Forman Christian College - June 2015 Update


Dear Friends and Supporters of Forman Christian College, 

This update is a continuation of the one sent in January 2015 featuring additional student profiles.

As a supporter of Forman you understand more than most the impact a quality education can have on all students, especially those “in-need” minority students. We are honored to continue our partnership. Through your generosity, 98 students were able to attend Forman this year. The sons and daughters of farmers, shopkeepers, teachers and the unemployed, they could make the choice of education only because you through gifts to The Outreach Foundation made it possible. Of the 98, the majority were women (65) and over 30% of them are majoring in science-related topics. The next largest course of studies for the group was business with one student enrolled in Forman’s MBA program. 

Profiles of some Outreach Foundation scholars are attached. In addition to your generous ongoing support, do please pray for Forman Christian College (FCC) and the nation of Pakistan at this terrible time. Never before has the promise of the inter-faith dialogue that Forman protects been more important.

Suzanne Madison Hogg, Director of Development
Friends of Forman Christian College

Forman Christian College Outreach Foundation Scholars

Nawal Nawaz, BS (Hons.) Biotechnology, 2015

I would like to be a strong and well-established woman who can do something for her community. I want to be an educator and a scientist. For all of this to happen it is important that I first get educated myself.  

Education plays an important role in the development of a person’s personality. It gives  direction to the person’s life and the confidence to walk in that direction. And if you are a student at Forman Christian College, you can be certain that you will get all of this. FCC is one of the best institutes in Pakistan. It is the first university to offer a liberal arts education. 

The environment here is secure and friendly for students regardless of their religion and gender. I have had the opportunity to meet people from diverse backgrounds, and this has increased my acceptance of other people’s beliefs and opinions.

Along with all of this, FCC has provided financial support to me which has eased my father’s burden as he is the sole earner in the family. I know that with the education I am receiving here, I will have good career opportunities and will be able to provide support to my father. Thank you donors for supporting FCC and helping me get to this place.

Nida Javaid, BS (Hons.) Biotechnology and Education, 2015

I am from Sahiwal and am currently residing in Hope Tower, the new girls’ hostel that was built to accommodate additional female students from every part of Pakistan. Since I am a girl, it was very important for my parents to know that they were sending me to a secure place that met my educational needs. And FCC happened to be just the place. 

FCC has groomed me and changed me from a shy person to a confident individual. This is why my father does not regret his decision to send me here. Another reason he has no regrets is the financial help he has received in managing my educational expenses. Being a retired worker from Pakistan Telecommunications, it wasn’t easy for him to support both my education and the expenses of the family. FCC eased this burden through the tuition support program. 

I am very hopeful about my future goals. I would like to be a food nutritionist. And since I am also majoring in education, I would like to help create a system that helps educate women who cannot go to school. I have previously worked with an NGO that worked for women’s education and women’s rights, and I would like to continue this after I complete my education. 

Samreen Mushtaq, BS (Hons.) Mathematics, 2015

I am Samreen from Lahore. Coming from a low-income family, I do realize that in order to uplift my family I need to be educated. My brother, who is a tailor, has to manage the household expenses and also my educational expenses. This is why I am thankful to FCC for providing me with financial support and a good quality education. With the skills that I have learned here I know that once I graduate, I will be able to start my career in a very effective manner. This will be a great boost for me and my family. After graduation, I would like to further my studies in mathematics and also become a CSP (Civil Service) officer. 

Adeeb Masih, BS (Hons.) IT, 2015

My family lives in Narang Mandi. I am living in FCC’s hostel. If a person wants to establish himself in society, he needs to be educated. FCC provides quality education to its students and prepares them for the outside world. It also instills the spirit of unity and brotherhood among its students through its motto “by love, serve one another.” This is something that makes FCC different from other institutions. Keeping this in mind, FCC serves students from less privileged backgrounds the same way it does the ones from privileged families. I have been able to continue my graduate studies because of this. I am grateful to the donors who help FCC help students like me. Since my major is Information Technology, I would like to make a career out of this. I feel I have a long way to go career-wise, but I know with all that I have learned here I will be able to be a good IT specialist. 

Ammar Bin Saleem, BA (Hons.) Mass Communication and Education, 2015

In the world today, education is imperative for people who are looking for personal and professional growth. FCC is a blessing, and it has the reputation of being considered one of the best colleges in Lahore. The reason I enrolled in FCC was because it was among the handful of colleges who offered a BS in business for the lowest possible fee. Even so, paying for my education was difficult for my father who teaches and is the sole provider for the family. This is where FCC helped me financially and enabled me to continue my education here.

I cannot possibly put in words the way FCC has boosted my self-confidence. It enabled me to win the Leader of the Future award at the Pak Young Leaders Conference, a national award. I also know the path that I want to take in the future. After graduation, I plan on taking the GMAT/GPE for either an MS in public relations or an MBA to further enhance my skills and increase my marketability. All of these things are possible because of the belief that FCC has shown in me. I am thankful to the donors who helped FCC provide a platform for students like me.


Please continue to keep the students and faculty of Forman Christian College in your prayers.

Grateful for your partnership,

The Outreach Foundation

Read more about the ministry of Forman Christian College by clicking here.

Amount needed in 2015

The Outreach Foundation seeks to raise at least $2,300 per month for support of chaplaincy and student scholarships at Forman Christian College. To make a donation, click the Donate Now link in the sidebar.

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