Bill and Bette Bryant Crisis Nursery - February 2017 Update


Kevin Jr. with the Mabwes on the left and the House of Moses house mother on the right.

Kevin Jr. with the Mabwes on the left and the House of Moses house mother on the right.

Gifted with a New Name

Life began in a very difficult way for Gift. He was abandoned very shortly after birth and was brought to the House of Moses by the authorities in early 2016. After exhaustive investigations were carried out, none of Gift’s relatives were found and six months after his admittance to the House of Moses, he was cleared for adoption.

At the same time, Kevin and Mary Mabwe were dreaming of adding a son to their family. The devoted parents already had two daughters but longed to complete their family and had opened their hearts up to the idea of adoption. They were soon matched with Gift and began bonding with him at the House of Moses. Bonding progressed so well that Gift was permanently placed with the Mabwe family and was renamed Kevin Jr., after his new father. The joy of belonging to a forever family was evident on Kevin Jr’s face the day he was placed in their arms. The Mabwe parents were ecstatic to finally feel that their family was complete.

Thanks to each of you for your support. Your partnership changed the lives of the 39 children who were either reintegrated with family or adopted in 2016 from the Crisis Nurseries. The work still continues in 2017 and beyond to save those fragile lives from perishing. We cannot do it without you. 

Gratefully serving the least of these with you and in partnership with Alliance for Children Everywhere,

Ebralie Mwizerwa, Projects Coordinator
The Outreach Foundation

Read more about the Bill and Bette Bryant Crisis Nursery by clicking HERE.

Outreach is seeking $60,000 for the Bill and Bette Bryant Crisis Nursery to continue its work in God’s mission.