Forman Christian College - Update

Lahore, Pakistan

Dear friends,

On behalf of Forman Christian College (FCCU) in Lahore, Pakistan, thank you for your generosity and partnership. In this update, we share some stories about what the Lord is doing at Forman, equipping and educating men and women to serve the great nation of Pakistan.

Mrs. Gaylen Baxter, Friends of Forman Christian College board chair, notes: “I visited the campus first in 2011 and again in February of this year and was impressed by the number of new buildings and other improvements that were made in eight years. What hasn’t changed is the energy on campus: students, Christian and Muslim, are enthusiastically learning, playing, and growing together, supported by excellent faculty and resources. Friends of Forman has served as a key partner with Forman to make these and many other improvements happen. Visiting the school made it clear how important this work is. The Forman motto is brought to life, “by love serve one another,” as young people of a variety of faith and ethnic backgrounds prepare to serve as the next generation of leaders in Pakistan. They will bring with them the foundation of an excellent education gained in an environment of tolerance, mutual respect, and love.”


One student, Talha, described her campus experience to us in her own words, “FCCU is an institution where not just one class of people study; instead this place offers equal opportunities to individuals from diverse backgrounds. FCCU is a liberal arts institution that allows us to make decisions regarding our careers on our own. It was always my dream to study in this prestigious institution and it is a delight to see it become a reality.

My father is the income producer in my family. He owns a van and picks up children from school and drops them off at their houses. I applied for financial aid because my family and I are not able to afford the expense of my fees here. Education is very expensive, and it is not easily accessible to students, which is why most of my cousins are not able to study. But FCCU blessed me with the opportunity to pursue higher education. I am pursuing a degree in computer science as it has been my passion and area of interest since childhood. My goal is to provide quality education to people with a reasonable fee structure and free education to financially constrained students. I want to work in villages using my computer science skills to create a platform so that they can learn and engage with technology.”

Another student, Sitara, shared the following, “Being a woman in a third world country like Pakistan is a continuous struggle. You are forced to break stereotypes to live a comfortable life in this patriarchal society, and for that, my only way out was education. That is why I always prioritized education by getting good grades both in school and now at FCCU. I think learning life skills is crucial, but getting a formal education is essential for making your way in today’s competitive world. There are three reasons I chose FCCU. My sister is an FCCU alumna, so I was inspired by her at a young age. Secondly, I am majoring in political science and I know FCCU has one of the best faculty and course criteria for political science in Pakistan. Thirdly, FCCU has produced many of Pakistan’s leading officials, business people, politicians, educators, etc. which was also a big reason for me to pursue studies there.

For the past 30 years, my father had been the income producer of the family but now he is jobless. My oldest sister is bearing all the expenses of our home. I have five siblings. I am now in my third semester here. FCCU has helped me not only financially but also in terms of personality development and improved critical mental abilities. The educational system that FCCU offers its students meets international standards. Students who spend their four years here tend to be more confident, eloquent, and inspiring. My goal is to earn an MS in international relations then later pursue a PhD in international relations. I aim to become a researcher in my field of political science.”


For Samron, it was his father’s wish that he study at FCCU. Although his father is no longer alive, Samron fulfilled that wish, majoring in economics and minoring in education. Samron’s sister works in a school and is the sole earner in the family. The family made education accessible for him and he wants to give back to them for their tireless efforts. “I really appreciate FCCU and its donors for believing in me and giving me a chance to study here.”

Dr. Jim Tebbe, the current rector of FCCU, will complete his service in 2020. Please pray for the search for the future rector to continue the progress made by Dr. Tebbe with Friends of Forman first and then as the rector of Forman Christian College.

As always, we appreciate your generosity. Receive our thanks on behalf of Forman Christian College, the faculty and students. We will keep you informed when prayers are answered.

The Outreach Foundation Team

Read more about Forman Christian College HERE.

The Outreach Foundation is seeking gifts totaling $27,000 to support a chaplaincy ministry at Forman as well as scholarships for students who come from poor families. Make a gift HERE or by sending a check to our office.