Inyambo Mission Center - February 2017 Update


Greetings in Jesus’ name from the Western Province of Zambia, 

Lemmy Simataa

Lemmy Simataa

Praise be to God for his grace that is sufficient all the time. I would like to share my sincere gratitude to God Almighty for answering prayers concerning our general election, which went well despite some tension. In this report, I will focus on testimonies coming from the field where our trained evangelists are serving the Lord. I will also share with you some progress from our current Live School classes.     

The first report comes from Obby, an Inyambo graduate who shares a story about one of the current Live School students. Lemmy Simataa is confined to a wheelchair. He is an amazing evangelist. He pushes his wheelchair in the sandy soil of Mwandi reaching out to lost souls, praying for people in their homes, and serving as a volunteer at an orphanage in the village. Lemmy is evidence that the Lord can use anyone regardless of his or her physical disability. Pray for Lemmy as he continues in his ministry and in his training to become a church planter.

Pastor Imasiku Mubuyaeta leads a team in Gwembe village in the Southern Province of Zambia. He is one of the local pastors with our evangelist training team. When the team went to the village of 83 households, 70 souls gave their lives to Christ. The Lord’s power was manifested in that place. There is so much hunger for the word of God. We need more laborers in these villages. Pray for these new believers and for Pastor Imasiku as he is involved in the Live School training with some of his team.

Pastor Arnold Mudenda is a friend of the ministry and graduate of Live School in Mwandi. He is the senior pastor of Pilgrim Wesleyan Church in Mwandi. He is the pastor who hosts the Live School that Obby is facilitating. He recently planted a church in Lipumpu, and he is planning to plant more before the end of this year. Pray for him so that he can continue to plant more churches in Mwandi District.

The current Live School trainings are progressing very well. The Sesheke Live School class will be done in December. The Mwandi and Livingstone classes will be completed next year. We intend to have a joint graduation next year for the three schools. These three classes are busy with the 26 video courses played on portable Live School units that can be connected to any television, providing 242 hours of teaching.

Live School is an affordable and portable mission training tool that is easy-to-use and taught on-site in many urban and rural areas of the world. It is an outcome based curriculum, teaching:
1.    Character and Spiritual Development
2.    Foundational Theology
3.    Foundational Missiology
4.    Principals of Research
5.    Ministry Skills
6.    Acts of Kindness
7.    Cross-cultural Ministry
Live School graduates are released by their pastor into the field to evangelize the lost, plant churches, transform their communities, mobilize existing churches to missions, and start more Live Schools. The Live School curriculum empowers national church pastors in areas of the world where there is little or no mission teaching – to train, disciple and send their own church members as national missionaries who take the gospel to their local communities and unreached areas around the world.

Live School student

Live School student

We kindly request you to pray for us:
•    for the youth summit in the Western Province capital of Mongu where I will be ministering on empowerment and missions
•    for the Southern African retreat for Live School hosted by World Mission Center in Pretoria
•    for the adjacent country of Angola which is a new territory of expansion for the Inyambo Mission Center
We have received invitations from Angola to come and train evangelists; so, starting next year, Inyambo Mission Center will be rolling out Live School into Angola.

The Lord richly bless you,

Percy Muleba
Director, Inyambo Mission Center

Outreach is seeking $10,000 to go towards the approximately $40,000 in construction costs for Inyambo Mission Center.