Posts in Africa
Holistic Evangelism in Tete Province — August 2023 Update

I am excited to share with you an update on our Holistic Evangelism Project in Tete Province, Mozambique. The year started with a bang. Cyclone Freddy made its first landfall in Mozambique in late February and then returned for a second landfall in March. Tete Province (an interior province) was spared the tremendous rainfall that coastal areas received, but crop preparation and planting were delayed, and village life was disrupted. We are grateful the damage and flooding were not as bad as we feared.   

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PCEA Kwen-Siro Church Dedication in Kenya

The dedication of PCEA Kwen-Siro Church on July 1 was the culmination of a week of mission celebration on the Kenyan coast. The celebration started on Tuesday when many went door to door in Sagalla evangelizing and inviting the town people to the church dedication on Saturday. Most of the Head Office including the Moderator, Secretary General and Deputy Secretary General attended.

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Tumaini Children's Ministry — July 2023 Update

At the end of June, a six-member team from Eastminster Presbyterian Church, Marietta, Georgia journeyed to the highlands of Kenya to make a visit to the Tumaini-Huruma Children’s Ministry. Eastminster, an Outreach church partner, had not sent a team to Kenya (due to COVID constraints) since 2018. Here is a quick snapshot of our two-day visit:

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Booth Girls' High School of Excellence — July 2023 Update

Wendell Hill, Outreach trustee and Synod Men’s Council Kenya Leader (Mid-Atlantic Synod), recently returned from his seventh mission trip to Kenya. Wendell shared,

“It was another amazing, life-changing experience. Our visits to the Booth Girls’ High Schools will always be remembered. We completed four ministry sessions of “Why I Love Jesus” with 625 girls, hearing and witnessing their faith stories and testimonies of their lives. The visit ended with the girls sharing that they were blessed to be accepted at the Booth Girls’ School.

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Tumaini Children's Ministry - June 2022 Update

Tumaini Runners’ Program

The Tumaini Runners’ Program was started in 2007 by two young women who had recently graduated from Stanford University. Following their graduation, the young women, avid amateur runners, embarked on an adventure taking them around the world to participate in marathons across the globe. A stop in Kenya found them looking for a place to stay for a race taking place in the Mt. Kenya Region in the Central Highlands. A long-time donor to the Tumaini Children’s Center, a home for vulnerable children in Nyeri, Kenya, gave them an offer they couldn’t refuse. In exchange for accommodations, they had to promise to visit Tumaini and spend some time with the children. Out of that encounter, the Tumaini Runners’ Program was born.

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PCEA Church Construction in Kenya — PCEA Ng’alalya Church Dedication

PCEA Ng’alalya Church was dedicated on June 4. The new church is located about 1.5 hours east of Kikuyu. It is a growing area and has a lot of potential. I can see them expanding in five years. In the meantime, we have helped them with a church where they can grow their capacity and members and do much on their own. The closest PCEA church is PCEA Bethany, the mother of Ng’alalya, which is 10 kilometers (more than five miles) away. This is too far for children and the elderly to walk. 

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Linda's Library — Gituamba Girls’ Secondary School in Kenya

Today we dedicated our fifth Linda’s Library. It was at Gituamba Girls’ Secondary School in Limuru. The occasion was moderated by the Moderator of Lari Presbytery, Rev. Karanga. The celebration was filled with dancing and singing by the girls along with many speeches.

Libraries take students to a new level of learning. They open up new worlds, new ideas, and new opportunities. Libraries positively affect language and reading skills and help to improve students’ grades.

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PCEA Church Construction in Kenya — Dedication of PCEA Ol'Moran Church

The Presbyterian Church of East Africa (PCEA) and The Outreach Foundation have enjoyed many years of faithful partnership, building churches in East Africa. PCEA Ol’Moran was recently dedicated with great joy! Stu Ross sent the following news:

After much work and many struggles, the beautiful PCEA Ol’Moran Church was finally dedicated on April 2, 2023. It was worth the effort. The congregation was able to move from this dilapidated mud structure to their beautiful modern stone church. Their old structure could only seat 25 people and was dark with few windows and a mud floor.

