Europe Initiative - January 2022 Update

Jesus, Bread of life, Multiplying Loaves and Lives in Liverpool

This story has been used with permission from Operation Promises.

Imagine fleeing from your home, cut off from family and friends, and facing an unknown future. This is the painful reality confronting many refugees. Layered on this trauma is the uncertainty and pain of the pandemic. Yet, there is hope and life to be found even in the midst of these distressing times. The Frontline Iranian Refugee Church, located in the heart of Liverpool, is a place where God is working and bringing about new life and a hopeful future for many displaced people.

Even before the start of the pandemic, members of the church were moved by the needs of refugees in Turkey and Greece and of family members and friends back in Iran. The list felt overwhelming at times and included a family who had no money for their young child’s surgery and a taxi driver involved in an accident and no longer able to work. Church members donated money or sold special meals, raising funds to send to these families. However, with the start of the pandemic, the needs multiplied. Church members themselves faced reduced work hours and resources. “What can we do?” prayed Fatima, burdened with the needs she saw around her. As stories and pictures of children back in Iran begging on the streets poured in, a seed began to grow in her mind and she shared her heart and ideas with her pastor. Together with a few other friends, this idea gained momentum and a group of ladies started cooking a meal each week. Over time this meal generated donations and a base income that was used to raise money and help others. 

Facing many difficulties and COVID restrictions, these ladies persevered. Because of the pandemic, only five could gather, but God multiplied the work of these five faith-filled women. Since five seemed to be the number they were working with, they each put in five pounds (~$6.74 U.S.) to purchase large pots and gathered once a week to cook. First, they helped a child needing surgery, then a widow who lost her husband. Like the story of the five fish and loaves, God multiplied their efforts. They now use the kitchen at Frontline Church and through the meals they make once a week, they help 48 families buy fruit, meat, and rice! Needs are met and families are surviving difficult circumstances. Over Christmas, the ladies bought clothes for 12 children who would have had nothing for Christmas. Ten of these children had recently lost fathers to COVID, MS, and other diseases.

With COVID restrictions lifted, the story continues. Every Tuesday Pastor Shapoor leads an Alpha group of more than 20 men who are searching for the truth about Christ and the gospel. Before the meeting, the five women provide a home-cooked Iranian meal. Over the past few months, more than 10 men from this group have come to Christ. One refugee said, “I came here and knew no one, but I have finally come home and found that I have a Father who loves me. Through the church family and the fellowship we share, I found a home and love even though I am far away from those I love back in Iran.” These five ladies are supporting families back in Iran and seeing lives changed here in Liverpool!

Truly the Lord is at work in Europe and God is pouring out His heart and His care through this body of believers. Four of these five women came to Christ after coming to Europe. Most have gone through the trauma of either divorce or losing their home country. However, they are finding community and family in the body of Christ. These women serve Jesus with all their hearts and bring God’s love to others inside Europe and back home in Iran.

Read more about the Europe Initiative HERE.

The Outreach Foundation is seeking gifts to support the mission and ministry of the Europe Initiative. All gifts of any size are welcomed to help assist partners in multiple locations in sharing Christ with those who are newly open to the gospel and discipling those who are making their first steps in serving and learning about a God who has loved them and redeemed them. You may make a gift HERE or by sending a check to our office.