muindi and his family

For the search for a suitable candidate for the home manager’s position, which is vacant at present

Minimum Goal for 2014

$6,250 per month for the Tumaini Children's Ministry and $5,000 for e-learning scholarships


