Posts in Asia
Pakistan Bible Correspondence School and Pakistan Christian Recording Ministries – October 2022 Update

Pakistan Bible Correspondence School
Ministry Essentials Training Program
In October, the Pakistan Bible Correspondence School launched the Ministry Essentials Training Program (METP). This program developed out of The Outreach Foundation’s visit in March 2022 as we learned about the leadership development needs of rural pastors.

Pakistan Christian Recording Ministries
Listeners’ Conference in Northern Pakistan
The Pakistan Christian Recording Ministries provides regular teachings about the Bible, God, and living as godly people caring for society, family, and creation. The audience numbers into the thousands across all of Pakistan.

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Pakistan Monsoon Relief — Important Update

The Outreach Foundation is following the relief efforts of PAK Mission Society closely and we are pleased to report that they have signed a Memo of Understanding with Rev. Reuben Qamar and Rev. Obaid Khokhar, Moderators of the Presbyterian Church of Pakistan. This brings Christians together to provide a holistic, Christian-based response to rural communities in Pakistan and places where there are many refugees from Afghanistan.

PAK Mission Society is present in 80 villages, providing 1,791 food packages, and over 3,700 hot meals.

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China Partnership — September 2022 Update

Christian Communication Limited

Book Gifting Updates

This year’s response to the COVID pandemic in China has been more unstable than ever, which has seriously affected the schedule for seminary schools. Indeed, their classes are all revolving in this loop: suspended → resumed → extra effort to catch up on the courses → suspended again……

Despite the uncertainties, 1,890 sets of books have been delivered to 29 official seminaries, Bible schools, and selected training centers. All by God’s grace!

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An Urgent Appeal for Pakistan Relief

Pakistan is experiencing a monsoon flood disaster. Since mid-August heavy rains, nearly three times higher than the national 30-year average, have created a humanitarian disaster in Pakistan. The most impacted areas are near Afghanistan and south of Lahore. Travel out of the affected regions is not possible, even for those who own vehicles.

Hundreds of thousands of families have lost their means of income due to the destruction of livestock and crops. Many of the people who are affected by these floods are refugees from Afghanistan and Iran who cannot leave Pakistan. The Pakistani government does not recognize these refugees and will not support them.

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John McCall — Update from Taiwan

It has been a tense weekend here. I have been on Taiwan’s east coast speaking at the Eastern Amis Presbytery and preaching at the church of former students. The Amis tribe is the largest tribe numerically among Taiwan’s indigenous people. The pastor of the San Ming Church where I preached is Lisin, a former student of mine at Taiwan Seminary. Her husband, Kadzau, is pastoring a church about fifteen minutes away. Thirteen years ago, I officiated at their wedding.

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Gujranwala Theological Seminary 2022 Baccalaureate and Graduation

We are happy to share the following news from Gujranwala provided by Enna B. Lal, Accounts Manager and Administrator, and Rev. Nosheen Khan, Principal:

142nd Baccalaureate 2022

Our Baccalaureate service was held on March 27, 2022 at Swift Memorial First Presbyterian Church, Civil Line, Gujranwala , Pakistan. It was a great privilege for Gujranwala Theological Seminary (GTS) that Rev. Dr. Edwin G.Hurley, senior pastor, Highland Presbyterian Church, Birmingham, Alabama and Outreach trustee, shared the Word of God.

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China Partnership - June 2022 Update

Since March 1, the government of China has been increasing pressure on Christians who were already facing many challenges in living out their faith. We hear from our friends that they are continuing on, and they ask for our prayers. We hear that seminaries are still meeting, though there is an alarming trend of government shutdowns in large cities. COVID is the official reason but these measures are contributing to increased pressure, especially against religious groups and minorities. Still, the church is finding ways to flourish even when it is in quiet ways. The Outreach Foundation is honored to stand with the church of China. Please read the following positive update from one of our friends who is located in the United States.

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Pakistan Partnership

The Outreach Foundation’s Vision for Engagement in Pakistan

God is at work in many ways through various expressions of the church in Pakistan. Our intention is to provide congregations and donors with a clear understanding of the scope into which we sense the Holy Spirit calling The Outreach Foundation. This vision statement is born from over thirty years of engagement in Pakistan and especially our visit in Spring 2022. We seek to bring Christ-infused, transformative hope to Pakistanis. In so doing we will support a broad movement that strengthens Christ’s church, builds Christian faith, and changes attitudes between faith communities in Pakistan

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Presbyterian Education Board - May 2022 Update

During a recent visit to Pakistan, the team from The Outreach Foundation was pleased to meet Veda Javaid, Executive Director of the Presbyterian Education Board, and PEB Board Chair Margy Trimble. We are happy to continue our partnership with the Presbyterian Education Board. They recently sent us an update with some wonderful news as well as the current state of affairs in Pakistan. Let us keep PEB and each of our friends in Pakistan in our prayers during this unsettled time in the country.