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PCEA Church Construction in Kenya — Dedication of PCEA Ndigu-Ini Church

Through years of faithful partnership, the Presbyterian Church of East Africa (PCEA) and The Outreach Foundation have built many churches in East Africa. Outreach East Africa Mission Consultant Stu Ross recently sent this joyful news about a recent church dedication: 

This Ndigu-Ini congregation was started in 1992 when members from the area felt their walk to their church was too far, especially for the elderly and the very young. They organized themselves and worshipped in an open field on the chief’s homestead.

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Rebuilding Hope among Refugees in Africa

The Outreach Foundation works closely with the Pastoral and Outreach Ministries Council of the Synod of the Nile in Egypt (POMC). Rev. Manassa Nesem serves as the Executive Manager of POMC and shared the following information about how refugees in Sudan are being aided by brothers and sisters in Egypt: 

Political conflicts erupted over the reigns of power in northern Sudan between two leaders of the Sudanese army, which led to an increase in the frequency of skirmishes and resulted in a fierce internal war. These conflicts started on April 15 and continue. The repercussions of these events have created problems in all aspects of life in northern Sudan. As a result, there is a lack of food, water, and means of communication; moreover, several reports have included a large number of civilian deaths. 

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Holistic Evangelism in Tete Province — Special Dedication in Madzimaera

Outreach trustee Berry Long recently shared good news from Sebber Banda, Project Director of the Holistic Evangelism in Tete Province partnership:

I want to share with you a message and photos from Sebber about a government celebration and opening for the women's shelter and staff kitchen that have been added at the Madzimaera Clinic.

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Namumu Orphanage Center — April 2023 Update

Since its inception in 2000, Namumu Orphanage Center (NOC) has provided vulnerable children with food, clothing, shelter, medicine, and spiritual and educational support. Through partnership with generous Outreach donors, a van was recently purchased. We received the following letter from Siakwale Matomola, Namumu Orphanage Center Director:

Greetings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

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Crisis Nurseries February 2023 Update — Baby Prosper Returns Home

Baby Prosper, one and a half-year-old years old, was brought to Alliance for Children Everywhere (ACE) by the Child Protection Unit (CPU) in Lusaka, Zambia. The baby was living on the streets with his twenty-one year-old mother. The CPU, in collaboration with several other stakeholders, removed Prosper and his mother and many other babies from the streets during one of their outreaches.

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CCAP Community Schools — October Update

We thank our Lord who has been so faithful in the work of community schools. The government of Zambia has a policy of free education that presents challenges for the running of community schools. We are grateful for the support that we receive from our Outreach partners.

As reported in our April update, the COVID-19 pandemic did affect CCAP Community Schools. We followed government-required measures

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Bill and Bette Bryant Crisis Nursery — October 2022 Update

A Forever Home for Edward

Edward is an orphan who was referred to Alliance for Children Everywhere (ACE) in 2018. Prior to coming to ACE, he was in the care of his great-grandmother. Edward was seen by his neighbors regularly looking for food in the garbage dump. The neighbors brought their concern for Edward to the attention of the local police, and they brought him to ACE. They investigated and found that his mother died, and

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PCEA Simba Cement Church in Kenya — Joyful Dedication!

The Outreach Foundation has come alongside the Presbyterian Church of East Africa (PCEA) to help them build churches in difficult areas. Once these churches are established, members do mission work in their communities like building schools and ministering to those in need. Coordinating this work is Outreach’s East Africa Mission Consultant Stu Ross, who works closely with PCEA leadership. Stu recently sent the following:

Last Sunday, October 16, Simba Cement Church was dedicated. The church is located in Maasai Land near a large cement factory, thus the name Simba Cement Church.

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The Presbyterian Church in Rwanda – October 2022 Update

EPR President Rev. Dr. Pascal Bataringaya recently shared news from Rwanda:

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

The Grace and Peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.

It is my honor to share the current situation in Rwanda with you. The three main areas of concern are currently church evangelism and mission, the COVID pandemic, and inflation.

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