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John McCall - May 2022 Update

Often pastors call to invite me to preach and speak in their churches or in other youth or leadership events with the words, “please come and encourage us.” In these uncertain days, we all need words of encouragement. But as I return home after visiting these churches, I often find that I have been the one who has been encouraged by the way I see God at work in churches around Taiwan.

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China Partnership - February 2022 Update

Congratulations to Freda Li
She was given an “excellent” rating by her faculty at the University of Liverpool, Suzhou, China, and was recognized for being a faculty member of distinction. This is rarely attained by new faculty members. Freda earned this while taking care of her son as a single mother, volunteering as a preacher at her church, and serving as a small group leader. Freda was the main speaker for our last conversation with Chinese friends.

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Presbyterian Education Board and Pakistan Christian Recording Ministries Update

The church in Pakistan holds a precious place in the heart of The Outreach Foundation. Out of all the countries where we show up, our Christian friends experience the greatest amount of persecution in Pakistan. Yet, they remain resilient and courageous and the witness of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior sings loudly. We are privileged to stand with them!

The Outreach Foundation is pleased to bring word from two of our dear friends in Pakistan, the Presbyterian Education Board, and Pakistan Christian Recording Ministries.

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Gujranwala Theological Seminary - January 2022 Update

Gujranwala Theological Seminary (GTS) has been training and equipping pastors to lead churches since 1877. Originally a Presbyterian seminary, at one point it was the only seminary in South Asia. It now serves as a united (inter-denominational) seminary. There are currently 78 students studying at GTS on all three levels. Although there were many challenges and difficulties during the last year, we are thankful to God for providing wisdom and strength to achieve much. Here are two of the highlights:

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China Partnership - November 2021 Update

The Outreach Foundation’s friendship with China is one of our most enduring and we are so thankful for the connections maintained through this long season of not being able to see one another face-to-face. By God’s grace, our bonds of friendship continue in tangible ways and this update highlights two.

“Telling It Like It Is,” an ongoing forum on the state of Christianity in China

“Family and the church” gave focus to our conversations during our second China Forum on Friday evening, October 29. Our primary presenter was Frida, a single mother to a four-year old son who teaches Spanish full time to Chinese students at one of China’s prestigious universities in Suzhou Province. She is also a lay assistant in a local unregistered multi-site house church, with occasional preaching duties.

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John McCall - November 2021 Update

Dear friends,

It is interesting in life how one experience prepares one for a future experience without even knowing it. When I was 30, I was called as pastor of the Black Mountain Presbyterian Church in North Carolina. When I arrived, that church had about 35 retired pastors and their spouses. When I left that church to come to Taiwan, there were 50 pastors and their spouses. I learned during my time there how to be a pastor to pastors.

During my time in Taiwan, in addition to teaching seminary students how to serve as pastors, I also spend a great deal of my time each week accompanying pastors. In weekly pastor spiritual formation groups, retreats, and one-on-one conversations over meals, I listen to pastors here sharing both the challenges and joys of their lives and ministries.

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Gujranwala Theological Seminary Update

Gujranwala Theological Seminary (GTS) has been serving congregations, parachurch ministries, theological institutions, and their leaders throughout Pakistan for 145 years. As we prepare to celebrate with them, we want to highlight three of their recent graduates. God is doing great things in this very difficult part of the Christian world.

Khashia completed her MDiv in 2018. She serves as a youth coordinator at Open Theological Seminary in Lahore. She was one of only a few women to earn an MDiv but reports that she sees more women receiving advanced theological education. Women play an integral, if not formal, role in building up God’s church in this part of the world. She writes, “I am grateful to my Lord and GTS for enabling me to strengthen women’s groups in Pakistani churches.”

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Pakistan Bible Correspondence School - October 2021 Update

God is on the move! As Adeel Samuel, director of the Pakistan Bible Correspondence School (PBCS), reminds us, “Our God is a God of nations, all nations will bow before the Lord (Psalm 86:9). In the recent political change in Afghanistan, many people have fled to Pakistan; some are Christian.

People like Abdul. He was a driver for an American officer who showed him movies about Jesus. The concept that Jesus “took away all his sins" was new. And as so often happens among Muslims, he wanted to know more and read the Bible in secret. That reading led him to believe in Jesus. Abdul fled to where Adeel Samuel, lives and is now being nurtured there through the PBCS.

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Presbyterian Education Board - August 2021 Update

Zerafshan Yousaf: Bearing Christ’s light in Pakistan

Recently we heard from Zerafshan Yousaf. She is the Principal of Presbyterian Education Board’s Higher Secondary Girls’ School in Pasrur and is a great example of PEB’s vision to provide high-quality education that equips girls and boys to become leaders in Pakistan who are guided by Christian values.

Zerafshan’s journey as a student at the girls’ school in Pasrur began in 1997. It was there that she learned to face with courage the many challenges that meet every Christian girl and boy in Pakistan. She recalls how inspirational and meaningful her Christian teachers were and that because of her experience she was able to attend university, earning a degree in psychology and a master’s in political science. Now she is following her heart’s desire to give back to the Christian community by inspiring young girls just as her teachers inspired her.

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